

  • janie12835
    Eileen - you were the final push I needed to try a plank, more specifically a forearm plank. All of 15 seconds, but a start as you said.

    Janie ~ Pacific NW
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good afternoon ladies, this month is flying by. I as working 12 hours shifts this weekend so not alot else going on. Since I am off Monday and Tuesday I will weigh in the morning. I have been doing the squat challenge. I try and do 5 at a time. Alot harder then I expected. My knee is woundering what I am trying to do. May have to try something else. Well I did it yesterday, I gave away 3 of my shirts that are way to big. Afterwards I wanted to go get them back. It was like losing a dear friend. I have several more shirts and pants that need to go. I tell myself I will not gain the weight back if I weigh every week and remember this is a life style change not a diet. Hope it gets easier.
    I go a phone call here at work from a dear friend. She told me she has an infection in her breast and the first round of meds didn't cure it and now there is bleeding, so Tuesday morning she has to have an biposy. It does not sound good. Please say a prayer for Lee.I feel so helpless.
    Joyce- Don't beat yourself up. Food talks to me and I think if I just eat it and I will feel soooo much better. But that doesn't happen. Important thing is not to give up and tomorrow is a new day and a new start.
    Pat- Sending prayers to you and your sister. Let us know how the meeting went. Years ago I went to AA and I learned alot. Great news about Guy. God does good work.
    Liz- HUGs and prayers. Let God's peace be with you and your sister is so lucky to have a sister like you. It is hard to see someone we love in pain. I think it is our nature to want to make it better and when we can't we feel helpless. One thing I learned voluteering with Hospice and sitting with patients as they go thru the last days is to let them talk. Sometimes that is the best we can do.
    Robin- I have always wanted to go to Canada or on an Alaska cruise. Both are on my bucket list.
    Sandy- I just passed the 100 pound mark and have 97 still to go. My doctor tells me not to do anything until 2 years after I reach goal. He tells me that the skin will form and firm up about 75%. I hate surgery and have seen pictures of what they do to remove skin. So I sure hope he is right..
    Amanda- Glad you got the belt. Just don't over do.
    DeeDee-I just had several spots froze at the skin doctor this last Friday. One place on my arm they did a biposy on in March and has never healed. And she did one on my top lip. Looks like someone punched me. She told me I need to wear sunscreen when out in the sun and when riding the motorcycle. I think it feels funny, but have to if I don't want this to be a yearly deal.
    grandmallie- sounds like the guy at the gym has the right idea. I keep telling myself this is a life style change and not a diet.
    Michele- I keep mine in my pocket from the time I get dressed in the morning until I get ready for bed. I envy you that get over 10000 steps a day. I feel lucky to get 4000. I have been trying to walk more.
    Well have a good evening ladies and I will be back tomorrow. I have acouple things to finish before my shift ends, it has been a long day. Our patient count is only 46 and we have 138 beds. So phones and answering service has not been busy today.
    Vicki GI NE
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Janie, You go girl! I think what I'm doing would be called a forearm plank too. My arms are so weak! But I did one yesterday and another today. We can do this! Eileen

    Vicki...praying for you friend along with the others on here who are having struggles.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    well all I can say..is:sick: I can barely move.. have been going non stop since about 4:30 this morning and just sat down now..
    got 15,000 steps in ,but what a day...
    worked until noon, came home,got spagetti and meatballs for my FIL, took the dogs for a quick walk and off I went to feed and visit with him...
    from there I drove to the super walmart and spend way to much the DH is gonna have a fit, but went by a list, and went bonkers in the produce section,got all sorts of tomato's,baby carrots,onion,fresh peaches ,gonna let them ripen and grill a few and bought some little vanilla ice cream cups to have with the grilled peaches,lemons, pears,celery...
    some fresh mozzarella, forgot basil, oh well
    got some low fat cottage cheese, rice cakes,lemon hummus, and a whole bunch of different colored peppers.got some puffed wheat cereal and my new thing is blue diamond unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 30 calories a cup and not the sugar content of skim milk..
    by the time I got home it was 6, had to put the groceries away,then feed and walk the dogs,just sitting down now with a glass of ice water.. wouldnt mind a cold glass of wine, but dont have any in the house and dont need the calories anyway lol
    DH got the Watkins Glen in one piece,the nascar race is tomorrow,s o he will enjoy that and he should be coming home monday,
    my itinerary tomorrow is,get up feed and walk the dogs,go to the gym, wait for the grass to dry from the morning dew and then mow the lawn..
    maybe sometime then I will be able to sit and relax:laugh:
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Been another busy day with lots of errands and another 100+ temp. I think the heat just takes all my energy. I've ready all the posts and love to see what everyone is working on. Sorry I can't contribute to the conversation tonight.
    I'll BBT
    Sue inTX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Vicki I think hospice is a wonderful concept. When Ii had to quit working as an RN there was such an empty spot in my heart. I was only 49, this wasn't the way I wanted to finish nursing. So I volunteered for hospice. I totally enjoyed the classes. I think we had to take like 40 hours of training. It was so invigorating to be among other people who also wanted to do the same thing and to be taught by professionals. I was back to caring for people!!!!! So then I was officially able to start my volunteering. It just didn't work for me. I am not a conversationalist at all. I don't know how to initiate anything and because of the cognitive issues that I had with MS I was forgeting to file the paper work. And if the paper work wasn't filed then the visit wasn't done and the agency could get in trouble. So with a much troubled heart I had to quit. I remember this one client that they asigned me to because of my nursing skills. She had end stage emphysema and her oxygen was so low that her brain had her in a different world. So basically I had to chase her around her apartment to try to keep her oxygen on. I physically couldn't do it. It was then t hat I knew I couldn't do it.

