

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,316 Member
    Good morning all,

    Feeling a bit blah this morning for no reason whatsoever. Probably something to do with the recovery, but a bit annoying. Yesterday I thought I was coming down with DGS's cold, so maybe that's it, but no sign of it this a.m. I am not doing gymming this morning or anything. Just resting. DH was off to football this a.m. after a very bad night, so I hope he will be OK on the drive and not nod off. I always feel a bit flat when he has gone and that is often the signal to eat, so I went to the fridge, thought of you lot, checked myself, and picked out two mushrooms !!!!!:flowerforyou: I have planned to use up the languishing avocado with some king prawns for lunch. Chilli sauce, of course:bigsmile: For dinner we have Guinea fowl with roasted butternut squash and our own runner beans. No need to binge is there?!!! Will have to plan a low cal treat as I will not have exercise calories to eat. :sad:

    This pm I want to watch my film, but also have a bit more prep for Tuesday to do. I'm going to make a diabetic raspberry icecream with mini dark choc chips. Will halve even the small amount of sugar and use some Stevia. It's made with low fat Greek yoghourt and loads of fresh raspberries. Also will make a sweet pepper and chilli sauce for dipping Doritos. It's fabulous and freezes well so I can make lots and freeze little pots. Of course I will not be having any Doritos.:noway: Tomorrow I want to make some scones in case they are still hungry after our walk round the lanes! If not they can stay in the freezer and will be perfect for feeding up DH.:laugh: I am now exactly the same weight as him!:drinker:

    Feel a bit better after writing this. DH said he would buy me a 50 lb lost present, so I am looking at a VERY expensive Lulemon zip top. I would never spend that kind of money on myself as I think the brand is overpriced, but it does look nice:blushing: Hope he's up for it.

    The skies have been grey with rain the last couple days, which doesn't help. Glad I'm not out camping for the bank holiday like so many. All the camp sites in the New Forest, our nearest National Park, are full to bursting. Should be better tomorrow for them.

    Nearly time for my lovely lunch. Avocados and prawns are two of my favourite foods.:love:

    Heather in dreary Hampshire UK
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    :brokenheart: How do you say goodbye to a beautiful soul...she was my mentor..my best friend...my sister....how I got so blessed with such wonderful sisters....Martha you took a piece of my heart with you today....I can no longer look in your beautiful eyes and see the joy you got from your adorable grandgirls...see the spark that said do not mess with me or mine...the timid smile when her day was almost more then she could bare...thru the pain..the knowledge ...that she would not see her grandbabies become big girls...teens...graduate..get married...it pains me so to know this..to watch how wonderful her son turned out to be..a great father and care giver for his family....today... the memories of our time we had together....are both sweet and painful..but I will gladly take the pain to hold you in my heart...always....I love you Martha....and a piece of me has gone...and dear Lord it hurts...

    God has her now in His Loving Arms;
    I will love you always :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :flowerforyou: I just read the article in the AARP magazine about Bill Clinton becoming a vegan eater. He is about the same age as my hubby and me and had serious heart problems and made this huge change in his eating to improve his health. It was inspiring but not quite enough to make us take such a drastic step.

    Here is the link to article online

    :flowerforyou: I went to bed early last night (as usual)…..today we’re doing a cleanse day so it will be a restful day, then on Monday I finally have my appointment with the osteoporosis specialist in Seattle. The appointment is at 9 AM at a place we’ve never been before. We’re going to catch the 6:20 AM ferry which means leaving here at 5 AM. We have some great people scheduled to walk the dogs and come back and walk them again and feed them if we don’t get home early enough.

    :brokenheart: :heart: Liz, what a beautiful message and tribute to your sister…you will always have the memories and things she taught you and inspired you to do….my sister died in 1966 and I still have her with me when I tell her favorite jokes.

    :flowerforyou: Anamika, how awesome that you have pursued your goal of running…….I never took to running but I love to walk and prefer to go as early as possible to have the roads and trails to myself. When I was teaching, I was able some days to come home from work, change my shoes, and walk out the door for a walk before doing anything else (at that time I was single and didn’t have dogs).

    :flowerforyou: Jeanne, welcome….you have taken some awesome first steps on your journey. I have had to ban many foods from my house that I could not eat in moderation ---all sweets, cheese, and bread are the first ones that come to mind, but there are others. Even if you can’t be on your feet much, seated exercise is great----if you’re moving, you’re losing…..come back every day.

