

  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Happy Wednesday! I am ready for a nap, and it is only about 10 a.m! I had to get up early because the furnace/ac guy was coming to do an preventive maintenance inspection. Since I knew I had to get up, I should have gone to bed early, right. Oh, well. I feel a nap in my very near future. :tongue:

    Grandmallie- There's no room for you in the pity pot because I am still swimming around in it! :sad: You know that yours is a temporary set back, and as soon as you are able to heal your foot, those pounds will slide right off. Take Care!

    Joyce- I think I agree with Renny. You may be grieving for the losses from the MS, and a grief group might be helpful.

    BarbieCat- Boy, that quote hit home with me. I may have to post it on my fridge!

    Kathy (plantlady) Welcome back. Diabetes is sneaky and evil.... take care of yourself. Losing weight, controlling the bs, and keeping rein over your fears about the disease are so important to you, and it sounds like you have a plan in place to deal with those issues. Good for you! Proactive is so much better than Reactive, isn't it?

    CWS- Whenever I have started or restarted a food or exercise plan, the second week has always been a stumbling point. My sick thinking sets in and nags, "do you really want to keep this up? you know you really are going to fail anyways!" Kick the sick thinking to the curb, and carry on with taking care of yourself!

    I have to go sit outside and cut the suckers off my African Sumac tree. If I don't, they grow so thick at the ground level that they make a perfect hiding places for things that slither and crawl. Don't want those types of critters around, so outside in the heat I go! I will just remember that every bead of sweat helps remove those calories!

    Have a good day, Ladies.

    For today: breakfast: 2 egs, 1 slice toast
    lunch: vegie soup
    supper: something with fish or shrimp

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I did it. I was brave and stepped on that awful scale. I knew it would be bad news and it was. But it was a big kick in the butt for me. I hope that I can still get to the Y and do my bike there with both feet having ouchies from toe nail removals. Have now picked up 2.6 pounds since my fudge adventure.. It is what it is. Today is a new day. Off too the Y I go.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Good Afternoon, it was another early moring, I was awake at 0415 and today I could of slept till 6. Oh well it is what it is! It is HOT again today. I got a call from a lady that used to work here at the hospital in pastoral this morning. She is in town and we are going to meet in the cafe when I get off at 3. Sure will be nice to see her. She is the one that was working the day my son was killed and took me home and stayed with me until DH got there. I am working on looking at my Blessings and trusting God for the rest.

    Sandy-- Hope you feel better. My doctor put me on Wellburtin in January and not sure it is working anymore. I do not like trying anti-depressants. But there is a time when they are really needed.

    Pat-- Sounds like you are getting alot of info from the meetings. Thanks for sharing.

    Suzy-- Great Race!! That would be fun to watch people trying out.

    Kathy- Welcome and sorry to hear of your loss. It is not easy to loose a parents. My dad had been sick as long as I could remember but when he passed I was a basket case.

    When I got to work this moring found out one of my co-workers is in ICU. He just found out last month he has cancer and started chemo once a week. Well sounds like he is not doing well and we were told if we wanted to say Good By it would be a good idea. Skeet is a very spirital man and he says what will happen will happen and he is looking forward to the trip. He is at peace. Then my friend Lee is having her surgery tomorrow. Sounds like they are going to do a lump removerl and not the whole breast. Then she will do radiation. Seems there is so much cancer every where.
    DH took the box of clothes over to the church this morning so they are gone. I am glad they are gone as now I will not put them back in the closest.
    Well have a good rest of the day and keep logging.
    Blessed! Vicki; GI NE
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Plant Lady (Old Kathy) - I think a lot of us are diabetic or pre-diabetic.

    When I was first diagnosed with Type II, my doctor set me up with a diabetes educator who spent a lot of time discussing how to establish good food patterns. The big thing was to be able to recognize serving sizes and to count carbs. I try to maintain 45-60 carbs per meal (generally aim for 45), plus two 15 carb snacks. Since my kidneys are also now affected by the diabetes, I track my sodium and protein as well. I do struggle with keeping my carbs pretty evened out during the day. I always want to go light on one meal and add to another, but that really doesn't work if you're already diabetic. Plus my snacks seem to get a bit out of control too.

    I highly recommend getting your doctor to refer you to a nutritionist to develop a food plan that is built around your likes and dislikes. I found that works so much better for me.

