

  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies- Happy Friday!

    Today is a crop day up at the scrapbook store, so I will be there most of the day and into the evening. That means I will have to pack food and be very wary of the treats table all day. There, I've said it out loud and that makes it necessary to carry though with the promise! (I know, I'm weird)

    I had some bad news from up in MN yesterday. A wonderful man named Mel who has done so very much to help me over the years suffered an aortic aneurism. He was life flighted 120 miles down to the nearest decent hospital, went through surgery and is holding his own. All I can say is his guardian angel surely earned his winds yesterday! God is good. Mel is one of those people who will get up in the middle of the night to help anyone even if they are not family. Lots of prayers needed for this gentle man.

    Sandy- I am sending prayers to you for your migraine, I hope it disappears soon!

    Liz- My heart is with you.

    We have a funeral to sing at tomorrow, and I am really not good with funerals. The husband of the woman who passed will be singing a solo for her, and I expect lots of tears. How awesome of him to do this.

    --Sue in SD- Happy Anniversary! The play sounds like a marvelous way to celebrate, but nothing says you can't celebrate now and then, too!

    Well, if I am going to get to the store on time, I had better get off the computer.
    Have a great Friday !

  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    Hello ladies. Just doing my periodic check-in to read your motivating posts. I haven't been logging but I've been walking every day with my dog, sometimes twice a day. Good for exercise and good for thinking.

    Helen in Needham, MA
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I've been reading some of the posts on the regular message board and when I see some one who is at least 50 I invite them here. I don't know if anyone has done it but I wanted them to experience what I have recieved here. Anyway this one person said she has been on MFP 3 times, loses down to ideal weight so leaves MFP and gains weight back. So she has been here and lost and gained back 3 times. I sure hope I can be like Barbie and stay and receive encouragement from all of you to remember where I used to be, my feelings of failure, frustration at myself and my habits and with the help of MFP and you guys got it off. Of course I'm not near there yet but a lot further than I had ever done before on my own. Oh I have done it on my own when I was young but now these inches are more comfortable staying on and feel some kind of ownership to my body!!!!!!:laugh:

  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hi – so happy it is Friday, looking forward to some nice weather and the time off. We’re having friends over for sushi tonight, but nothing else planned for the weekend. If I wake up early enough tomorrow and the weather permits I may head out to the beach for the day.

    Well I lost a ½ pound, so the scale is creeping downward ever so slowly. Had a really good workout this morning, ran 6 miles and then finished up with a 2 mile fast walk. If my energy level is up, I plan to do one of the T25 workouts later.

    :smile: Wessecg – I’m so sorry for you and your stepdaughter to have to go through all of that. Also, sorry to hear about your ribs, that can’t be easy. Hope you heal quickly.
    :smile: Katla – hope your Turkey Day is a huge success. Me and my hubby were both in the military, now retired, but it can be hard life.
    :smile: Sandy – hope your migraine is gone by now.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • debjunebug

    Can someone offer me a practical stragegy PLEASE. I have a terrible time keeping my calorie goal and I have to go to a baby shower tonight. It starts at 7pm. That is too late for me to eat anyway and I will likely be at my limit already.

    Should I just put a cookie on a plate and play it off? One time I went to an event and people kept asking me why I was not eating. I wanted to yell in their face to MYOB! However the baby shower is at church and I must be nice.....

    Thanks in advance from Debbie in Chicago
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Hello all!

    Continuing to improve. Did my gymming today and an hour of gardening. No strength training yet though. I think I am a bit worried about straining my lymphodema arm and thus the breast. Probably needless worry.

    I cooked the beef in beer stew for my brother today. It smelled absolutely fabulous all day and tastes heavenly. As it is shin I gave it four hours. Now it will go in the freezer. For supper we had skinnytastes' baked eggplant sticks with sea bass and 'sauce vierge'. Absolutely delicious!:love: The eggplant has become one of our standard recipes. We have double portions though!:laugh:

    The painters have finished 3 sides of the house and have packed up for the long Bank Holiday weekend. We saw on the news that the traffic is horrible in the south so we are really glad we took the decision not to travel to DSIL. I prefer to stay at home if everyone else is on the move.:happy: Long traffic jams are DH's least favourite things apart from airport queues!:laugh:

    Hope to be quiet and catch up on TV this weekend. I have a French film to watch called Amour about an old couple who get ill. Sounds a bit depressing, but I like to keep my language skills up. I still need the subtitles though. :tongue: I am currently reading a very nice series of detective novels, written by a Englishman called Martin Walker, set in the French Dordogne and starring a detective called Bruno. Nothing to scare the horses, so very relaxing!