    :flowerforyou: I’ve finished my cleanse drink and will get up in a minute and head out the door with the dogs…..they don’t know what a rest day is :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from sunny NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Good morning ladies. I am marking my place as I am so behind. Hoping to get some time this afternoon. Going to go thru the closet and pack up everything size 4 and 5x. They are so big they just hang. Going to take them over to the home for homeless families. Last time i took some things over they were thrilled for bigger size things. Yesterday we rode the trike to Wilbur (125 miles) and back to a wedding. It was in the park and the couple is our age. Real pretty and they had a supper after so was late when we got home. Now today DH is working so plan to get some things done and DGD is coming over around noon for acouple hours. Hugs to everyone and remember one day at a time.
    Blessed! Vickil GI NE
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning ladies.
    Another hot day high 80`s -90.
    Have a good one.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Happy Sunday to all. We have been to church, DH is sleeping (he scratched all night), and DD#1 is on the phone with a great aunt in Russia. Boy my Russian is getting rusty; I couldn’t figure out who it was! We are in a heat advisory today with the heat index expected to be about 106. I’m going to work on the book then todays exercise is eliptical, yoga, and weights. Quiet thread here today!

    Moharma: beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing!

    Grandmallie: good for you to stick to your plan and eat reasonably at the picnic!

    DeeDee: have fun with your friends tonight. It is was too hot here for anything like that today! I agree with you about some of the other threads. I was on ediets for a while and it seems like everyone there was rude and arrogant, or totally co-dependent. The discussion boards were real downers, so I feel so fortunate to have found this one.

    Lila: glad you are back from vacation all safe and sound!

    Joyce: if the medication you gave your baby was an antihistamine for her allergies, it probably made her sleepy! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Nomi: welcome to our group. Some of the women here use Isogenix products too.


    Melanie: such a beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    Genealace: soap to a shower! That is hilarious. Could be practical too…..some pretty scented ones!

    Jeanne: welcome aboard! That must be frustrating to only be able to stand without your cane for such a short time. I wish you well on your journey to be healthier

    Anamika: thanks for the information on lemon and barley water. I may just have to try them! I will keep working on the yoga but I may shoot that dog LOL. I’m glad I do the tape at home instead of going to a class….I would look ridiculous! Congratulations on your running

    Heather: your food plans sound so yummy I am looking for cheap flights your way! YUM

    Liz: I am with you in your time of sorrow. Your honor of your sister is beautiful. I believe your sister will be looking down upon those she loves and will be present for those events.

    Barbie: I just got done reading that article about Clinton too. Very inspiring. Of course it helps to have a cook!

    Vicki: congrats on getting rid of the clothes that are too big! What a great accomplishment. I imagine the shelters don’t get a lot of stuff in larger sizes; we see requests for them all the time.

    Well I’m off to change from my church dress to something more suitable for work and for attacking the yoga dog later. Take care to all, Meg from Omaha where we have a heat advisory ( and DD#1 insists on mowing the lawn today instead of waiting til tomorrow morning!)!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good morning dear ladies.

    Liz:flowerforyou: what a wonderful tribute for your sister. You and her were blessed to have such wonderful friendship. She sounds like a wonderful person.

    Thank you for all your thoughts for my cat. She is much better today. I agree with the antihistamine effect. I don't think the medicine is an antihistamine but as the day wore on she was more and more active. She did manage to eat a little bit of her food last night and I see in her littler box that there is a little pee spot. She still has no interest in DH rubbing her belly. And to him she isn't OK until he can do that. I will call tomorrow and ask if maybe the dose is to large. I take a medicine that it took me about a week for my body to get used to it. and I just had to deal with the drowsiness for a week. I'm just so glad she is better.

    The jeans, I haven't had the courage to see how they fit yet. I know when I bought my 16W, I bought two different fits, regular and boot cut. I wasn't ab;e to wear the boot cut in public for while. I do wear those fine now

    Well my favorite golfer didnt do well in this weekends tourney and I'm unhappy but it was all his fault and he has done to much of that this season.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Quiet day so far. Yesterday was a day for chores, and today for...whatever I want to do.
    I had my old stand-by for breakfast: yoghurt and apple. Cut up the apple and microwave for a bit, add cinnamon, add yoghurt and mix. Yum. Could have added some flax seed, but forgot.

    I have signed up for a 5K on September 8th in support of Ovarian Cancer research. http://ovariancancerwalkofhope.ca/donate. First time for an organized walk again, since my back problems in the spring. 5 k is doable. Then October 13th - 8k with Victoria Goodlife Fitness, Victoria. Easing myself back into more activities. The September 8 walk will be on the Royal Roads University grounds. This is close to my house and a beautiful place.

