Ideas for slipping my boyfriend more calories



  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    @AprilRenewed, I cook dinner almost every night so I just put food on his plate once I cook it. I put less on my plate. I don't need to do that. I just do it because it's not a real bother to do.

    I get it. I've done that for my husband a time or two. But he prefers if I just let him serve himself. I guess I'm spoiled by his outlook. I didn't mean you were a horrible person or a servant to your husband or anything like that. :)

    Alright lol. I guess I do it so I make sure I don't put too much on my plate. He eats a lot so I give him the rest.
  • Sylkwyrm
    Sylkwyrm Posts: 75 Member
    i didnt read this whole thread so sorry if this was already asked, but why doesn't he just cook his own food? Or make his own snacks? Why do you have to be in charge of that? Not trying to be rude, it's just he sounds like he's making you cook everything like you're his mom

    I'm a good cook. I enjoy cooking. I cook for my mom when I go to visit her. He is quite willing to cook but breakfast and lunch usually slip his mind and when he cooks dinner I get steak (no veggies or starch to go with it). I guess I could go on an all steak diet with him.....
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I completely get the whole 'forgetting to eat' thing. My husband forgets to eat a lot when he's busy and I'll admit that I do as well.

    And I also understand you're wanting to feed him so that he doesn't drop a ton of weight and end up looking not-so-good.

    I think that larger portions at dinner is the key however I don't know what you can do to get him to eat when he's at work. And FWIW: When I worked in Corporate America and I made my lunches the night before I would also make my husbands lunches because although he works at home he doesn't always have time to make himself something to eat. I would also send him an email or something (which maybe you can do that?) and say something like "Don't forget the salad that I made you!" or whatever.
  • Sylkwyrm
    Sylkwyrm Posts: 75 Member
    I am totally confused by this whole thing. Are you his girlfriend, or his mother? Is he losing weight to the point that he is sick? Hair falling out? Has a vitamin deficiency? Is his doctor concerned and has him on an eating schedule and high calorie shakes or a feeding tube at home?

    Does he not eat to the point of being sick?
    He gets tired, absent minded, indecisive, and sometimes crabby. When he is tired, absent minded, indecisive he is more likely to put off eating. When he becomes crabby that's just no fun for anyone. And in the past (before he was dating me) his doctor was concerned about his low weight.
  • Sylkwyrm
    Sylkwyrm Posts: 75 Member
    you want to feed him you don't look bigger than him??

    am I getting this right?

    Thank you Dr. Freud. I look great! I'm a hobbyist model. I could be professional if I was 10 lbs lighter and 10 years younger. He looks great too. We are a cute couple! Is it weird to think that maybe looks aren't everything? Have you ever wondered if there was more to life, other than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?
  • Sylkwyrm
    Sylkwyrm Posts: 75 Member
    He's a big boy. If he's hungry, he'll eat. Give the guy a break.......

    Are you sure you're not just jealous that he's losing weight and he's not even trying?

    I'm totally completely 100% jealous. That must be it! Maybe I should just poison him so I don't have to put up with his high metabolism any more.

    Never-mind everybody! I think Diem just gave me the answer to my problem! ... anyone know where to get arsenic?

  • rddy4change
    rddy4change Posts: 13 Member
    Can you give him some of your loosed weight? Just strap those babies on him like saddle bags and BAM! Problem solved.

    Love this!
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    Give him some ben and jerrys every night for dessert!! Some people are so lucky, He probably wont even gain from rich ice cream.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I'm with the group that doesn't understand why he can't take care of himself?

    If I were a mechanic, and my BF's car was in bad shape, would you understand me wanting to help fix his car?

    I'm confused, you're a mechanic?

    No, but I am. I'd like to see what's under your hood. :wink:

    My check engine light just came on. Just saying.

    Pull in to my bay. Lemme check that out for ya.
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    you want to feed him you don't look bigger than him??

    am I getting this right?

    Thank you Dr. Freud. I look great! I'm a hobbyist model. I could be professional if I was 10 lbs lighter and 10 years younger. He looks great too. We are a cute couple! Is it weird to think that maybe looks aren't everything? Have you ever wondered if there was more to life, other than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?

    Just loved the Zoolander reference.

