

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Wow - that confused me - starting part 3. First time that has happened to me.

    So now, I'm off to bed.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: bump, and off to bed I go.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    A quick update on my cat that was losing her hair, the lovely one you see in my avatar. She is on half dose of her medicine and seems to be doing fine with it. I already see some regrowth of some of her hair. And her personality is back to usual Melody. Glad to have her back!

    I made a decision about my toe nails. I knew I needed to take charge of my procrastination. Sometimes I do well and some times I don't. He only does toe nail removal on Thursdays and so I decided that why wait. So his first appointment is 1 PM this Thursday so I'm doing it. Since I am a nurse I like to see how things are done. May sound a little gory but that's me. When youngest daughter Michelle had to have two ingrown toe nails removed the doc told her she needed a ride home. Since she knew how much I would love watching it I went with her. It was quite interesting. But I was on the watching end! Mine aren't ingrown so I'm not sure if the procedure will be the same or not or whether it will be that easy to remove them. Hubby will go with me. Thursday is nursing home day so I hope I will be OK to go. They said my Crocs will be OK to wear but I think I'll take house shoes to wear home.

    Tomorrow is weight, measure and blood sugar day. Not looking forward to it but it must be done

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,795 Member
    Ohhhh this morning is not good.
    I am up 3 lbs, but my own damn fault..still not feeling well.. and I am skipping the gym today,giving my body a break
    I went on a binge last night, with brownie brittle and a few pieces of chocolate..and I didnt log it.:embarassed:
    I at this point don't see the 50 lb loss for a month or 2, im at a plateau.. I will still eat or try to eat healthy and still exercise,and I know I will get to my goal eventually, just guess im having a pity party:sad:
    Ive made it this far,im not giving up now:wink:
    think I am just going to have some dry rye toast with tea this morning..
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    :flowerforyou: I found this quote on someone's post when I first joined MFP in 2009. It has served me well in aiming toward my goal. I live my life one day at a time and frequently have to stay in the moment as a tool to keep from being overwhelmed by life's circumstances, but I don't want to lose sight of my desire to live long and live all that time in a body that feels good and can do what's required. This thought has helped me get out of bed early to walk or to say no to an offered dessert or unhealthy treat.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,795 Member
    so true Barbie, thanks for the movtivation:smile: I already have a load of laundry done and waiting to take the dog down to the vet..
    I usually think of the serenity prayer, which I havent thought of lately
    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change
    the courage to change the things I can
    and the wisdom to know the difference..
    I found that ,I will not buy chocolate or brownie brittle anymore, I dont need it in the house..
    I will if I need something sweet, have graham crackers and only 4 small squares and count and log them..
    I want to feel good, and I have been except for these last couple of days, probably because of the sugar:grumble:
    my bad... onward and upward...
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Bump have a good day Ladies:flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,343 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    Actually it's lunch time here! Have done an hour's great yoga practice today in my living room with my new friend.. Felt good. Had a nice chat afterwards. I will miss her as she is off to Scotland for three weeks on holiday, so won't see her at yoga.
    I think the painters thought we were quite a sight, doing our downward dogs! I was wearing my new ultra tight 'jalking' gear so felt a little self conscious. Will take it though!:blushing:

    Have already received my letter with my hospital appointment. Every little twinge worries me. I was awake a bit in the night worrying. I need the serenity prayer, Grandmallie.

    Barbie- I say that saying to myself all the time. It is because of that that I don't think I've gone over calories more than about six times since June 2012. I also say to myself that there will be other opportunities to eat this food, I don't have to eat it now, and if I absolutely love it I can have a small taste and remember how lovely it is. A taste is often enough for me and stops me feeling deprived. The food will be there another time so there is no scarcity. Well, it works for me!:smile:

    Must get some respectable clothes on so I can go grocery shopping. Our fish van came round yesterday so we will be having my favourite Tandoori Monkfish. Also have Pimientos de Padron for a starter. They are Spanish peppers, of which only one in ten is hot. You fry them in a tiny bit of olive oil until they blacken a bit and scatter them with sea salt. Heavenly!:heart:

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bumping to get to the new thread --- hope everyone has a terrific day!
    Gail, metro ATL
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    I have already been out for my walk. Was trying for 4 miles, but got stopped twice by neighbors who wanted to chat. This is very unusual as I live on a dead end road in the country and rarely see the neighbors! I got in just under 4 miles at a good brisk pace. Still need to do the weights and abs, but will wait a bit before doing them. Wanted to get the walk in before it got too hot.

    Barbie- I have used your saying to help me handle my trigger foods- sweets and chips.

    Grandmallie- I will use the serenity prayer to help me keep my cool at work this year. Last year ended badly and I need to work for 4 more years. I would love end out my career celebrating the positive influence that I have on my students and accepting what I can't change (mostly administrative decisions and attitudes) will make it much easier to be positive at work.

    Heather- I think you are doing the right thing to be proactive about your health. I hope all turns out well. Great job on the exercise. It must be great to have a friend to do yoga with. If I can get into the routine of going to Zumba twice a week, I would be able to work out with friends there. Your meals always sound so good!! Wish I were a better cook. I can do basic comfort foods and given time, more involved meals. DH is the better cook.