    I am also still going for chiro treatments. But the test will be if I can walk without pain.

    The weather continues to be beautiful here on the island.

    I have read through all the posts and wish everyone a great Sunday!

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,316 Member
    Meg, I can tell you that the diabetic raspberry ice cream is to die for!:bigsmile: Hop on that plane!:flowerforyou:
    DH was swooning over the guinea fowl dinner. I did absolutely nothing to it, just put it in the oven with a bit of tin foil over the breast until 15 mins before the end. Then I rested it for a while with the oven gloves on top. Lovely thigh meat left for tomorrow's sandwich.:love: I didn't make the sweet pepper and chilli dip as hot as normal so the kids and DH can have some. It's a Nigella recipe and she calls it Jumbo dip, because it packs a punch. So, all prepared, apart from the scones, which I don't think they will have room for, but you never know!:noway: :wink:
    The sky has cleared now and it should be sunny tomorrow. Good tv on tonight - a new series about a woman detective, one of our favourites.
    Love to all. My best love and thoughts to those grieving and suffering. :heart:
    Heather UK
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    " I have been gone for a couple of days because I have been on an absolute binge of unhealthy eating. It started Thursday night and continued. To say that I am a compulsive overeater is the absolute truth. I know that I am totally powerless over food and it is completely unmangeable for me. If all of that sounds like a familiear statement, I am sure you understand where I am coming from. It was the littlest puchase that kicked it off. Popcorn kernels. Unhealthy for me because of diverticulitis and because it is a trigger food. Three nights of popcorn. I am in pain, and I am ashamed. The remaining popcorn is in the trash. I am back online. And, I needed to say all of this outloud. I am sorry if you are all tired of listening to me whine, but, when I am trying to regain control, I need to put things out in public."

    I posted the above paragraph on my home timeline and felt that I needed to say it to all of you, too. I have not thought through the situation enough to figure out if there was an emotional trigger for this binge, or if it was the food that triggered it. If there was no emotional trigger, which there usually is hidden someplace, then I truly do feel like a drug-addicted loser. (my judgment on myself, not on anyone else) I am punishing myself emotionally & mentally. My body is punishing me physically. The salt has swollen me up so that I can not get my rings on my fingers. My ankles and knees are swollen. And, the worst, my stomach is awfully painful. You would think that an intelligent person could stop these binges, wouldn't you?

    So, I am back to one meal, one bite, one step at a time. Thank you for listening..... I am sure you are all pretty sick of my whining....I certainly am.

    For today:

    breakfast: yougurt and berries; 1 slice toast w/ Pb2
    lunch: creamed vegetable soup (home made w/ lactose free milk)
    supper: slow-cooked pork over mashed potatoes
    snacks: watermelon ; 1 slice toast w/ Pb2

    That is about all I can come up with right now that will be fairly soft and easy to digest.

    Thank you for listening and being here, my friends. I will go back and read your posts for inspiration, and I will try to get myself out of my own pity pot by your examples. Thank you.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    :flowerforyou: I just wanted to check in... I have lost another 2 pounds this week. I had blood work completed almost 2 weeks ago and no phone call from the doctor's office - so I must be doing something correctly :bigsmile: :heart:
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    I did it. I made the call, and I connected with someone from the OA group here in Green Valley. I will be attending a meeting on Tuesday morning.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good for you phoo. I had some very wise women a couple of weeks ago that told me that this IS the place to whine since we have been in your shoes. In fact I think I still have one of them on. As long as the food isn't in the house or a don't got ot he grocery store with some one else I am OK. I guees in a way it's good we eat our supper meals out and I don't cook except for fixing myself lunch. Let us know how the meeting went and tell us any tips they may give you and what you learned. I'm sure there are many in here including myself that could learn from it. I just don't have the courage to step out and go to a meeting.

    I did try on the jeans. First I was surprised they went over my hips, then was bale to button them and then the zipper. They didn't feel comfortable and I'm sure I wouldn't be able to sit but they went on. When my sis and I cleaned out my closet I kept one pair of my old size 20W jeans so that I cold hold new sizes up tot hem and compare them. I was dissapointed that it didn't seem that much different in the waist.

