

  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Joyce -
    No need to beat yourself up! We all have done things (or stopped doing things) and felt embarrassed/ashamed and/or that we have let someone down.

    Our Y has a program called Exercise is Medicine and you get into it by having your doctor write a prescription for you to join the program. It does cost $90 here for 3 months of any and all services at the Y - no extra charges for nautalis room or classes that normally have a charge to take. That's how I started about 18 months ago. I am still going - know if I start missing, like you, it would be way too easy to just keep missing!

    And your mom does know your heart - you can be spiritual without going inside a church. My mom was deeply religious and it saddened her when she became truly housebound and could no longer get to church. Still, she never left her faith behind, just wasn't able to express it the same way.

    Hugs, my friend! :heart:
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Meg, it is hot and humid here in Sudbury also really need a cool break, hope its soon I'm frazzled

    Joyce, my Dr. has me on pro biotic yogurt everyday and since January my stomach and bowels are much happier
    He told me everyone in my house should be doing the same and its worked for them too.

    Grandmallie, healing hugs (( )) going your way!

    Pat, I can identify with how your feeling being out of sorts sucks the life right out of me and makes what we know to do right even
    Harder to do, I'm glad your calling your sister at least she'll know you care!
    Best wishes to all take care and enjoy your day! Welcome to all newcomers

    Juanita from hot as hadies sudbury
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement guys. I have looked at all the Y provides. It does provide diabetic counseling and our local MS society will give you one session of water aerobics and I used that a couple of years ago. Trouble is with the not going tot he Y is that the embarrassment is within myself. For some reason everyone in the wellness room when I go in and exercise just keeps to them selves. I think that is part of the casualty of headphones and ipods. So people in there wouldn't know me from a hill of beans. But I know that I am a failure and the queen of procrastination. It is just so much easier for em to give in and stay at home. Michelle, my youngest daughter, the one who it has been a long road to get close to again, asked me if I could go with her this year on a one mile Fido run. It's a local fundraiser for the rescue agencies here in town. She doesn't know I haven't been to the Y in several weeks. She still thinks I am getting in good shape. It's Sept 15th and I really need to set that as a goal that I can walk that mile with her. I know to a lot of you walking a mile isn't anything but as one with MS it is a big deal to prepare for it. I know how important this fundraiser is to her. I got my cat from the same rescue agency she has gotten all her 3 dogs from and if my husband were a different personality I would love to foster more cats. But him loving our cat is enough for me. He knows when he dies one of the first things I will do is to foster some cats:laugh:

    As far as church, so many of the churches have totally changed their personalities. Modern music, huge memberships, you don't know the person sitting next to you. I'm used to singing out of the hymnal, my old familiar songs. They bring such comfort to me. There isn't a full band at the front, the drums and electric guitar that Dad would have had to turn his hearing off for.:laugh: I need to be able to find the old fashioned church. I tolerate going to my oldest daughter's, Christina, church because the ministers doctrine is sound. But he doesn't even come to the pulpit until the very end of the service. As far as I know he is at home sleeping in. The sanctuary is so big I can't see him. The whole service just doesn't have the same kind of reverance I am used to. I was a member of my church for many years. We were married there, both my daughters were raised there and baptized there. My husband was baptized there after many years of prayer. My girls were married in the exact place I was. I know a lot of the same people that were there when I left are gone. But a lot of them are there. Being from a preachers family I know that people do talk behind your back. So the solution is to find a new church. I know that I should ask friends about theirs but I really don't have them outside of who I had at that church that I'm not part of anymore. So I just stay home.

    My doctor just tells me to increase my fiber. I eat at least 2 apples a day, fresh veggies for lunch, lots of fiber in my grains, and Fibercon tablets. MFP has me over my fiber every day. I think it's just some MS involvement in the nerves of my bowels.

  • cws4me
    cws4me Posts: 25
    Ok I am trying for it seems like the hundreth time to lose this weight. I have over 100lbs to lose and though I think I probably know every trick in the book I eventually stop and some of the weight comes back on. I want to lose this weight once and for all and I know it will probably take me over a year. I have been reading your posts and I think this will be what finally gets me over. I am kind of private and do not do online stuff very much but I am hoping that with the support of many of you, I can stick to this. Iam not sure how exactyly this works. Do you just post every day? If someone can enlighten me, I would appreciate it. Have a great day everyone.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    I have dicided after reading the posts that it must be the weather getting to everyone. I was really down yesterday and went to bed figured today would be better. At 1245 I woke up having a bad dream, (wanted to smack DH and he was sound asleep) and a big time HOT FLASH. I have not had one of those for years. So I go up and figured I would sit in the recliner and talk to God. I do my best talking in the middle of the night. Well next thing I know the alarm is going off and it is 0445. Time to get up and get ready for work. So I have been up since 1245. This is my 12 hour shift day. Then I did my weigh in this moring and up 1.4 pound. Must say I was supprised as more then not this last week I have been under calories. So shaking it off and praying for a better week. I am feeling better this afternoon, but then that could be as I am really tired.