    Hope that's helpful!
    Jill in western MA
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,886 Member
    bumping to mark my place. Sue in SD
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Me too, Sue in TX. On way to Dallas as dh has early morning cat scan. (His yearly check-up for his kidney cancer). It has been 8 years and thank God so far he's good.
    Will post tomorrow night.
    Sue in TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    kathy, plant lady I completely agree with Jill about a consult with someone to personally help you in regards to your preferences. Mine started out by asking me to tell her about my day. MS has kind of a weird way of determining your normal day to day hours. I think it's called circadium or something like that. I don't really get tired until around 1 or 1:30 AM, therefor I sleep until around 11 or 12. For me I need a nice 10 hours sleep at night. That would be the same as some one else going to bed at 10 PM and getting up to start the day at 8 AM. So my breakfast for me is called 'first meal of the day'. It usually doesn't consist of normal breakfast foods at all. So I have that meal, normal dinner, and a mini meal around 10 PM and 2-3 snacks a day. I normally eat 2. So I eat at noon, snack at 3, supper at 5, snack at 8 and mini meal at 10. So during my waking hours I am eating quite frequently. My fasting blood sugar is finally in the 90s all the time and have been able to cut my diabetic medicine from 2 a day to just once.

    Well I went to the Y. I have concluded that I have let 'my bike; there to be a crutch for me. I do a real good ride on it but I haven't found any machine I can do to work any other part of my body that doesn't give me some kind of nerve inflammation in my neck or shoulders because of the effort in doing it.. So I needed to get off that bike:sad: :frown: I don't now what the names of all those machines are but there is one that looks like an eliptical but you are sitting while doing it. So I am working both my arms and legs. So I tried that today. I need to get some training on it by one of the staff so I can figure out distance,tension level, etc. I couldn't even figure out how to do the heart rate!!!! But with my medicine, I feel lucky to get my heart rate up above 70 anyway so it really doesn't mean that much to me. But it sure wore me out. After I lost my pedometer and got a new one I don't think my stride is the same as the old one. It showed I had a total 1100 steps and burned off 9 calories:huh: But I drank a lot of water doing it so that was good.

    I have never told my sister.I don't know why but she loves being sick. And unfortunately she has inherited about anything my parents had in their genes to pass on except Dads heart disease. She is only 65 but has about every back degeneration their is and about 6 years ago she discovered after having to really push the doctors for answers and doing a lot of research on her own got a pretty bad cancer of the breast diagnosis. She said she was ready to die and we all convinced her to try one treatment. We didn't know one treatment lasted a year. She now has been cancer free for 5 years! Yoo hoo!!!! She also has fibromayalgia and everything that goes along with it. She started getting a sore throat and couch last week, chest pain and saw a doctor on call who ordered antibiotics and it improved. She was till coughing up awful stuff, chest pain and she saw her regular doctor. She has asthma and pneumonia. So she has a new diagnosis to add to her many diagnosis. She has alienated her two children, they don't like calling her because she is so fixated on her huge list of medicine and aches and pains. With the fibro she is very forgetful she will tell the same story over and over again. I have tried to tlak to her and she may improve for a while but it doesn't last. But she is my sister and I love her. I have some of the same issues with the memory and may forget I told some one something so I understand that issue.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: Kathy, welcome back. You’ve had a rough time and now it’s time for you to claim your life again. You know you can do it because you’ve done it again. I used the Isagenix program to lose my weight and that made it easy for me to plan my meals. I also have an enormous tolerance for repetition so eating the same thing day after day was pretty easy for me. Have you looked into the South Beach Diet or the meal plans on Spark People? I’m sure others on this thread will have even better suggestions.

    :flowerforyou: Cws4me, this is a marathon, not a sprint…..it has been my experience that weight doesn’t add or subtract in direct relation to what happened the day before….that’s why a lot of people weigh only once a week or once a month…..keep on doing the things you know are healthy and add new things a bit at a time and you’ll get the results you seek….you are so right about the little things being important.

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, how fortunate for you to have not had a worse result from your fall…..i don’t like hot weather at all so I understand your reluctance to run in the heat……good luck on your move.

    :yawn: Pat, often when I feel like a nap, I do something active and the feeling passes…..great idea posting your food plan for the day at the bottom of your post.

    :bigsmile: Joyce, congrats on getting to the Y……asking for help from the staff is a great idea.

    :bigsmile: I went out to lunch today with line dance friends and we’re having friends over to the house tonight for a potluck supper. Jake vacuumed this morning and I have a few housekeeping chores to do before they .come.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where it looks like it might rain

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Well I did it. I was brave and stepped on that awful scale. I knew it would be bad news and it was. But it was a big kick in the butt for me. I hope that I can still get to the Y and do my bike there with both feet having ouchies from toe nail removals. Have now picked up 2.6 pounds since my fudge adventure.. It is what it is. Today is a new day. Off too the Y I go.

