Hiding Weight Loss From Friends



  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    I did not hide it from people but I also didn't make an announcement. This was my own personal battle. When people started noticing the weight loss and asked if it was purposeful, I told them it was.
  • BatCola
    BatCola Posts: 64 Member
    I don't really say much, unless asked. Years ago, I did tell everyone, and you wouldn't believe the amount of people who tried to sabotage my efforts, offering biscuits, cakes, sweets, etc. It was really annoying.

    Also, if I am out and about and am offered something calorific to eat - I don't say "No I can't I'm on a diet", I just politely say "oh, I've just eaten and I'm not very hungry". If you say you're on a diet , they turn into Mrs Doyle from Father Ted - "You'll have some.. are you sure you don't want any? Aw go on, you'll have some. Go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on GO ON! ! Lol!

    Yep this is why I hide it... bottom line some people become jealous... say you're on a diet it's caddy-bar the door here is food, buns, and chocolate.... So yeah... I can relate.
  • Korkor90
    Korkor90 Posts: 13 Member
    You dont need to mention anything...unless you are a social butterfly and you are always out with them. Then is when it might be needed to they dont unknowingly try and eat food that you are strictly trying to avoid. But besides that dont mention anything unless people notice and then begin to ask you.
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    I don't say much to co-workers. In the past, when I did, and I had noticably lost weight, that's when they would offer me the snacks that are usually in the hallway. But, when I don't say anything, nor does anyone else. I just don't want it to be known for the same reasons.
  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    I am so confused by this thread. I read the words, but they don't really parse.

    Why would anyone ever announce that they were on a diet, or changing what they eat, or anything to anyone who doesn't have a practical need to know? Of course you'd tell your doctor, your trainer, and anyone you need help from - I certainly had to ask my husband to stop bringing my trigger foods into the house. Other than that, whose business is it? What do you accomplish by saying anything? Do you enjoy drawing people's attention to your weight and to what you eat?

    "Would you like some cake?"
    "No, thank you."
    "Aw, come on."
    "I'm don't want any, but thank you. [Change subject]"

    "Why are you eating salad?"
    "I felt like a salad. [Change subject]"

    "You look like you've lost weight. Are you on a diet?" (SO rude and should never come out of anybody's mouth, but I know that's the way the world works.)
    "Hm? No. [Change subject]"

    I eat more healthily than I used to and I get more exercise. Besides me, who really cares? It doesn't change who I am. My husband and friends love me just as much either way. ...I don't get it.
  • dawn_h_d
    dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
    Thanks for all the points of view. I really appreciate it. I am just the type of person that has not done things in the past due to the possibility of failure (not just losing weight), and since I have "relapsed" (I don't want to say fail) before, I am just trying to find out the best places to get support.

    Luckily for me, my group of friends are quite diverse - men, women, short, tall, skinny, fat, etc - and it does make for a great group of folks, but not all of them have the same issues as me and vice versa. As an example, I don't have kids (no particular reason - just don't), so I admit I do not understand all the issues that can arise with kids.

    In 2009, a friend of mine started on diet pills from her doctor the same week I joined Curves. We didn't know each other was doing it, and it just came out in conversation a couple weeks afterwards. She lost more weight, and has kept it off, but I almost feel like I have more of a victory because I have not used meds to control my weight/appetite. It did become a small competition. I am happy for her, we just had different points of view on losing weight. I will also admit that I am sort of jealous that she did keep it off. I wil be honest about that.

    What it comes down to, is that I want support, but at the same time I want no competition this time. I know it seems very petty, but that is one reason I am excited to have MFP.

    Again, thanks everyone. Good luck!!