    Might start getting back to planks tomorrow. I expect I will be down on my record of 2 mins 5 secs. Baby steps. I was doing so well with the strength training before this set back, and really enjoying it, but must respect my poor old body and not push it. It has taken a lb or two off me to help with the healing, so I have something to be grateful for.:flowerforyou:

    Love to all. Cheryl - I really feel for you having to sell your horse. I have decided in my adult life not to have animals as my attachment to them caused me so much pain as a child. I hope you soon find a wonderful, safe new friend.

    Heather in soon to be raining Hampshire UK
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Debbie can you just take a small piece of cake and then take the frosting off? A lot of baby showers have nuts at them. Well the ones at my church anyway. Some of them do them up as little mini meals with a lot of finger food. Take some of your own nuts, unsalted, and put them on your plate. Good luck and have fun. Or if you really want to do it up good, tell them why you aren't eating a lot and teach them all how you can go to a party and stay within your goals. Suggest to some one what can be served to make it carb friendly. The teacher in me is just itching to tell them how to do it right but in a kind manner.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~woke up to fire trucks and police cars all over .The house on the corner caught fire,no one hurt.
    My legs are fine,got a walk in to spend time with my senior ladies.Sitting on deck talk and working on roses.
    Hope ur doing all ok.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Yanniejannie: I’ve had similar problems but eventually tracked them down to lactose intolerance and sensitivity to some spices. I can handle mild spice, but nothing too hot or I get nasty acid reflux. I hope you’re able to figure out what is upsetting you. In my case, figuring it out took years. I hope you are able to get it handled much faster than I did.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I am thrilled to know you’ll be offering us your “immoral support” for a long time to come.:devil: :wink: :laugh:

    Nancy in Ohio: Sorry about your long recovery from the foot surgery. I don’t think you can return it and get a refund, so you’ll just have to take it a day at a time. :flowerforyou: I think you’ll like this group of women. I’m also a retired teacher. I miss the kids and my friends but not the grind—or the parents.:laugh:

    Joyce: It sounds like your MIL is going down hill. You’re an angel to still take care of her.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy from ONT: You seem to have had a migraine for a long time. Do you need medical support?:huh:

    Skuehn: Happy anniversary.:bigsmile:

    Pat (Phoo): Mel is in my prayers. That he got this far is a good sign. :flowerforyou: My uncle died of an aortic aneurism many years ago, while he was on the way to the hospital. He didn’t make it there.

    Debbie in Cihicago: Tell them you’re full and ask for a beverage. Water or tea comes to mind.:flowerforyou:

    My daughter is here and having a nice nap. She had to get up really early for her flight. We’ll be starting pies later this evening. Tough to consider on a 80 degree afternoon. I’m going to enjoy it to the hilt.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Hidee Ho Ladies,
    sittin and chilaxing with my feet up in my wicked good slipper's
    going to get up early and take a shower and go to work until about 11:30 tomorrow and then off to the picnic- like I said will bring my water cup with me with ice...
    they have alot of activities you can do there.. dont know what we will end up doing.. maybe if they have a kayak I can try that...
    sorta stuffed my face today,but was under my calorie count.. didn't hit 10,000 stpes but I did go to the gym.. that accounts for something...
    well I will check in early am before I start my day and later when we get home from the picnic
    ta ta for now:flowerforyou:
    add on here.... has anyone seen these on the internet, pounds to lose, pounds lost jars? u take 2 jars any size,you can use any small item.(ie)marbles,glass beads etc.. and you mark one jar with pounds to lose, the other pounds lost. and you put the amount of items you want in the lbs to lose jar- 1 for each lb and then move them to the second jar when you lose a lb..
    I thought it was sorta neat
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member

    Can someone offer me a practical stragegy PLEASE. I have a terrible time keeping my calorie goal and I have to go to a baby shower tonight. It starts at 7pm. That is too late for me to eat anyway and I will likely be at my limit already.

    Should I just put a cookie on a plate and play it off? One time I went to an event and people kept asking me why I was not eating. I wanted to yell in their face to MYOB! However the baby shower is at church and I must be nice.....