    I have lots to accomplish today- housework and planning for classes. Best get started! Have a great day!!

    Deb in CNY
  • KABH74
    KABH74 Posts: 27 Member
    bump for later.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Hump Day Ladies –

    Hope everyone’s week is going well. DH got to see the Podiatrist on Monday and they said no weight on the foot for at least a week and then partial weight for the next two weeks. So he will be on crutches for most of September. They also, provided him with a boot to wear over the next few weeks. Luckily he did not do any damage to the ligaments and hopefully he will be back to 100% by the end of September.

    We both have off this Friday and are planning on heading up to Atlantic City. They are having a casting call for the Amazing Race and just for fun we thought we would try out. I don’t expect anything will come of it, but thought it would be neat just to see what it entails and see all the other folks that try out. I don’t think DH being on crutches will impact as this is just an interview to see if you meet qualifications and if they have an interest in you.

    :smile: JB- love your garden pictures. It looks like you have a bumper crop. Seeing your raspberries makes me want to try to plant some bushes as they are my favorite. I am up to my eyeballs in tomatoes from my garden, but my garden looks like a crazy jungle compared to yours.
    :smile: Vicki – sorry about you feeling down, think that happens to all of us now and again.
    :smile: Michele – thanks for the hydrogen peroxide tip. I know what you mean by having to put a great deal of elbow grease into it.
    :smile: Jane – don’t get discouraged, keep plugging away on the exercising and watching calories, the scale will continue to move south.
    :smile: Sandy – hopefully the weather will turn around and get cooler for you soon.
    :smile: Joyce – glad to hear your kitty is doing well on her medication. Hope your appointment on Thursday goes well.
    :smile: Grandmallie – we all have ups and downs, hope you feel better soon.

    Enjoy the last few days of August ladies.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hello, I'm back, Just checking to see if I'm on the correct post, Yes just checked.

    Well, I guess losing my both parents has took a toll on my health. I have gone way to far. We just lost my Dad this May and it has been devastating.

    Now I am heading to stage 2 diabetes. I have to check my BS in the morning and before supper. I started the gym again and am going to have a personal trainer make a program for me.

    Now the hard part. I have know idea what to eat. I am trying to plan my meals.

    Does anyone use a plan that is on the web or something that they can share.

    I want to be back to my skinny self and be healthy. I know Diabetes runs in my family. My Mom passed away from it. But she did not control it very well.

    I am

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Old Kathy (plantlady)
  • cws4me
    cws4me Posts: 25
    Thank you Barbie for welcoming me and also RebelRenney for remembering me. Hope I am doing this correctly. Today is another day for me and I hope I can stay on track. It has been harder this week than last and I don't seem to be losing the weight like I did last week. I put on some of the weight lost during the week last weekend and I am having a hard time losing it evern though I am on track food wise. Probably too much fruit. Oh well. it is a journey
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!!!
    Let`s make it a good one.
    Sending hugs to all my pals.
    HUGS:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • cws4me
    cws4me Posts: 25
    Funny, serenity prayer is what my cws stands for (maybe just not in that order) :) I like the quote that Barbie posted and will added to my "It's the little details that are vital. Little things make Big things happen" quote on my desk at work
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Well I am getting in on the ground floor of this thread and really going to try and keep up:

    genealace: I'm imagining the lace in your profile pic is your work. It is absolutely lovely! I can only imagine what your other stuff looks like. What beautiful artwork it must be. I'm hesitant to use the word "craft" with lace, because it truly is "art" to me.

    Barbie: That quote sums up my falls perfectly. And it's like that with me even when it comes to money (and food, although I'm better now than I've ever been about setting goals and looking to the future).

    Grandmaille: I guess it's better to focus on the present instead of past mistakes and falls. Each day is the opportunity to eat better, spend wiser, live more peacefully. Just start again today.

    I had a half-marathon 9/15/13 I was to run, but it's not going to happen. I won't do it if I have to walk even a bit part of it, and I would have to do that. The heat and humidity on the east coast this past summer was long-lasting and it was difficult to get in runs over 10 miles, coupled with hurting my back when I fell hiking off a ledge (obviously I didn't die and I have summer vegetation to thank for that). BUT, the original half I wanted to run is in mid-November in Philly so I'm hyped to train for that, coupled with moving and being able to have my own art studio in my home.

    So when this thread turns to September and it's goal setting time again, I'm looking forward to laying it out here. For some reason, that was very helpful to me in the past.

    Carpe Diem
    Jackie in Cherry-Hill-outside-of-Philly (for now)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,150 Member
    Just trying to keep up. Hugs to all Vitamin F ladies. :heart: :heart:

    Lin in Central Iowa (yep, it's HOT here)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Suzy, I love it that you are going to a casting call for Amazing Race. You must tell us EVERYTHING about it.

    Kathy, most insurance are so pro-preventive right now that they may offer you group classes for your diabetes. I'm not sure if prediabetes will qualify for that though.