    My Mom was in hospice the last month of her life and it was so enlightening. my sister and I really wanted to care for her at her apartment with the assistance of the attendants there. But that didn't work out and she was in inpatient hospice the entire time. It made such a difference in my life.

    My sister and I decided to be accountability partners in this diet. She didn't have a scale, the scale at the Y seems to be inconsistent and when she is at the doctor, which is very frequent and that's a whole new story, she has clothes on, non fasting. I have a good scale so she will come over the same time every Friday and weigh. I told her all about my fudge incident last weekend and how it has affected me emotionally and on the scale. I hope we can help each other but with my sis it is usally all about all her medical problems, surgeries, medicines and pain. Even her son in law has called me asking me how to deal with her. She has alienated both her children.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    katla - I'm sure your daughter's dog will bounce back. When PJ was diagnosed, he was a 20 lb cat. He went down to 9lbs! Once they diagnosed him as diabetic, he lived many more years. That pt "gym" sounds really good for you.

    Sandy - if it were me, I'd wait. A lady I worked with lost a lot of weight and she had the extra skin cut off. It took, literally, a few months before she could even go back to work! that's not to mention that she couldn't go in the pool. Her problem was that she had so much skin, she would sweat and it would start to smell. I think that's one of the things that prompted her to get that done. But it took a VERY long time for the healing.

    Joyce - sending feel better vibes to you

    Heather - big congrats on the two minutes

    DeeDee - so glad the doc appts went so well.

    joannekemp - welcome to a great place for motivation and support

    Melanie - it just started raing here, too. As I recall, I think Lowe's Hardware is out of stock of ark-building supplies....lol

    Heather - I really don't know if my mammo schedule is typical or not. When I was in my 20's (back when the dinosaurs roamed....lol) I had quite a few fibroadinomas removed. As a matter of fact, I had so many and they were always fibroadinomas, that the MD stopped taking them out. I guess that's why I go once/year.

    katla - good luck at the meeting!

    Pat - how wonderful for Guy!!! That's just amazing.

    janie - loved graphic! Really made me smile. Great start on the plank

    computa_cat - welcome. Our cats find the computer interesting, too. They are fascinated by the "mouse"

    Eileen - keep it up with the plank!

    Gini - I use Ground Clean on the brick path in front of our house. I've also been using a paver sand. You brush it on like sand then wet it lightly and it's like cement.

    Went to the farmer's market. The guy who has the real good corn on the cob wasn't there. It seems when he went to pick it yesterday, his entire field was run over. Boo for him (and me). I did get some red okra which I cut up and froze (poor freezer is brimming over), some corn on the cob from this other guy but I don't think it's as sweet, a cantaloupe that I haven't cut up yet and some cherry tomatoes. Came home, made ginger cookies to send to my girlfriend in Switzerland along with a few other things she asked for, roasted the chickpeas that I'd soaked yesterday, cooked up the corn, cut the red okra and froze it, now have a pork roast in the oven. Will be leaving in a bit for church -- I have to serve tonight. When I get home we'll probably have dinner then Vince wants to move the furniture into approximately the places it should be downstairs.