    Thanks in advance from Debbie in Chicago

    Debbie, I don't eat at parties. The first time I went to a party and didn't eat, I was worried about what people would think. When offered food, I said, "No thank you".......when asked why I wasn't eating, I said, "i plan my food for the day at certain times and then eat what I've planned at my meal times".......it was hard to do at first but each time I did it, it got easier. I concentrate on the people not the food and tell people I've come to be with friends, not to eat. I don't talk about dieting and weight loss because that often makes people defensive. I discovered that there are many people who don't eat food at social events and they have many different reasons (food allergies and fear of germs are the ones I remember)

    :flowerforyou: Barbie
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Just wanted to say hi, I am going to head to bed early again tonight. FINALLY my migraine is gone. I do get them frequently and I have sought medical treatment but nothing really helps. I hate going to the ER as they treat you like you are just there for the drugs. My answer is always if you can cure my migraine without drugs then please do. I really don't like taking meds. I've learned that I just have to live with them. They do leave me exhausted when they are over so today has been a laying low kind of day. I did get out for my walk this morning.

    I'll check back in tomorrow morning :happy:

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    It was a pretty quiet day around here. I went to water aerobics then DD#1 decided to spend the whole day with her friends, so I was stuck here while the guy worked on the basement. I got some work done on the books so it wasn’t all bad. It’s hot and humid here and going to be near 90 (32.2 C) by the end of the week. We picked a whole bowl full of grape tomatoes. The funny thing is that the “volunteer” tomato is the best one of all. Still no peppers. They are all tiny with a soft white spot on one side, so not edible. The eggplant will be ready in a week or so I think.

    So I talked with the doctor’s nurse again. They are so funny. My blood sugars have been pretty low (actually in the “I am not a diabetic” range) so they cut my evening dose in half. Since I am “not receptive” to statins, I asked if they would “be receptive” to diet changes and recheck in 6 months. After intense negotiations LOL we agreed to recheck the lipid panel in 3 months. I love those two. They both really believe in working with patients, not just telling them what to do.

    So I am on a quest to eat more foods that lower LDH. Do any of you have recipes using barley besides soup?

    Heather: I hope you continue to recover. I’m not sure what a gannet is, but it sounds like they eat a lot!

    Nancy: welcome to our group. My in laws live in Wadsworth Ohio which is a lovely town

    Grandmallie: I love LLBean. We just bought a whole bunch of things for the house from them, but I saw several things in their new fall catalogue that I hope I need when I lose some more weight!

    Joyce: MIL is so lucky to have you to come visit even if her visits are not as pleasant as they used to be. Could she be depressed in addition to the schizophrenia?

    Barbie: I’m sure the residents in the assisted living places just love it when your group comes to dance for them

    Gail: I will remember to ask about the no salt at Longhorn. The prime rib was fabulous, just a bit salty. Most everything is too
    salty for me because I don’t put any on at all. I have been starting to think of retirement too….but I’m only 54, so I have a way to go.

    Sandy: I sure hope you get over that migraine soon! You sure have a lot of them, don’t you? What you said about the ER is so true…I was an ER nurse for decades and we all did have the attitude that people with migraines were drug seekers. Some of them were, but not most and over the years I have looked back to that time in my life and wish I had not been so judgmental. I can’t do anything about it now except to tell those stories to my nursing students and tell them how badly they and their patients will feel if they are like that. I’m so sorry you have been treated like that.

    Michele I bet you burned a lot of calories moving that rock around. I think your email sounds perfect. You are keeping the door open.

    Genealace: when you can, I’d love to see some pictures of the lace you make!

    Anamika: I am still working on the yoga! What does the lemon and warm water do for you?

    Barbie: good for you to keep to your plan and not be swayed by other people

    DeeDee: you made me laugh when you said you needed time away from the dog. When I am at home, all four animals just follow me around all day long, even when I just get up to the bathroom. They all want to sit on me too which causes its own problems when I’m working! Another sinus infection? Oh no…didn’t you have one that lasted forever last year or earlier this year? Feel better soon. I hope someone figures your leg out!

    Nancy: don’t worry, I for one have very little get up and go!

    Sue: congratulations on your anniversary. I hope you have many more wonderful years.

    Pat: I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. I will keep him in my prayers. Maybe you could come over because I need a scrapbooking intervention! I have piles and piles of photos and all kinds of scrapbooking stuff and I never get to it!

    Helen: good for you to keep the walking up

    Suzy; good for you on the weight loss. It’s coming off…even if it seems slow!

    Jane: wow how scary to wake up to a fire! Glad you are having a good day

    Katla: baking a bunch of pies sounds like so much fun!

