Less alcohol-December 2017-one day at a time



  • SanDiegofitmom
    SanDiegofitmom Posts: 303 Member
    Good article!
  • Alpha12
    Alpha12 Posts: 251 Member
    I've been on-and-off alcohol for the past week. I'll do well for couple of days and then I get tempted and have the wine. I can easily drink a bottle of chardonnay by myself and usually do. Staying away for couple of days is not that hard for me, but I would really like to quit for at least a month and see how that goes. I have 35 lbs to lose which I've gained over the past 6-7 years because of my wine consumption and it's time to get serious about losing the weight. While I've been kind of limiting wine now but I plan to completely eliminate it in January. I would love to join a check-in if there is one. Reading your posts and knowing I'm not alone in this, has been inspiring for me. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    No alcohol yesterday...which makes my first week without alcohol in about four years....a very big step for me!!
    I feel so so much better..I even look better...I am losing weight, working out, and learning guitar...I am very pleased at my new life.

    I am so happy for you. Seven days is a long time. I told my girlfriend who I like to go out with that I am thinking of quitting drinking. She replied, "oh please, not yet." She understands, but also she feels she will miss her fun drinking buddy. I can't wait to see what the new year brings for you and all of us on this thread. I have always wanted to learn guitar. Best wishes!!

    AWW! Thank you and best wishes for you for Christmas and the New Year!!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @MaryBethHempel _You are doing fantastic! You too @westschmeis!

    I had one glass of wine last night. Not bad, but I have not had an alcohol free day this week. I have still cut back consumption, so I am trying to not be too hard on myself. Family has officially started arriving for the holidays, so I am not even going to try and pretend that I am going to stay alcohol free this weekend, but I will keep it to 1-2 glasses per night. I am with you @JulieAL1969 , looking forward to the new year and a fresh start. I finally am starting to feel like I actually WANT to make this change thanks to this thread. I think that has been the biggest thing holding me back.
  • Alpha12
    Alpha12 Posts: 251 Member
    No wine yesterday and I'm feeling good this morning! Did some running around today and I will probably have some wine later since I'm meeting some friends in the evening. Next week will be busy with family get-togethers but I'm actually planning to completely eliminate alcohol starting on Sunday, Dec 31st. I want to wake up on New Year's day feeling fresh, energized and ready to get serious about logging my food and start my workout rotation. I usually do my "main" workouts early in the morning, but I have signed up for Brett Larkin's 21 Day Yoga Detox Challenge that's offered free on youtube, and will be doing it in the evenings. Hopefully, this will make things easier and will take my mind off wine. Good luck to all. Thank you for inspiring me. :)
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    Thanks you all for the inspiration and motivation. 1 week and 2 days alcohol free. I am feeling healthier and losing weight. I am on day 21 of the 30 day Shred and on level 3.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,192 Member
    How many are planning to do a dry Jan? I am planning to give up wine for the month (I also started intermittent 16:8 fasting) - I’m turning 40 in March and have a goal to be my healthiest, and fittest possible. Maybe whoever is doing dry Jan we could make a challenge group?

    Count me in for dry January. Yes we could set up a challenge thread for Dry January. Good idea ! Yesterday I had nO alcohol . Slept like a baby! And today will
    Head to the mall with my 77 year old dad for our annual tradition.
    He and I have gone Christmas shopping on this day for 45 years in a row - it's a treasured tradition. So blessed !
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,192 Member
    Thanks you all for the inspiration and motivation. 1 week and 2 days alcohol free. I am feeling healthier and losing weight. I am on day 21 of the 30 day Shred and on level 3.

    Bravo! You are really inspiring me ! I bet you look and feel so good! I'm
    Proud of you! Will you keep it up in January? Love to read about your progress.

  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,192 Member
    @Alpha12 I love your idea of no alcohol on December 31. What a difference it would be to wake up refreshed instead instead of hungover on January 1st!
  • Alpha12
    Alpha12 Posts: 251 Member
    I'm definitely doing dry January, and will join the challenge. I had some wine yesterday and I'm not happy with myself now. I am more than ready to quit drinking for at least January.

    MaryBeth, congratulations and good luck! You're an inspiration to me.

    Julie, we can do this!
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    Alpha12 wrote: »
    I'm definitely doing dry January, and will join the challenge. I had some wine yesterday and I'm not happy with myself now. I am more than ready to quit drinking for at least January.

    MaryBeth, congratulations and good luck! You're an inspiration to me.

    Julie, we can do this!

    Thank you much! Today I am having wine spritzers....I really felt pretty tense and thought that I have done well and I can allow myself to have some wine. I will probably have some wine for Christmas and New Year's Eve., but keep alcohol free the rest of the time. Hopefully I didn't wreck being an inspiration...I intend on being very strict about alcohol intake, but allow some wine days also. The best wishes to you for a very Merry Christmas, and of coarse, a blessed New Year.
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    donimfp wrote: »
    Woo hoo! So glad to have found this thread on Dec. 23. I just read all the posts. Everyone is so inspiring. MaryBeth, you are really an inspiration! When I've gone some days without drinking, I, too, notice that my husband's breath smells like alcohol. Surely when I drink, that doesn't happen to moi! I think I'm in the same place as CrazyKatLady. I've just about concluded that it takes too much damned energy to plan and portion and obsess about when and how much and where I will let myself drink. It's easier to me to abstain completely. That said, I can hardly remember the last day I had no alcohol. Today will be that day. I am so in for a dry January. I'l going on a girls' trip to Italy in March so really want to take off some pounds before then. Good thing there is no wine in Italy, right?