    Vicki - sending prayers for Lee

    grandmalle - I like that unsweetened almond milk, too. Unfortunately, there's only one store around here where I can get it. But at least I can get it! What does your dh do with NASCAR? My hubby is a big NASCAR fan

    We started to put the baseboard in the place where it belongs downstairs, I know Vince got a bit annoyed because it appears ServPro threw some out, probably the pieces that really broke. You know, I'm getting a little bit anxious because the Newcomer social is in two weeks and I'd like to have the downstairs presentable. I know, I have two weeks. But I also need to clean. Guess I'm just too anxious. Tomorrow we're going to go to Lowe's Hardware to see if they have matching baseboard.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    computa_cat: You supply motivation, and we supply support. Good luck. Hope we see you again.:flowerforyou:

    Vicki: Prayers for Lee. It does sound scary.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Your emphysema patient was so much like my mom at the end. Mom gave herself the disease, one cigarette at a time. I hate cigarettes. :angry: I am so glad you now have your sister as a partner in weight loss. I hope it provides both of you encouragement.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: We live in a little town out in the country—without a farmer’s market. But there is a farm-store about 12 miles from here that we buy from during the season. They close shortly after Halloween each fall and then open in the spring. I we’ve been buying the best corn there. The cultivar is Peaches N Cream & they grow it themselves. Some of the produce is theirs, and some comes from other growers. We had some of their green beans steamed for dinner tonight.:love::flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    "I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself." - Mikhail Baryshnikov

    :flowerforyou: this quote is for everyone who is adding a plank to their workout.........if you add 5 seconds to the plank you started with, it is a the same accomplishment as the person who adds 5 seconds to their three minute plank.......we try to plank better than ourselves not better than anyone else.

    :flowerforyou: :heart: hugs to all my hardworking friends,
    Barbie from NW Washington
  • janie12835
    Barb - thanks for the reminder to test against oneself, I mostly wanted to put it out there that I'd actually done one! Could've knocked me over with a feather & I never would've tried it without that extra nudge from Eileen along with hearing all of you who can do them discussing it. Wait a minute, I'm one of those now, (cue the tittering laughter) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Janie - Pacific NW
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    morning ladies,
    Michelle-DH is just a nascar fan, we used to go to the Pocono race in Pa., and to watkins glen,n.y., he has been to the homestead and daytona races too. I have not.
    well hot damn I am down another lb. guess all that running around helps :wink:
    wore different shoes yesterday and my heel is sore today but will still go to the gym, will just wear my other sneakers.
    did get an e-mail back from fit bit-I have to take a screen shot of my order from amazon and I think they will send me a new one:bigsmile: in the mean time just pluggin along with the pedometer..
    does anyone else drink warm lemon water first thing in the morning? anyone notice a difference?
    I guess its supposed to detox your system
  • 56pickupsticks
    Glad to find this support group :smile: My goals are to drink lots of water, eat healthily, and exercise daily during August. I have done this for the past two weeks until late last night...I have health problems that maintaining a normal weight would alleviate; finally willing to walk the walk! I look forward to reading your posts.
    KMMRN Posts: 104 Member
    Happy to join this group; looking for motivational support.
    KMMRN Posts: 104 Member
    Hi 56.....you mentioned you stuck to your goal until "late last night". Do you have your weakest moments in the evenings? (I know I do.) One of my strategies is to have Mexican cocoa, it seems to satisfy my cravings without bloating me up:

    1 cup skim milk, sprinkle of salt, 1/4 teaspoon vanilla, pinch of cayenne, 1/4 teaspoon cardamon, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 1/2 tablespoons cocoa. Microwave 1 minute, stir like the devil, microwave one more minute. Add any amount of coffee (decaf or regular).

    What strategies have you found that work for you?
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning............well,as it stands now, my goal is simply to get back to measuring, weighing, and logging food and resume here on our thread. I thank every one of you; your written words both here and in messages meant a lot and came to mind often in the last few days. The funeral is over and a few of us have been taking turns staying with my friend. The service was lovely and his ashes have been spread at a beloved location. All four of his children spoke of their father, but now they have returned to their various lives.

    I need to pick a day to gear up my mindset to re-start and it will be Monday. I have read a little off and on; can't possibly mention everyone, although I would like to.

