Bullet Proof Coffee



  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    sgtx81 wrote: »
    DX2JX2 wrote: »
    sgtx81 wrote: »
    I drink Folgers instant with about 1/2 tablespoon of organic coconut oil, one teaspoon of Kerigold unsalted grass-fed butter, and a couple of zero-calorie sweeteners. It kills food cravings, along with my keto diet, so there is no eating between meals.

    Recently I also started eating only one meal, getting all of my calories in (except for my two keto coffees) at 3 pm each day (keto+intermittent fasting). I've been losing weight pretty easily.

    My calorie goal is 1900 for the day, but I don't hit 1500 including my keto coffees. Since I would need to eat nearly 4000 calories to maintain my weight, I have a pretty good calorie deficit going.

    All bpc or keto coffee does is curb appetite for ya.

    I know everyone is different, and even I admittedly lost weight pretty quickly, but please google "gallstone risk related to weight loss." While some of the 'facts' on this board can really just be dressed up conventional wisdom, an increase in gallstone risk with very rapid weight loss is very real and tangible.

    At a loss weight of 5 lbs. per week, you're way over the maximum recommendation intended to limit the risk of developing gallstones (3.3 lbs/week).

    I certainly appreciate your post, and I will absolutely do some reading on it and the exact causes behind it. I would just reference that many people have lost faster than I, who have been even heavier than I started out and did not report experiencing gallstones.

    My current rate of weight loss isn't necessarily intentional, and it will certainly slow down as the gap between maintenance and what I consume closes. I mean that I really can't make myself eat much more because keto foods are very filling and stay with you.

    And I realized coming back to this topic that I needed to change my statement on what keto coffee and bpc coffee does having done some research on c6, c8, and c10, which are in many MCT oils used in some keto coffee. c12 seems to be prominent in coconut oil, which has a different effect. Apparently, c12 goes through the liver whereas the other bypass the liver. I still need to do some more reading on that to know for sure if that info is correct.

    But on the other effect that I hadn't thought about last night, adding the coconut oil and butter to my coffee also prevents terrible heartburn I get from drinking coffee. That is off the topic of what you were saying, but it is the reason I came back to this topic, so I thought I would get it out in the same post.

    I do want to thank you again for the information on the gallstones, and I will certainly do some studying.

    The good news is that increased risk for gallstones does not mean that gallstone are a certainty and in many cases, the people who do develop gallstones do not develop the kind that cause problems. The gallstone risk happens because your body ends up breaking down too much fat during rapid loss and your body can't process it all. If you lose at a more moderate rate, then fat will break down at such a rate that your body won't have a problem using or clearing it out.
  • sseqwnp
    sseqwnp Posts: 327 Member
    edited October 2017
    Is it ok to just drink coffee, then eat a couple chunks of butter later?

    I find that munching on butter all morning seems to do a pretty good job of keeping me feeling full...
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    sseqwnp wrote: »
    Is it ok to just drink coffee, then eat a couple chunks of butter later?

    I find that munching on butter all morning seems to do a pretty good job of keeping me feeling full...

    Or spread it on a piece of bread, add jam, and drink coffee with that.
  • JustRobby1
    JustRobby1 Posts: 674 Member
    sseqwnp wrote: »
    Is it ok to just drink coffee, then eat a couple chunks of butter later?

    I find that munching on butter all morning seems to do a pretty good job of keeping me feeling full...

    Wait......what? You eat sticks of butter by itself?

  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    flippy1234 wrote: »
    DX2JX2 wrote: »
    flippy1234 wrote: »
    Well, I have tried it for a few days now and I have to say that Having the Bullet proof coffee in the am, has made it so I am not too hungry until about noon. So, it seems to be working. If I did not have it in the morning, I would usually be starving by about 10 am and need a snack. So for the last 3 days, I have had just lunch and dinner. We will see how long it lasts but I feel pretty good.

    Did you previously eat any sort of breakfast prior to starting on BPC? If so, do you find the coffee more filling than another calorie source?

    Yes, I am full until lunch time. I use be be starving by about 10 am if I ate breakfast. Usually an egg with toast or oatmeal or toast with peanut butter. Now I am fine til it's time for lunch, around noon.
    I can now easily stay within my daily calorie limit for losing weight. Before, I had a hard time as usually went over.
    Mind you, I have just been doing this since Monday but so far, so good.

    I'd be hungry by 10am too, on a breakfast like that tbh. Throwing some dairy and fruit in there would have made it a far more satisfying meal.
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    If I drank bulletproof coffee in addition to what I eat now... Guaranteed I'd gain weight. Just thinking of all that oil and extra calories makes me sick.
  • lexmb1
    lexmb1 Posts: 17 Member
    edited October 2017
    Just the thought of it makes me want to... hurl. Yuk! Why, or why would you want to do that? ... I did however enjoy the dog stories :-)

    *Edited for grammar
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    katadx wrote: »
    If I drank bulletproof coffee in addition to what I eat now... Guaranteed I'd gain weight. Just thinking of all that oil and extra calories makes me sick.

    The BP coffee is in place of your breakfast, not in addition to. Yes, you would likely gain weight doing both.