    I see no problem with you wanting to cook for your bf :) I love to cook. I'm sure he takes care of himself and contributes in many other ways.

    I'd throw out some ideas, but I see a lot of great ones already said. Dressings always work too! Whether on sandwiches or greens, some of those babies rack up the cals fast! Along with adding nuts and such.
  • Sylkwyrm
    Sylkwyrm Posts: 75 Member

    Just loved the Zoolander reference.

    I see no problem with you wanting to cook for your bf :) I love to cook. I'm sure he takes care of himself and contributes in many other ways.

    I'd throw out some ideas, but I see a lot of great ones already said. Dressings always work too! Whether on sandwiches or greens, some of those babies rack up the cals fast! Along with adding nuts and such.

    Thanks M andeenicoleb!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I would like to say that I am stunned by all the snarky responses that people have given but I'm really not.

    Seriously people, what's wrong with her wanting to cook for her BF and make sure he's eating so that he stops losing weight? Why does this mean that she's "mothering" him or jealous?

    It cracks me up how people want to try and start drama or arguments when there's really no reason for it.
  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member
    My boyfriend is kinda similar, he loves to eat a lot but he still look fit as hell, he says he can cook, but since we been together, all he ever cooked was top ramen noodles and had difficulties trying to cook a chicken breast and I had to help him lol. All cute haha. But I would say make him spaghetti and meatballs! High in calories and delicious :)
  • chrisvinci
    chrisvinci Posts: 49
    Never let him be the one 'on top' if you know what I mean.
  • LB2812
    LB2812 Posts: 158 Member
    I am really surprised how divisive this post ended up being :noway:

    Anyway, I understand and basically agree with everyone suggesting bigger portions. Whatever diet it is you're following and cooking, give him more! I would still try to make sure they're health-ish things though. Like adding beer & ice cream might help him put on weight but it won't be very healthy if that's what you're going for too!

    I gained a lot of weight putting the exact same amount of food on our plates, now I give myself a little less & him a little more. Might add more cheese to his food (he's a cheese addict & it's really the only dairy he eats). A sandwich? More peanut butter on his, heavier bread, a little more mayo, more of the protein, etc. He likes to snack on almonds so he'll take those to work. If there's snacks your boyfriend does express a higher interest in - buy em up! My husband will eat the whole container of hummus if it's in front of him... not the worst thing in the world for him lol How about smoothies or protein drinks? There's lots of stuff you can put in those! Flax seeds, yogurt, peanut butter, fruit, you name it... Maybe your boyfriend can make one with ice cream & peanut butter & you can have yours a lighter way (for instance).
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    try and maybe text him during the day with reminders to have something to eat.
    just cook more of what you are already eating and give him more of a portion. that's what i do, it's just my partner and i but i usually cook enough for 3 or 4 servings, and he eats the rest
  • danivee33
    danivee33 Posts: 33
    Larger Portions.

    When I was with my ex, he could eat a whole bag of spaghetti by himself or a whole large pizza.

    Try to be healthier than that though. :)

    I understand your worry for your boyfriend as I went through the opposite worry with this guy. He ate too much and much of the wrong things.

    If you're gonna put candy on his desk for calorie intake. Peanut or Almond M&Ms are the best because at least there's some nutrition in them.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member

  • SerahLaffere
    SerahLaffere Posts: 223 Member
    She's concerned about her other half, jeez people back off :noway:
  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    I know what the women here are talking about, and I know what the guys here are talking about. I'm exactly like the next guy.

    The reason it's so hard for guys to maintain weight in general is that we have much higher calorie needs than women in general, and with so many people buying/cooking/eating healtheir foods that are also more filling and less calorie dense, it can be the downfall of a man's body.

    What I started doing recently, was to use MFP to track my calories to make sure I'm getting the right amount. That's really all there is to it. Track the calories, and lift weights. Eat 100-200 calories over maintenance + burned exercise calories, and then tweak from there to fine tune if needed.

    It's actually not an extraordinary amount of calories. I need about 2700 on an inactive day, and around 3500 on a super-active day. Compared to the caloric needs of most women, it might seem like a lot, but again, it's really not that crazy. I usually eat about 2800 a day now. I'm usually about 10g under for fat by the end of the day eating this amount.