    Ok ladies, I need to go work in the closet for about an hour before I get my reward…. A glass of wine (heart healthy…hooray for that!) and watching “What not to wear”! Take care! Meg from sticky Omaha
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    genalace - congrats on the win! But the really important win is that you got in some exercise

    grandmalle - have fun at the picnic! Vince's company did something like that, too

    anamika - the only green tea I could find other than the one that was refrigerated was either sweetened (don't want that), diet (don't want that) or there was one that has ginseng in it, but I wasn't sure just how much if at all the ginsing would change the flavor so I didn't get that. I'm going to ask the lady to but some when she gets the ice on her way here. I really can't see why it needs refrigeration except that chilled may make it feel better when you drink it.

    barbie - I recently bought two bags of my wheat bran. I know that store will continue to carry it, but I can only get it at this health food store and I don't go there all that often.

    DeeDee - the party is tomorrow. The other cohosts are coming at 3 tomorrow. You know, one of them (she's also on the social committee) gave me some supplies. She's the type of person who, when I say I obsess, she's worse than I am! She gave me 34 dinner plates. We have 34 people signed up right now. So I called her and just said that in our experience from having hosted two socials previously, there are people who will even call me the day of the social asking if they can still come, so I was worried about how many plates and did she have extra dinner and dessert plates. If not, I was going to get some myself. I'd rather have too much than not enough. She said she did and will bring them. I also asked her to bring extra drinking cups because in my experience, and this has happened to me, people will take a drink, put it down, and then forget where they put it so they'll take another cup. I decorated the cakes today. On one I put a "ladder", but I didn't on the other. That and the steps to the pool are the hardest. I think I found how to get the steps to stick to the "railings", use a touch of corn syrup and then some icing. I also made the couscous salad, couscous, peas and I got two rotisserie chickens that I put in it. Thought it should have had something else to make it more moist, but it'll also be a nice compliment to all the other foods (probably). Got the signs made, the towels, sunscreen, chairs, our cooler ready to take outside. Need to clean off the garbage cans. Put some of the tablecloths on the tables along with items for centerpieces (I borrowed some flippers from the Y and have beach balls for them). sure hope your sinus infection heals up for you

    Did 45 min of Jillian Michaels Burn Fat Boost Metabolism DVD. Tomorrow I'll do a yoga DVD at home and then go to the farmer's market. In some ways I hope the guy with the real good corn isn't there otherwise that'll be something else that I'll need to do tomorrow.

    Oh, at the food store today to get the chickens I took some of their plastic bags and have a sign in the bathroom that people can put their wet things in the plastic bags.

    Sue in SD - happy anniversary!

    Pat - prayers for your friend

    Debbie - I find it hard when I go out. I can't be like barbie and not eat, I do try to take just a bit of something (maybe just a bite or two) to at least try what people made. I also try to have something low in calories during the day. Like tomorrow I know I'm going to be over at this potluck, so for breakfast I'm going to have a chicken breast patty (90 calories and high in protein). Good luck to you

    jane - glad you're safe. How scary!

    sandy - glad your migraine is gone. I've never had one, but I've read that ice cream (yes, ice cream) helps. The theory is that the ice cream gives you "brain freeze". Wonder if this works? You'll have to let us know

    Meg - we haven't started putting down the rest of the riverrock yet. We just got it delivered today. We'll probably start Sunday. It's supposed to be nice weather next week.

    I just hope that Vince doesn't do what he did at the last social -- wait until the last minute to put the cats in the bedroom then I'm running around having to vacuum and we had a hard time getting Bonnie. As a matter of fact, people started coming and we still didn't have Bonnie.

    Well, things will come together.

    Michele in NC
  • rjscott
    rjscott Posts: 22 Member
    No chance to get on last couple of nights–DS#2 and girlfriend hit a bump in their relationship and I had to play counselor. Love never seems to be a smooth path!! Hoping for sleep tonight and less drama.
    Melanie–enjoy your workout tomorrow
    Joyce–I’m impressed with your determination to do try things and keep at them, as you did with bowling; sounds like you had a good lunch with your friends
    Barbie–cute tooth graphic
    Genealace–would love to see a picture of your piece of lace
    Cheryl–prayers being said for your daughter and friend, as well as healing for you; when does school begin for your daughter (or did it begin this week)?
    Deb–do you like lentils and quinoa? both are good sources of protein
    Liz–so sorry to hear of your sister’s fall; prayers for all of you
    Michele–enjoy your party; if your weather is similar to ours here in TN, it may be one of the nicest weekends in a long time (in terms of sunshine)
    Sue–Happy anniversary!!!
    Pat–prayers for your friend
    Grandmallie–I like the jar idea; very visual
    Looking forward to a quiet weekend before classes begin next week. Good night!
    Rhonda in SE TN
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Meg :flowerforyou: I like it that you ca now use your years of real life experiences to talk to your nursing students about not being judgemental about pain. On my MS forum so many of the people talk about their different MS patients that their doctors don't believe that MS can cause pain and they have to go to the ER just to get some relief even if it is just temporary. I can tell you, MS does cause pain. If any of you have had neuropathy you know how painful it can be. I know that after all the things I learned with my Mm in hospice I wish I cold go back to work and be a different kind of nurse.