    Barbie-- great news from the doctor..

    Meg--Not sure if we will go out to the State Fair. It is so HOT and they are not having a christen concert this year. DH would like to go so will see. It will be one of those last minute deals if we go.

    Heather-- Glad you got the doctor appointment. Alot of the cancer nurses and Home Health nurses are so nice and really care about the patient.

    Robin-- Sounds like you got to enjoy part of your trip. I never understood why after a vacation I need several days to rest up before I go back to work.

    Pat-I hope your sister is open to taking your birthday call. I send cards alot as that way they can reread as they need. And I am chicken. I know I hear alot about journaling, but it scares me. When I was a teenager I had a diary. When it was full I threw it away. My dad found it and read it. He would bring up things all the time. I had a crush on this friend of his and he did not let me or anyone else forget. So everytime I try to journal I worry about who will find and read it and if something happened to me would I want my family to find it.

    Joyce- God knows what is in your heart and God is where you are. I know what you mean about impersonal churches. DH and I have attended different ones at different times. My thought is God puts us where he wants us at the time. With our CMA group during the summer we visit different churchs. My dad did not believe in church, all they want is your money. so until my folks divorced when I was 16 my church life was hardly anything. When I met DH he was raised Morman until he was 18 then had alot of questions they would not answer. So in the 30+ years we have been together we have went to alot of different churchs.
    I remember when I was 12-13 years old I just knew the world was going to end. I was so scared and would go home sick from school almost every afternoon. I thought if I was home I wouldn't go alone. I was so afraid of death and dieing. Then when I was 23 a friend shot himself in front of me and I about went over the deep end. Went to a counsler and he took me bowling. Well over the years I have come to know Jesus and am comfortable with my faith. I now am a voluteer for a group that we sit with people who are activily dieing and have no family or anyone with them. Boy I didn't mean to go on so. The important thing is God knows your heart and I am sure your mom knows also.

    Well about time to finish up for the day. Going home to bed early. Have a good night and keep logging.
    Blessed! VickiL GI NE
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thanks so much Vicki. Maybe the reason you were up on the scales today was that God put a lot on your mind

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Sorry I haven't really been posting, just been lurking and reading posts. I'm not enjoying the heat at all. It's so humid, I hate it. By the time I get home from work I just want to crawl into bed and stay there. I have been pushing myself to get up early and get a walk in before work. It's humid in the mornings but at least the sun isn't beating down on me.

    Meg - I'm counting the days until Fall, I'm a true Canadian girl and summer heat & humidity is not my thing.

    Joyce - I can really relate to you. I find it easier to stay home then to confront what I feel is letting everyone (&myself) down. I stay home a lot. My worry is that my DD feels like she needs to stay home with me even though I tell her over and over to go out with her friends. Growing up I wasn't allowed to attend church. When I was in grade school I would sneak out of the house and walk to church by myself. I had a strong need to go and learn about God.

    Pat - I'm so glad you went to your OA meeting. I really hope it helps you. Give yourself a break, you are doing great! Baby steps, one day at a time. You can do this!!! I think calling your sister on her birthday is a great idea, it lets her know that despite everything you still love her.

    Barbie - I'm so happy for you and your good news from the doctor. :happy:

    cws4me - welcome, I hope you find the support here that I have found, it's a great bunch of ladies. Post as often as you want and about wherever you would like to.

    I'm struggling with medication. I'm on an "old school" antidepressant and one of the side effects is weight gain. I think it's too low of a dose to help so why bother. I don't want to increase it because I hate that it numbs me, I feel nothing. I can't take any of the new ones as I react to every single one that I've tried. I'm just so sick of popping pills.

    Sorry, not feeling very chipper tonight.

    I hope everyone is staying cool and having a great evening.

    Hugs to all

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Evening, Ladies

    I had a double dose of meetings today. I went to both OA and Al-Anon, and I think I benefitted from both of them. It is amazing to me that things that took place so far back in my life can and do still impact me to this day. OA really helped me get back in touch with the concept of abstinence as a way of eating. For me that would mean 3 meals and 2 snacks a day of healthy food, not any of the foods that can trigger the diverticulitis or gluten-intolerance reaction. So, I am going to spend some time tonight writing about that concept and then see how I feel. Right now, I have a bit of a headache but am not going to panic over it. Thanks for listening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: I’ve had a busy day with long neglected paperwork, dog walking, strength training, yard work (we will have rain for a few days starting this evening), and planning for a day trip to Victoria next month.