    Heather..........your words about suspended time were spot on; very best of luck if (when) you go back to your book writing

    Meg........I did laugh about your skirt story; it was a bright spot

    Liz..........I can only hope that you sister is in no pain and you get to share some more of her lucid moments

    Once again, thanks to each and every one. Welcome newbies; you've found the right place!

    yanniejannie..........midAtlantic w/ incredible humidity
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    welcome ladies,
    you will find we have become a great group of friends from all over this wonderful world, that help support and encourage each other on our weight loss journey..
    yes we all have slip ups -but ya know what you just keep on movin and get back on track .
    both dogs ate - which is a miracle ,because usually Homer is very picky and wont eat in the morning.. took them for a short walk,
    will have a quick cup of tea and off to the gym, and to walmart again, looking for little storage containers that I can make for snacks to put in my lunchbag for work, gonna cut up peppers strips and get little jars with lids to put hummus in..bought cute little yellow and grape tomatoes called delights.. will pack those with cucumbers too.
    didnt by much in the way of chips or salty stuff, still have the reduced fat triscuits to have

    the picture on my ticker is our home down in florida-it is a double wide manufactured home at the back of the park-behind us is state owned land that will never be built on ,lots of wildlife out there..
    look up La Casa Mobile Home Community,North Port,Fla. and they have a beautiful website.. get to go down in october for 9 days cant wait!! havent had a day off other than scheduled ones since I was down there last December
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    Good morning my lovelies and welcome newbies! Tell us where you come from and something about you. We are very chatty on this thread and, I guess, very nosy!:tongue:

    Today I switched the resistance up one notch on the elliptical and recumbent cycle. I could definitely feel it in my legs, but didn't push it on the times as I am wary of my knee, which has been a problem since I was 16. I could feel the muscles above the knee working hard so that should be good for it.

    Well done all you PLANKERS! It's great to gradually build it up. Such a feeling of accomplishment when you manage another 5 seconds.:flowerforyou:

    DH off to cricket today. He is here for lunch so we are having our left over skinnytaste.com Easy Spinach and Feta Pie. I really love this and it has become one of our staples. I eat double portion for dinner, but still 250ish calories and then have the final 1/6 for lunch each the next day. DH likes it with mango chutney and I have it with chilli sauce! As always! Tomato salad and a slice of wholegrain bread - magic! For dinner I will make low fat cauliflower cheese so I can eat mine earlier if I'm starving before the cricket finishes. DH can microwave his when he gets back. I will add a few zucchini from the garden and there are enough runner beans now for a small side portion. They have been so rubbish this year - normally we are drowning in beans by now, but the weather was so hot they didn't set. I have had a nosy at the gardens of much more experienced gardeners than me and their beans don't look any better, so it was nothing I didn't do. We watered every night, but to no avail.

    Tomorrow we are off to London on the train to babysit DGS for a couple of days while the childminder is having an op on a blocked intestine. The extended family on both sides is taking it in shifts for August until DDIL is off on maternity leave. Doing next week as well, but DDIL might bring him down here for a couple of days. He has not been away from them for so long before so it will be interesting! It will coincide for one night with a visit from DSIL, so busy, busy.

    My DB rang last night before his holiday in Spain and we have arranged for the family to come over for lunch when they get back. It is quite a relief for me as I was worrying they didn't want to see me. It's been difficult to keep in touch recently and I wasn't sure why. As Barbie says - don't take it personally! I have a sneaky feeling though that DSIL, who I love very much, is a little challenged by my weight loss. All DB's family is huge and DB has diabetes 2. His other news was that my niece, who is 37 and the only thin one, is pregnant!!!! She has just celebrated the 18th birthday of her eldest and the youngest is nearly 16. Needless to say it was not planned! The marriage has always been difficult and she has left him several times in the past so it is all a bit of a shock. I'm sure, in the long run, it will be a wonderful blessing, but she was one of those women who took a long time to find herself, get qualifications and come into her own and was looking forward to a new lease of life. I hope she doesn't smoke through this pregnancy. I will drop her a card to give my support and good wishes.

    OK, must serve lunch so DH can get off. I take him to the cricket and will then pop to M&S for a bit of posh grocery shopping. Wont be cooking tomorrow night. Will be eating my son's delicious food.

    Love from Heather in showery Hampshire UK:flowerforyou:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Joannekemp505 :smile: Welcome Joanne! Come in often and chat with us! This thread is a wonderful way to keep motivated! Yep, you gotta do what works for you!

    Darla :smile: Hope your Saturday was wonderful!

    Melfitnesspal :smile: Rain and clouds:angry: ….not fun especially when you`re on vacation! Remember to wear your sunscreen, even in the clouds!!!

    Katla :smile: A topic that will raise some eyebrows:huh: , now you`ve piqued my interest:tongue: !