    Thank you much! Today I am having wine spritzers....I really felt pretty tense and thought that I have done well and I can allow myself to have some wine. I will probably have some wine for Christmas and New Year's Eve., but keep alcohol free the rest of the time. Hopefully I didn't wreck being an inspiration...I intend on being very strict about alcohol intake, but allow some wine days also. The best wishes to you for a very Merry Christmas, and of coarse, a blessed New Year! If this doesn't work for me, I may have to abstain completely....we will see! :)

  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,192 Member
    donimfp wrote: »
    Woo hoo! So glad to have found this thread on Dec. 23. I just read all the posts. Everyone is so inspiring. MaryBeth, you are really an inspiration! When I've gone some days without drinking, I, too, notice that my husband's breath smells like alcohol. Surely when I drink, that doesn't happen to moi! I think I'm in the same place as CrazyKatLady. I've just about concluded that it takes too much damned energy to plan and portion and obsess about when and how much and where I will let myself drink. It's easier to me to abstain completely. That said, I can hardly remember the last day I had no alcohol. Today will be that day. I am so in for a dry January. I'l going on a girls' trip to Italy in March so really want to take off some pounds before then. Good thing there is no wine in Italy, right?

    Thank you much! Today I am having wine spritzers....I really felt pretty tense and thought that I have done well and I can allow myself to have some wine. I will probably have some wine for Christmas and New Year's Eve., but keep alcohol free the rest of the time. Hopefully I didn't wreck being an inspiration...I intend on being very strict about alcohol intake, but allow some wine days also. The best wishes to you for a very Merry Christmas, and of coarse, a blessed New Year! If this doesn't work for me, I may have to abstain completely....we will see! :)
    No worries! You made some significant changes for the last 8 days. And enjoy the wine for the holidays. No judgements here. I'm having wine right now while I'm baking pies. I know we've all grown because we have each other to motivate. Small changes will equal big ones in January. Xoxo
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,192 Member
    donimfp wrote: »
    Woo hoo! So glad to have found this thread on Dec. 23. I just read all the posts. Everyone is so inspiring. MaryBeth, you are really an inspiration! When I've gone some days without drinking, I, too, notice that my husband's breath smells like alcohol. Surely when I drink, that doesn't happen to moi! I think I'm in the same place as CrazyKatLady. I've just about concluded that it takes too much damned energy to plan and portion and obsess about when and how much and where I will let myself drink. It's easier to me to abstain completely. That said, I can hardly remember the last day I had no alcohol. Today will be that day. I am so in for a dry January. I'l going on a girls' trip to Italy in March so really want to take off some pounds before then. Good thing there is no wine in Italy, right?

    We are similar. If I portion or regulate my wine intake, I just crave more. I think I'm an all or nothing girl. So, January will be a great start for us. Losing weight, loosing puffiness, loosing the craving... I am ready to have a dry January. When in Rome,.... well, I'm sure you will enjoy yourself with or without wine. Do what you feel like doing when the time comes. I look foward to hearing where you go in Italy. Such a beautiful country!
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    donimfp wrote: »
    Woo hoo! So glad to have found this thread on Dec. 23. I just read all the posts. Everyone is so inspiring. MaryBeth, you are really an inspiration! When I've gone some days without drinking, I, too, notice that my husband's breath smells like alcohol. Surely when I drink, that doesn't happen to moi! I think I'm in the same place as CrazyKatLady. I've just about concluded that it takes too much damned energy to plan and portion and obsess about when and how much and where I will let myself drink. It's easier to me to abstain completely. That said, I can hardly remember the last day I had no alcohol. Today will be that day. I am so in for a dry January. I'l going on a girls' trip to Italy in March so really want to take off some pounds before then. Good thing there is no wine in Italy, right?

    Thank you much! Today I am having wine spritzers....I really felt pretty tense and thought that I have done well and I can allow myself to have some wine. I will probably have some wine for Christmas and New Year's Eve., but keep alcohol free the rest of the time. Hopefully I didn't wreck being an inspiration...I intend on being very strict about alcohol intake, but allow some wine days also. The best wishes to you for a very Merry Christmas, and of coarse, a blessed New Year! If this doesn't work for me, I may have to abstain completely....we will see! :)
    No worries! You made some significant changes for the last 8 days. And enjoy the wine for the holidays. No judgements here. I'm having wine right now while I'm baking pies. I know we've all grown because we have each other to motivate. Small changes will equal big ones in January. Xoxo

    Thank you Julie...You are encouraging. Yes, it is wonderful that we all have each other to motivate. I wish the best to you for the holidays. Looking forward to the New Year! XOXO