    :flowerforyou: Pat, between the Isagenix shakes made with whey protein and almond milk, I’m getting too much calcium and will probably have to change the way I eat if I want to keep the levels where the doctor recommends….yes, being told to gain weight feels very strange and after four years of concentrating on losing is uncomfortable….I wish you the very best at both OA and Al-Anon…..I’m sure someone will suggest being open minded which is exactly what you are being…….journaling is not for everyone so if it doesn’t work for you, don’t stress about it.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, don’t overcomplicate things…….put on your shoes and go to the Y……your body and spirit will thank you for it….and if you really don’t want to go to the Y, the find a copy of “Strong Women Stay Young” and start their strength training program at home….find something that works for you.

    :flowerforyou: It turned out that I didn’t need to wear a pair of pants with no metal to the doctor’s appointment because they didn’t do another bone density scan, but now I have a great new pair of black sweatpants that I can wear for my strength training…….one reason that finding these pants was a such a challenge was that they had to have a pocket for my pedometer and had to be something I could wear in public.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Today was another great kayaking day. This time we paddled Blue Mountain Lake in the Adirondacks. We were on the water from 11:15 until 2:45 with about a half hour break for lunch. The water was as smooth as glass. A beautiful paddle with mountains as a backdrop. Afterwards we stopped for dinner as a group. A day filled with beautiful scenery, great exercise, and a special group of people I am glad to be able to claim as friends. Several of us have decided to start cross-country skiing as a group this winter. There are a lot of great places around here to go, so we will probably do as we do with kayaking and try a different place each week.

    I need to get the house in top shape before the weekend. I have family coming in from out of town on Saturday and in-laws coming from out of state Sept.16th. I return to work on Thursday. I guess summer is officially over for me, but I am hanging onto every minute!

    Joyce- It is so easy to get out of the habit of exercising if you miss a day or two. I really have to fight to keep myself going- and I LOVE working out. It always energizes me, but I dread it until I get started. Hope you can get back into it. I have no health problems to stop me. I can't imagine dealing with MS and working out.

    Meg- It sounds like your year is off to a great start. I am not happy about the heat returning either. My "new" classroom is upstairs in an area that gets very hot. I wonder what they would think if I showed up to teach in a bikini!! (I do not own one, nor will I in the future, but I don't handle the heat well at all!)

    Pat- I hope your sister will take your call. Even if she doesn't, you will have let her know that you are thinking about her and care. I hope your meeting help you. Share what you learn if you don't mind. I have gained much better control over food, but have found that in times of great stress I can revert to old overeating habits.

    Vickie- 12 hour days in the heat!! I don't know how you can do it.

    Sandy- I am with you about the heat and humidity. I love the fall when the air is crisp and the temperature is lower. Hope you feel better soon. Great job in getting up and walking in the morning!!

    I am very tired tonight. Lots of fresh air and exercise!! Off to bed so that I can get up and get to work on this house in the morning!! Good night all!!

    Deb A in CNY
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Evening, all -- just checking in again to mark my place. Walked / wogged for an hour in the house tonight. My dog is certain I'm crazy and is probably right! In any event, I got in the steps necessary for the day and was able to stay relatively cool, though I still did work up a good sweat. Eager for fall here, too.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Been reading today to try to catch up.
    Liz - I'd like to add my condolences to the others. My heart aches for your loss. God bless you and your family
    I've been recovering from my bruised sciatic nerve and can finally walk a little better. Hopefully this will continue to improve as time goes on. Had a massage this morning and it helps for awhile. So I decided to go for a walk and went a little too far. Guess I'll learn someday.
    Everyone who is struggling (like me) think about this journey as a new semester and do your homework.
    Have dishes to do so better get going.
    Sue in TX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    njimenez - welcome and congrats that you're getting your bp taken care of. You've come to a great place for support. Post often so we get to know more about you

    barbie - what wonderful news from the doctor! What is the name of that website where you can download recordings of speakers?

    Did an hour of HIIT today, 30 sec sprint and one minute recovery. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a leslie Sansone walking DVD, then we are going to the vet to get Loki more med, drop off the Newcomer card table and chairs, then a Newcomer board meeting and then the organizational meeting for the winter bowling season. After the meeting you usually get 3 free bowling games, but we're going to come home and do more work outside.