    Meg :smile: Hope you had a great time with your company! Still thinking about your snacky food…yum!

    Heather :smile: I finally got to where I could do a plank using my hands, just couldn’t hold it as long though. We did the side plank too:noway: , I thought those were very uncomfortable!

    Pat (Phoo) :smile: Wonderful news about Guy:flowerforyou: !!!! Hope you`re meeting went well!

    Jane Martin :smile: Congrats on your increase in steps!!!!!

    Janie :smile: Hope you got your “work” done without a lot of “over thinking” and moved on to something that is much more pleasant for you!!! Congrats on that plank!!!

    Joyce :smile: I joined MFP in May of 2012 and found this thread the very next month, I`ve been here ever since:bigsmile: !!! It would be interesting to see how much this group has lost!

    Computa_cat55 :smile: Welcome!!! Come in often and chat! This is a great thread for motivation and support!

    Deb A :smile: When does school start back for you?

    Eileen :smile: I think every second of a plank counts!!! Congrats!!!

    Gini :smile: Welcome! Hope you come in often and chat with us! Your goals look good!!! Reminded me I have yet to set goals for this month:blushing: !

    Vicki :smile: Weighing yourself will keep you in this new lifestyle! Getting rid of too big clothes is like taking extra weight off:wink::happy: !!! Buy yourself a few new shirts to replace the ones you gave away. Thrift stores are a good place to go while we`re still dropping the weight!!! Prayers for your friend Lee:flowerforyou: !!! I wear sunscreen all the time, I had a skin cancer removed several years ago, scared me right into sunscreen year round!! The spots I had removed were just brown spots that I didn`t like. A spot on your upper lip…ouch:noway: . The one on my hand has popped up and looks like a blister, I wouldn`t want that on my lip….take care of it!

    Grandmallie :smile: 15,000 steps…woo hoo!!!! Hope you get to rest a bit today! Congrats on being down a pound!!!

    Sue in TX :smile: It`s so good to see you again!!! 100+ temps:noway: ….ick!!! Stay inside and stay cool!!!

    Michele :smile: I get a yearly mammogram too:grumble: , although I`ve been suggesting one every other year, my Dr. keeps saying we`ll talk about next year:laugh: . Oh dear…Lowe`s is out of ark building material….where can we go:huh: ???? I just saw on the news this morning the weather is supposed to be in the 70`s later this week…strange weather this year for sure!

    56pickupstick :smile: Welcome! Come in often! Your goals look good!

    KMMRN :smile: Welcome to you too!!! This is a great place for motivation and support!

    Yanniejannie :smile: You`re a great friend taking such good care of those you love:flowerforyou: !!!

    Well it`s my day to don the tiara:wink: and boss my guy friends for an hour or two. I so love being around these guys, and being Queen for the day:bigsmile: !!! Got to go get myself ready to rule the table at Starbucks!

    Have a wonderful Sunday my friends!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in damp foggy NC:frown:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    DeeDee - when you talk about going to boss the boys around on Sunday I always wonder where/how you met them. What is the background on it? I, too, have a couple of true friends that are male. Because of distance and schedule we usually see each other just once or twice a year, but will text or talk in between.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Vicki, congrats on doing the squat challenge…if that’s too hard on your knees, consider joining us on the strength training challenge http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1069105-strength-training-challenge I know how you feel about giving away the too big clothes. I cried when I gave away my clothes. I kept some sweatshirts and t shirts to sleep in and wear for yard work but everything else left the house.

    Grandmallie, if your DH is spending money traveling somewhere for NASCAR, he should rethink being upset that you are spending money for healthy food.

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, setting a day to get back on track is a good idea…..I’ve missed you

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I don’t think I thanked you for your suggestion about putting my hand weights where I could get at them easily so I’d do some strength training…..it helped……while I was doing the squat challenge, I did many of the squats with hand weights.

    :bigsmile: Yesterday was my first official day on the strength training challenge. I had done that faithfully last winter and then found excuses to not do it so I’m happy at getting back on track. I started by doing something easier than I’d done months ago and congratulated myself on completing the routine.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, I get a mammogram every year….my doctor recommends it and my health insurance pays for it so I follow directions and go.

    :bigsmile: We went to our friend’s house last night for dinner to meet her new boyfriend. Jake and I both liked him. I ate a bit too much dinner but not so much that it made me crazy. They are coming over to our house today so he can meet our dogs and spend some more time with us. We’re doing an Isagenix cleanse day today so we’ll be taking it easy and hanging around the house.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”
