Let it GO! Decluttering (simplifying) your life of (people, places or things) success stories?



  • snoo61
    snoo61 Posts: 549 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    I made myself a yoga studio!! I've been practicing handstands every day since June 1st, and wanted more room than I had in the lounge.

    Our only child is 25, and living 300 km away, so I decided to make a studio out of his room. He said he wouldn't mind.

    My OH helped me put the desk and chairs in the garage. We put the bed base against the wall so our son can use it when he visits, and the mattress against another wall for me to do handstand wall drills against.

    I'm so happy with it!


    Congratulations, its beautiful!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    snoo61 wrote: »
    Donated 10 dog beds/rugs today! I've been decluttering my yarn stash, making beds/rugs. I put all my scrap (won't use) yarn on the spare bed. I can see 1/3 of the bed now. The girl at the shelter was thrilled. Working on the next 10. :)

    Absolutely tremendous! Way to go, you winner you!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I spent a good portion of last year and some this year decluttering the home of stuff. Still feel so far off getting rid of all the stuff I'd like to. I've kinda come to a slow at it but will be jumping back into the pursuit of a more minimalistic home. I've got some toxic friends that I have kinda let go somewhat until she clears up her drama. Still some other to work at in the relationships areas though.

    Yay you! This getting rid of the multitude of EXCESS "stuff" (including toxic friends, family etc.) is so much like our weight loss mind-set. It's NOT a one size fits all nor a I've "arrived", it's truly a developing and nurturing of a new "frame of mine and new habits" and choices. It's a daily thing and genuinely new type of lifestyle/thinking/living. Just like it took some of us YEARS to become overweight, obese and morbidly obese, it's going to take many (if not most) of us time to get into the mode/pattern/inclination of living with less and keeping our inside and outside homes and lives in real order and less mess/stuff. You're on your way and again, YAY YOU!!!!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    I LOVE THIS POST! Very inspiring, OP - gave me some motivation and helped me remember where I've come from!

    Two, almost three years ago now, I had a shift. I cut out drinking year one. I cut out smoking year two, and this year I've cut out relationships that no longer serve me. In that time I've also managed to let go of a lot of stuff - clothes, shoes, trinkets, school supplies, etc. And also, habits - no more going out every weekend, or having to see every concert that strikes my fancy. No more wanting for the weekend and wasting the week. I planted my roots firmly with my family and started cultivating a better relationship with myself first, and then with my partner. I realized that stuff does not fill me up - it just fills up my house. I can't pour from an empty cup so I had to find out what actually did fill me. It was fresh air. It was heart to heart talks with my partner. It was waking up early and earning overtime to save for a house. It was playing with my dog till we were both dog tired. I tripped - I stumbled - I got back up and I'm back at it! Do I have plenty more stuff I could still do without? Sure do! Will I continue to press on in the directions of my dreams? Sure will!

    ...W o:) W 1,000,000 Kudos, hip hip HOORAY for you, you winner you--.W o:) W again. Talk about inspiring this post sends me to the moon (and back) with joy, encouragement and delight--Boom!!!!! You Rock, period.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I am looking forward to reading here..Thanks OP!!

    Me too...reading these posts are so tremendous to/for me--I'm learning a LOT and am getting so many fabulous and helpful/doable tips and pointers here. My pleasure and thanks for taking the time to post here! <3o:)<3
  • snoo61
    snoo61 Posts: 549 Member
    I found out that Habitat for Humanity will take kitchen items, well household items, but my kitchen is on my list.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    snoo61 wrote: »
    I found out that Habitat for Humanity will take kitchen items, well household items, but my kitchen is on my list.

    Also a great place to pick up things for renovations (when needed). I know we're decluttering here, but if you're looking to upgrade something.

  • snoo61
    snoo61 Posts: 549 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    snoo61 wrote: »
    I found out that Habitat for Humanity will take kitchen items, well household items, but my kitchen is on my list.

    Also a great place to pick up things for renovations (when needed). I know we're decluttering here, but if you're looking to upgrade something.

    Then you are letting things go. I follow. Thanks
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited July 2018
    I read the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up around the same time I started counting calories and I totally agree that decluttering can help with the mental part of weight loss. It's so much easier to cook when I'm not having to dig around a bunch of clutter in my small kitchen, easier to exercise when I can't use cleaning as an excuse, and having a clean space is so much better for my mental health which is very very helpful. I think I've gotten rid of at least 15 kitchen garbage bags of stuff and I haven't missed a single thing yet.

    I highly recommend the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up if you're interested in doing a big decluttering. The author is straight up crazy but I don't think the book would be nearly as good if she wasn't nuts. I took a slightly less aggressive approach than she recommends but still more aggressive than most (ie haven't used it in a year or two). Her philosophy is very helpful for reminding yourself that no, the world will not implode if you get rid of something and need it later, and you most likely will not need it anyway if you're debating getting rid of it.

    WOW Isn't it utterly and completely amazing that you don't miss a single thing you've rid yourself of...AMAZING!!! I've (to my utter amazement) have gotten rid of a ton of stuff (almost literally) and I don't miss a single thing AT ALL, again WOW!

    Even of ridding myself of toxic relationships, which I use to think impossible and too scary to do, BAM! I don't miss a single one and actually am at sooo much peace/contentment and even joy without them. Letting "stuff" (people, places and things that contributes to one's self-destruction--even if "LETTING GO" may mean even if the person is still in your life, NO LONGER going along to get along and "minimizing" contact, fellowship and company of said toxic person...NO longer allowing them to have your "power over and in you and NO influence whatsover, no matter who or what or where" and not giving them a split second of your peace of mind or "inner-space" AKA learning to say "NO" and with a loving, but I MEAN BUSINESS spirit/attitude, period. TO TOXIC PEOPLE AND EVEN YOURSELF WHEN YOU FEEL THAT yucky thang coming on and over you-refusing with total and uncompromising giving way/place to any person, place or thing that hinders your walk and new way of thinking, living, being, period.) and once we do learn to say NO and mean it consistently, how y/our general unhealthy thinking and living is minimized and is so FREEING, like a monkey and albatross off of your neck and back. YAY, thanks so much for posting this--I didn't even think of it until you posted. YAY YOU!!!!
  • MindfulNat
    MindfulNat Posts: 83 Member
    Last week my 3 kids helped me declutter their bedroom closet and mine too. We donated about 12 bags of clothes!!! 12!!! Felt so good!!!
    Next stop is the kitchen.
    Question to those who got rid of bad relationships...how did you do it ? Simply stopped talking to them? Did you let them know you were going to stop?
  • snoo61
    snoo61 Posts: 549 Member
    momofoli wrote: »
    Last week my 3 kids helped me declutter their bedroom closet and mine too. We donated about 12 bags of clothes!!! 12!!! Felt so good!!!
    Next stop is the kitchen.
    Question to those who got rid of bad relationships...how did you do it ? Simply stopped talking to them? Did you let them know you were going to stop?

    That's wonderful! I'm itching to get to my kitchen too.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    "Less consuming, more creating."

    Absolutely love that.

    That's defined where I'm getting to be lately.
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