    Today after the HIIT, I thought Kohl's opened at 8 but found out they opened at 9. So I went to WalMart, then to Hamricks to get some sneakers (very good sale) and Kohl's for a new mattress cover. Vince and I worked outside by the pergola from about 11 until 5. Boy, was I sweating! We spent a lot of time smoothing out the ground and have started to put down rock, Vince dug some trenches for water. Now we're on what to me is a really hard part. I don't mind shoveling the rock, but we have to shovel it into the dumpcart attached to the tractor, Vince drives the tractor around back, I have to take handfuls of the rocks out of the dumpcart (this is the hard part for me) into the smaller cart, wheel that into the pool area. For some reason, taking it out of that dumpcart is very tiring to me. Hopefully, there won't be all that much that we have to do.

    Heather - I'm so glad you called the breast nurse. Glad your lunch went well

    Pat - that is so nice of you to attempt to call your sister. Even if she doesn't ansswer, you know you did right

    Joyce - I so admire your openess. You have nothing to be ashamed about. God loves us all the time. You have a good heart, and God knows that. I was away from the church for a long time, and I regret it because I wasn't a good example for my children, however, what's done is done and can't be undone. I just couldn't bring myself to go to church when my heart wasn't in it, I believe the kids would have seen thru that. One of the reasons I changed from one parish to the one I go to now is that this parish is more intimate, smaller. That's something I like

    cws4me - welcome. Some people post every day, others when it works into their schedule. There's no hard-and-fast rule

    Vicki - sleep really does help you lose the weight. I know when I don't get enough sleep, I can usually see a gain the next day. I wouldn't sweat it one bit. So sorry you had that experience with your friend

    Michele in NC
  • HelenTheZ
    HelenTheZ Posts: 42 Member
    Hello! Very happy to be here in the *elite* 50+ Women's Group! I'll be reading people's posts so I can "catch up" a bit.

    Looking forward to it.
  • HelenTheZ
    HelenTheZ Posts: 42 Member

    Aaaah, if "shame" were only put in pill form, and worked to combat weight loss ... we'd all be healthy and fit!

    I'm sorry you're struggling. My wish for you is that you remember you are a wonderful and worthy person. And as someone who has avoided my very nice, very expensive gym since the day I joined it, I relate to that! I have started to walk and do some so-called "Big Yoga" so I can feel confident enough to go back to the gym in a few weeks. I am very slow-moving these days, and I will wait until I have a bit of flexibility and some more "wind" before I tackle the elliptical at the gym.

    You are not a failure and you have nothing to be ashamed for. In my experience there is a lot of grief and anger tied up in weight. It's a very complex issue, not always as simple as "Eat less, move more"!

    Good cheer to you.

    Helen Z
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member

    barbie - What is the name of that website where you can download recordings of speakers?

    Here is the link to the website with speakers from many 12 Step recovery programs.


    You can download the file to play on your computer or save the link as an mp3 file to put on an mp3 player or make your own CD.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    I see that we are nearly at 500 posts, so watch for the link at the bottom to the new thread that will start automatically after post #500.......if you don't notice the link, then your wonderful post will disappear.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Joyce. I just read your post(s). Could it be that you need some grief counseling? MS has robbed you of a lot of things. And a loss can be any type of loss and be very real. In any event, that is what it seems to me. But I am not a professional at all. Just lived a long time and gone through plenty. Just as many of us on this thread, I am sure. There is no shame. I wish you all the best. :heart:

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Helen - you made it over to the thread, YAY -- you'll love these ladies as much as I do!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening all,

    Joyce.......if you want to pray, the place where you pray isn't nearly as important as the fact that you do

    Heather..........very late congrats on your 50lb. loss!!!

    Suzy.......oh, your poor dh....

    The week has been quiet so far here. DH is on vacation and I dragged him to see "Blue Jasmine" yesterday which he hated and I loved. This is the first Woody Allen thing I've seen in years, thankfully he wasn't in it. Andrew Dice Clay (who ever would have imagined???) is amazingly good in his role..............but it sure isn't exactly uplifting--- great movie, but not an upper by any means.

    I still have the g.i. thing; about ready to make an appt. to see g.i. dr. Thinking I do have an ulcer.......pain until I eat and I'm afraid all this eating is going to result in weight gain. I worked too hard to get here to have this happen.

    Taichi and yoga tonight, gym in the am and yoga again tomorrow evening.

    Take care everyone,
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Late checking in again today.

    Car wasn't ready, but it isn't the transmission. I think she said it was a valve that was sticking, anyway they have to get some parts so it won't be ready until tomorrow and will cost me about $750. She said it was worth repairing because the car is generally in excellent condition (it is 1999 vintage but only has 60,000 km.)

    Have spent all evening working on my portfolio - boy it is hard to get things looking right. Not quite finished. I'm disappointed with myself because I made 2 errors on the 3rd repeat of the piece of lace, so I'm now in a quandary what to do as it has to be in the mail in time to get to England by the end of next week and DBF has decided that we are going away for the weekend.

    So now I'm off to bed.