    I hear ya! :flowerforyou:
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member

    Still reading and lurking mostly.

    School started today. We only had a half day, but the kids and I were pretty tired by noon. Full days tomorrow and Friday. It's hot so they come in from recess pretty worn out.

    I would go home and take a nap, but we have a zumba class here at school at 3:30 so I'll stay. There are plenty of things to do for tomorrow anyway.

    Have a wonderful rest of the week!

    Eileen near hot and sunny San Diego
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    :flowerforyou: Kathy, welcome back. You’ve had a rough time and now it’s time for you to claim your life again. You know you can do it because you’ve done it again. I used the Isagenix program to lose my weight and that made it easy for me to plan my meals. I also have an enormous tolerance for repetition so eating the same thing day after day was pretty easy for me. Have you looked into the South Beach Diet or the meal plans on Spark People? I’m sure others on this thread will have even better suggestions.


    Thank You Barbie you and I have been around for quite some time. Yes, it is my turn. I want to be that crazy funny girl on this post when I first started. Gym tomorrow, first thing. :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Marking my spot.
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Joyce – yay I'm glad that Melody is back to her old self again. Good luck with your toe nails, my DD has had many ingrown toenails and finally has had both her big toe nails removed. I think she's had about 5 or 6 procedures and unlike you I am VERY squeamish about it. I could never be a nurse/doctor. YAY good for you for taking that step and getting back to the Y.

    Grandmallie – patience, you will see 50 lbs loss. I have faith in you. I'm like you, I can not have certain foods in the house or I just eat them...chips is one of them. I love chocolate but I can't eat it because it causes instant migraines.

    Barbie – thank you for that quote. I am going to post that on my fridge, on my bathroom mirror and in my bedroom. I needed to read that today.

    Heather – Glad to hear that you had a great time with your new friend. Good for you forbeing so proactive with your health. I pray it's all goes well.

    Suzy – I hope your DH abides by the dr's orders and recovers quickly. How did it go cleaning up all that blood? Good luck at the Amazing Race, I can't wait to hear all about it.

    Kathy (plantlady) – I'm so sorry for your loss. Good for you for getting back into the gym I don't have a set plan for my menu but I do sit down every Saturday and plan my menu for the entire week. I make enough at dinner to have leftovers for lunch. I log all my food in the morning for the day so I can see

    cws4me – you will figure out what works for you.

    Jackie – Good luck with your training for your 1/2 marathon. Oh my goodness you fell of a ledge?

    Pat – a nap? Hmmm I wish I could nap some days. I already don't sleep well so I try not to have a nap as I always think that it will interfere more with my sleep.

    Vicki – oh my goodness you do get up early. I'm on amitriptyline and have been for years. I think I might like to try without and see how I do. I'm so sorry about your coworker. God works in mysterious ways and has a plan.

    It's still hot & humid here and I find it exhausting. I made a wonderful low fat chicken stew in the crock pot today. It was so yummy and very filling. Tomorrow I'm going to make a roast beef in the crock pot, should be plenty leftover so I can freeze some of it. I'm a little concerned how dinners are going to be after starting at the Y next week. It's all about planning, right?

    I'm going to head to bed early tonight...hope you all have a wonderful night.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    Well I went to the Y. I have concluded that I have let 'my bike; there to be a crutch for me. I do a real good ride on it but I haven't found any machine I can do to work any other part of my body that doesn't give me some kind of nerve inflammation in my neck or shoulders because of the effort in doing it.. So I needed to get off that bike:sad: :frown:


    Why give up something that works? It makes sense to me to keep using the bike and try out other things, too, such as the elipical. Do what works! Try new things and add what also works.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • NewMeNomi
    Since I'm still a newbie here, can someone please explain to me what "bump" means? Thanks! :)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    overly busy at work but happy about it.

    So I lost all the video we took of alaska. mama moose, eagles, horseback riding some fishing. all of it. new camera and the sd card corrupted as I was trying to download everything. I am heart broken.

    Off to bed early after i get the gumption up to fix dinner.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter,
  • cws4me
    cws4me Posts: 25
    Well thank you all for the great advice. I have taken it to heart and today I walked with a co-worker twice, once for 10 minutes and then for 15 minutes and boy does she walk fast. Kicked my behind LOL. She has been walking for 2 years. Anyway, it felt good to finally do and not just plan to do. Also ate healthy. I am walking tomorrow. Aiming to walk eventually during lunch.
    Ladies, when I see how you all carry on in spite of life and are there for each, I am glad to have joined this special group. I notice how you all seem to know each other and help/cheer each other onward. Very special. I do have one question, what does bump mean? I see some people post bump. Also what is the difference between reply and quote.....Thanks for any help.
  • moharma
    moharma Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, All!

