Is it okay to eat fast food every once in awhile?



  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    Don't feel bad about eating. I ate an entire pint of chocolate peanut butter ice cream one day last week and still lost 2 lbs. I would recommend not doing that and actually eating in moderation but...

    Anything is OK as long as you have no medical condition barring you from enjoying it and you eat in moderation.
  • jodynolte
    jodynolte Posts: 243 Member
    If it stays within your goals, it's fine. A healthy lifestyle doesn't mean you have to deprive yourself from things you like to eat or going to get fast food sometimes. Do things in moderation and your weight loss will be more sustainable.

    Totally this. You can eat somewhat healthy fast food too... salads, grilled chicken. Just choose wisely.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    What's done is done. Move forward now and don't stress out about choosing convenience over nutrition. If you want a treat every once in a while, and your health won't suffer from it, go ahead and have a fast food meal, if that's what you like. Personally, I find fast food bland and disappointing these days. Well, except Pizza Hut. Pizza Hut is the devil. :devil:
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Pretty much ANY food is okay "every once in a while.
  • melindafritz
    Yes control portions
    stay under calories
  • challenger9509
    challenger9509 Posts: 286 Member
    I eat out a good bit because it fits in my daily lifestyle..i just plan ahead before I go out and buy it and make sure it fits. There are some good choices you can make eating out. Everyone is not on the same health plan and can make different choices.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    Heck I'm eating leftover Domino's veggie pizza today...which, yes, means I had fresh Domino's veggie pizza a few days ago. So long as it fits into your daily plan, you don't want to have too drastic a diet; are you going to avoid any and all fast food the rest of your life? This is a great time to practice making healthy choices when circumstances require it.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Enjoy your fast food once a week. There's nothing wrong with having a day once in a while to eat the things you crave. You could even have cheesecake, which I'm going to do tomorrow. ;)
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I feel that long term success means finding a way to live life, including fast food, birthday cake, martinis, wine, Christmas, Easter, Halloween candy etc.

    Why, just yesterday I ate 3 pieces of pizza. I was high on my sodium, but everything else jived for the day. I certainly do not give food the power. I make the choice, I eat the food, I burn the calories. It's all up to me.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I have the occasional ice cream for dinner. No biggie, I love ice cream but don't eat it in those volumes every day.
  • rc2paris
    rc2paris Posts: 26 Member
    Yes, it's okay to eat _________ every once in a while.

    Why did I put a blank there instead of saying fast food? Because that applies to EVERYTHING. Unless you have a medical allergy or sensitivity to a certain food, there is NOTHING you can't include in your diet as long as you remember the phrase "IN MODERATION"

    I totally agree! Just because you're trying to be healthy doesn't mean you can never eat out, or have sweets. But in moderation, everything can be enjoyed every once in a while.
  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    Hi there, I feel kinda bad now. I ate chick fil a on my lunch break from school. I was really hungry and didn't have time to drive home to grab some food. I tried to make it healthier though. I ate a regular chicken sandwich (no butter no pickles) a medium fry (no salt) and a bottle of water. It totaled to 800 calories and 39 grams of fat. Outrageous right? i still have plenty of calories left for the day and nothing is over what my daily limit is on MFP. I actually still have plenty of room for a light dinner.

    I rarely eat fast food now, if i do its chick fil a every other week for a day. I plan on going to the gym later and working out but im not sure if i kind of ruined everything for the day. i'm not saying im dropping everything and being done i'm continuing this weight loss journey but i need some encouragement.

    It's already been said that no food is bad food, so I won't expand upon that.
    I will say that whenever I eat chick-fil-a I like to get the 12 piece nuggets and a coke zero. The nuggets are 400 calories with 41 grams of protein and 19 grams of fat with only 15 carbs (14 net). They also have a decent amount of iron and no trans fat. Definitely a pretty solid choice for fast food.
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    I had chinese takeout on Sunday and have just hit my lowest weight. :-)

    Everything in moderation!
  • GnosisGnosis
    GnosisGnosis Posts: 148
    I haven't had fast food in 3 years... Seems pretty sustainable to me.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Obligatory twinkie diet reference has been made.

    That out of the way, I'd be lying my keister off if I claimed not to eat well proportioned rubbish multiple times a week. I'd be fine with eating this way until hell freezes over, and that's why I'm continuing to lose weight with it. I'm not afraid of TEH TOXINZ!!!1 ...and even if I was, I think developing my mom's mobility issues and diabetes would scare me more.
  • nyrina4life
    nyrina4life Posts: 196 Member
    Hi there, I feel kinda bad now. I ate chick fil a on my lunch break from school. I was really hungry and didn't have time to drive home to grab some food. I tried to make it healthier though. I ate a regular chicken sandwich (no butter no pickles) a medium fry (no salt) and a bottle of water. It totaled to 800 calories and 39 grams of fat. Outrageous right? i still have plenty of calories left for the day and nothing is over what my daily limit is on MFP. I actually still have plenty of room for a light dinner.

    I rarely eat fast food now, if i do its chick fil a every other week for a day. I plan on going to the gym later and working out but im not sure if i kind of ruined everything for the day. i'm not saying im dropping everything and being done i'm continuing this weight loss journey but i need some encouragement.

    Chick-fil-a every other week? You're probably already dead.

    In regards to the 'all ready dead' comment, you're joking, right???

    To the OP - It's fine. Just don't make it 3 times a day, seven days a week. My ex-PT LOVED his McDonalds, and had it once a week. He's still healthy as a horse (whatever that means o.O)
  • JuantonBliss
    JuantonBliss Posts: 245 Member
    Fast food is TERRIBLE! But this is a life style change, to say you are not going to eat fast food ever again is not realistic.

    I actually have to disagree. After becoming vegetarian I swore off all fast foods because like you said, they're horrible for you. I tried Taco Bell once while I was out with an ex and friends and it made me so sick to the point that I just about threw up. After that I never touched the stuff again. It's not hard to give up the stuff, it's all about sheer will and wanting to change.
  • phdiva12
    phdiva12 Posts: 79 Member
    It's good to contain the explosion. Meaning, that if you don't let yourself have certain foods once in a while, you're more likely to binge and it's harder to stay on your plan. I eat Chic fila every so often. I get the regular sandwich, but no fries!
  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    Yes it is ok to have some fast food. 85% of my food is intended to be good body fuel. The other 15% is intended only to let my taste buds party like the little rock stars they are. It's about finding balance you can live with every day for the rest of your life
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member