    Take care, Joyce
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,767 Member
    darn~~~ I had it all written out and the site crashed on me..
    anyway.. Phoo- I went to a few of those meetings and they share such a wealth of information....
    I got up at 6 a.m. and never got to the gym, but am over my 10,000 steps anyway.
    got out the door before 7 am went grocery shopping, on the way home stopped to see my dad for a few minutes.. then came home and put the groceries away.
    then proceeded to make pumpkin cheesecake bars(low fat) will post recipe later
    cranberry bread for our new neighbors,white chocolate macadamia nut cookies, and oatmeal raisin cookies,made hamburger and beans for my DFIL,we brought that over and visited for a bit, then came home and I put an oven stuffer roaster in the oven with baked potatoes. DH did a load of laundry and did my sheets so I just put the bed back together.. just finished having dinner, I had baked potato with sauteed mushroom and onion.. yummy
    DH lunch is all set for tomorrow.to say im exsausted is an understatement.. I thought Sunday was a day of rest:laugh:
    hoping maybe to draw a bath and relax for a bit.. after I pull the chicken off the carcass .will be sleeping well tonight im hoping
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    I did it. I made the call, and I connected with someone from the OA group here in Green Valley. I will be attending a meeting on Tuesday morning.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Bravo for you to take this step......i know people who go to OA and it's an awesome program..one woman has been abstinent from compulsive overeating for more than 20 years---I wish you the best, one day at a time.

    :heart: Barbie
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Phoo-I too am a compulsive overeater.I did go to meetings and had a sponsor for years.When we moved,wasn`t able to go to any.They do have online meetings now and phone meeting.I wish you well with it.
    Hope everyone is enjoying their night.
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    It's been a busy weekend and tomorrow is Monday again. How does that keep happening? :noway: :laugh:

    Pat - Good for you for making the call. I too am interested in hearing all about it as I am a binge eater too.

    I'm off to bed as this week is going to be another busy week. Friday my DD and I are going to go and check out the Y.

    Have a great night everyone.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    NewMeNomi: Welcome to our group. It is fun when people sign with their location. We have women here from several countries, states and provinces.:smile:

    Jeanne855: Welcome. I started here because I wanted to be strong and healthy enough to enjoy my retirement and realized that my knee pain was caused by me being too heavy for my knees. :tongue: I’ve met some wonderful women, and had enough success that one knee is pain free, and the other is greatly improved. It takes a burning commitment to your heath and patience, but anyone can be successful. Please include your location in your signature. It is fun to know where people live.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I read the Clinton diet article, too, and also have no plans to emulate his practices. :noway: The moderate steps I am taking here seem to be improving my health to a very satisfactory level. I hope you have god news from the osteoporosis specialist, and will pass along any recommendations that will help us maintain our health.:flowerforyou:

    Pat: I hope you feel better soon. It worries me that you feel powerless over food. You are talented, strong, and competent. I hope you will be able to see that, too. Time to let yesterday go and move on with good actions for today and doable plans for tomorrow. Your planned meals look great. We are all with you, facing one meal, one bite, one step and one day at a time. Congrats on getting in touch with OA. Hugs.:flowerforyou:

    The kids are all gone for now, I’m doing laundry, and very pleased with our weekend. :bigsmile: We had SaTurkey Day for our son with his closest family, cousins and best friends. There was a Radio Controlled sailing regatta, with a need to rescue a boat stuck in the mud. :laugh: We borrowed a little rowboat from a neighbor and our daughter went to the rescue. We had turkey and all the trimmings, laughter, and good times. (and over ate) :blushing: Today the kids went up to our son’s place to have more time together, and we did a ton of laundry and loads of dishes. I am pooped, and tomorrow we’re set to drive to the Seattle area to pickup our daughter, let DH see our son’s new place, and have a little bit more fun before DS is deployed. Keep all of us in your prayers. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: OA? Could we all not benefit? What did you learn???? Are not all ...or most of us...compulsive over eaters? Is that not the issue?

    Grnadmallie. I also had written a post that got lost in cyber space. Oh well....

  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Phoo - This is one group you can whine to and congrats on going to the OA meeting. I am also interested in any tips, etc. you may learn! I can relate to your needing to say stuff out loud to make it real. I think we have all had our binges from time to time, though we may not pay for them in physical pain.

    Diet raspberry ice cream... - darn, I missed that recipe! I am now the proud owner of an ice cream maker (electric) and am looking for low fat recipes! Saw that gelato has less fat than most American-style ice creams.

    Weather is just killer here - nights are getting cooler (upper 40's last night) though days are still around 80. According to the forestry people, that combo means some really great fall foliage this year!! I love the fall - sweater weather is my fave. :heart: :smile:

    Still playing around with making low sugar jams - with all the fresh fruit, they are yummy! Now that our farmers' market has young ginger again, I may need to make some more of the mango-peach-ginger jam......

    Jill in western MA