Do you workout everyday?



  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    I would love to workout every day, but I have learned through the years how important rest days are. I usually workout 2-3 days straight then take a rest day, repeat.
  • penelopeyvonne
    penelopeyvonne Posts: 97 Member
    I think I am the laziest, most undisciplined person I know!

    When I first started with MFP, I exercised maybe 10 - 15 minutes (and not too strenuously!) perhaps once or twice a week. That's slowly built up to 40-45 minutes every day - not too strenuous, but I am doing Just Sweat (and boy, do I!) for over half of that time and a mix of other cardio for the rest.

    I rarely eat all my calories back.

    I now feel guilty if I don't do it - guilt is *such* a powerful motivator!! - I met a friend for coffee after work the other day and didn't get in until almost 8pm, so I didn't do it (and felt grumpy AND guilty. Luckily I live alone so it was only me who had to put up with the Grumps & Guilts :laugh:) And anyway, I kind of like that smug "Look what I did" feeling :blushing: - it's taken me 40+ years to get properly motivated and I am SO not stopping now.
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    Strength training 6 days a week. Sometimes I supplement that with running once or twice a week. Currently attempting to bulk, so I eat back all my calories.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    I generally take 2 rest days a week. If I don't, I find that I am often too tired to go really hard during my workouts.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I found that it helps to keep a little dry erase (or regular, whatever) calendar on my wall just for workouts. After I work out, I write down what it was and calories burned according to my HRM. That way, later in the week I can see what I've already done and if I can take a rest day or not, and what type of workout I should do to mix it up. I know we log our workouts here too, but having it on the calendar helps a lot. I don't work out every day. There's usually at least 1 day a week where I really don't want to or have other stuff going on. If you skip multiple days in a row though, it's so much harder to get back into it.
  • IronMan_DuhamNC
    That's great news, by consumer ing enough calories you should almost begin to hate eating. This means your fuel tank is full, and that your metabolism is running like a tiger. A good plan is to keep alternating between strength and cardio. Something you probably know. So if this is the case you an afford to skip a day here and there, just don't let it become a bad habit, they are hard to break.
  • zipnguyen
    zipnguyen Posts: 990 Member
    That's great news, by consumer ing enough calories you should almost begin to hate eating. This means your fuel tank is full, and that your metabolism is running like a tiger. A good plan is to keep alternating between strength and cardio. Something you probably know. So if this is the case you an afford to skip a day here and there, just don't let it become a bad habit, they are hard to break.

    I unfortunately know this feeling of eating a lot in the off season and eventually not liking it so much but that's when deep into the off season
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    Usually 5 days a week; total body work out doing compound lifts, only do about 20 minutes of cardio for a warm up; it takes me about 60-75 minutes.
  • arl1286
    arl1286 Posts: 276 Member
    I'm very active. I don't have a set "workout schedule"-- I usually just plan my runs in advance, and they end up being 5 or 6 times a week. In addition, I try to lift 3 times a week when I'm at school (and have access to a gym) and I usually go on a short 4 mile hike twice a week or so when I'm at home (and have access to a mountain lol).
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    I usually do Intro to Dynamic Training Mon, Wed and Sat and it's for an hour at my gym. I do 15 min of cardio before that class also if not more. Tues and Thurs I usually do Water in Motion cardio class for one hour and water jog 15 minutes before that class at my gym. Sometimes I don't make Thursday cause I need to mow my huge yard (with a push mower) and then do dog agility training so if I don't make it to the gym on Thurs I feel I still got a workout with the mowing of the huge yard and then running with my dog in class. I try to also take bike rides too through out the week and weekends. I do morning exercises also before work that take about 20 minutes Mon-Fri also.
  • sagefitnessfanatic
    Absolutely not. Muscles need time to recover AND your body only builds muscle tissue when you are not weight training. Simply put, you build muscle while you are sleeping, not while you are at the gym. I usually have 2-3 rest days/week. My body loves and thanks me for it : )