    Boy. I missed one day and I had so much to read to catch up. It reads like its been a week since I was last on this board.
    Took the day off but not for any reason other than I just felt like it. I feel that I am doing what a need to do pretty well but certainly not at the level I would like. Baby steps, right? I know someone posted that.

    Barbie- loved the quote- plan to use it as my own personal mantra

    Joyce- having toenails removed???!!?!?!!?!!!! (Gives me the heebie-jeebies) hope its not TOO painful- or if it is, you get good pain meds

    Sue in SD- I saw that you sing in a peace choir? Im not sure if that has a special meaning but I sing with a women's choir. Its called MUSE and is kind of a social activist group. Much of what we do/performances have to do with peace and social justice. The women in it are amazing and the energy in this group keeps me going week to week. Hope your choir gives you as much.

    Pat- You make cards? The fact that you said you havent designed them yet makes me believe you use more than construction paper and markers. What kind of cards do you do?
    Also, I have tried to journal for years and have done so only in fits and spurts. However what seems to work best for me is to make it specific- once I did a gratitude journal and I found that most helpful.
    Another time I kept a journal that I had bought at the bookstore. On the top of each page was a question to anser. Then there was space for four years. I dd this for quite awhile and enjoyed it. The best part was subsequent years when I could see how the answers had changed. The factual answers were different but the most interesting part was seeing my stste-of-mind from one year to the next

    Vicki- I have some trouble with cell phones too. Not that I cant hear but my children talk so darn fast!

    cws4me- Welcome. I dont think there are any hard and fast rules for posting. I also consider myself to be pretty private but, lets face it, you can also be pretty anonymous here if you choose. Just do whatever makes you comfortable.

    Ok, thats it for today but before I go please tell me what is Vit F?

    Nancy in Ohio
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Did 1 hr of a Leslie Sansone walking DVD today then held a plank for 2 min 15 sec. While I was holding it, Loki thought that I was making such a nice bridge for him to walk (repeatedly) under....lol. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a Jari Love Extremely Ripped DVD.

    This morning we went to the vet to get more med for Loki then dropped the Newcomer card table off then had the Newcomer board meeting then the organizational meeting for the winter bowling league. Normally, you get 3 free games after the meeting, but we didn't stay for them. Came home and put more river rock down by the equipment pad. I did find that I shovel the rock into the dumpcart on the tractor, Vince drives the tractor (since I can't reach the pedals) to the back, then I shovel the rock out of that dumpcart into the smaller one we have. Remember how I was saying that taking the rock out of the dumpcart attached to the tractor really hurt my back. Well, I found that if I shovel it into the smaller dumpcart, it doesn't hurt my back. It's SLLLLOOOOWWWW going since many times I need to shovel it out of the smaller dumpcart and gently place the rock down. I need to be careful of the landscape lights and there are so many pipes! But it's looking nice.

    Tomorrow I'll go to Bi-Lo (Vince needs bread), then take the tables to the church (I'll give them 1/2 of a pineapple angel food cake), then go to the soup kitchen to take my donations, then my day to volunteer at the Green Room.

    Joyce - welcome back Melody! Good luck with your toe. Good luck at the Y

    Deb - we live on a cul-de-sac and we're very surprised how many cars come up here. There aren't any houses beyond ours

    Kathy - welcome back! So sorry about your dad

    Jackie - good luck on your run

    Vicki - so sorry about your friends. It actually helps you when the person is at peace with the inevitable

    Bonnie has been very lethargic today and she hasn't eaten. That's not at all like her. When I gave Loki his "treat", she's usually the first one there, but today she didn't have any. Then when I gave them the canned food, she just continued to lay in my chair. So Vince is going to take her to the vet tomorrow at 8:30.

    Robin - oh how that hurts when you lose things.

    Wish I had more time to respond to people individually

    Nancy - the "f" in vitamin f stands for friends

    bump = bring up my post. Basically, it's so that this thread will be under "my topics".

    Let's see if I can post this. This is the cake that I made for the party. The only thing I did differently was I crushed up some honey teddy grahams and used that around the pool like "sand"

    Let's hope this works


    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Yippee!!!! It worked!

    Michele in NC