    Rhonda :flowerforyou: I was talking to my brother tonight about my book and some of my bucket list that he thinks should be part of the part of the book. So he was asking me what some of those things are. One of those is to go deep see diving and see some of the beautiful things in coral reefs and beyond. I tried snorkeling at one of the Disney parks. It was so terrible that I never could conquer it. I don't know what frustrated me more, not being able to see the beauty of what they had created in the fake reefs or the fact that I had failed. It still bothers me that I failed. So I'm not sure why I totally accept the fact that I'm a bad housekeeper, can't cook, etc. But when it's something that I am really driven to do, failure really frustrates me.

    Bought me a new pair of jeans to hang in front of my closet as incentive. I bought a pair a couple of weeks ago, size large from the misses section and I wear them quite nicely. But the back is elastic so I know the fit is going to be different. So I went to Walmart to my regular section to look for my jeans and it hip me. My last ones were 16W. They don't sell a 14W. I didn't even know where the jeans for other sizes were located!!! So I have a 14 average hanging there.

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Hey remember me? I feel like I’ve been gone from this thread forever!. :noway: My summer has been so busy but in a good way – vacation and lots of work (much of it involving travel). I’ve only had time to read the last couple of pages, forgive me for not keeping up with all of you.:flowerforyou:

    Today was my annual physical. Last year’s cholesterol reading was one of the key reasons I started MFP – it was very very high. I really didn’t want to start taking meds. My doctor and I made a deal – I would work on losing weight, exercise harder and eat better and then we would see if I got my cholesterol down in the acceptable range. He was definitely impressed with my progress and asked how I did it. I ended up walking him through my MFP app. Now he plans on telling his other patients about this site. I’ll have my new test results early next week – keep your fingers crossed.:wink:

    My DS and his GF are visiting for a few days before they have to go back to school – I’m so happy having them both around!:heart:

    Carol – what a terrible summer you and your family have had. <<<<<hugs>>>>>:brokenheart:
    Heather – hope you are feeling better…congrats on the weight loss. I know what you mean about not being sure about calling it goal. I’m now 2 lbs below my original goal and still not sure if I’m in maintaince:wink:
    Anamika – hang in there – it takes time to change habits. :happy:
    Robin – hope your weather improves – enjoy your vacation!:glasses:
    Michele – sounds like you have quite the party coming up – have fun!:drinker:
    Katia – I pray your DS stays safe:heart:
    Yanniejannie – hope you are feeling better:sick:
    Liz – so sorry to hear about your sister’s fall. Sending virtual hugs and prayers:cry:
    Kevrit – good luck with the job interview and keep up all that activity!:smile:
    Juanita – congrats on the weight loss:flowerforyou:
    Sandy – hope that migraine is finally gone and you are feeling better:sick:
    Grandmallie – congrats on getting back to 154 and enjoy the picnic – sounds like you’ve got a great plan:drinker:
    Meg – I missed the posts on your diabetes – hope you get some good advise from your diabetic educator. I think taboule is made with barley???:smile:
    DeeDee – hope you feel better soon (I feel like I’ve said that a lot in this post :noway: )
    Sue in SD – happy anniversary:flowerforyou:
    Pat – sending prayers your friend recovers
    Suzy – good for you- losing weight, exercising and feeling energetic!:drinker:
    Barbie - you are such an inspiration to me - thank you :flowerforyou:

    Well I'm feeling like I'm falling asleep at the key board so better sign off. Have a great weekend. I hope I'll be keeping up with all of you better going forward

    Jodios:smile::love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :bigsmile:
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Liz…My heart goes out to you and your sister…difficult times. :flowerforyou:

    Sandy…Glad your migraine is gone.

    Meg…Water aerobics sounds like fun exercise. It’s great that your blood glucose levels are improving and that you have health care providers that you feel comfortable working with.

    Michele…Have a wonderful party!!!

    Katla…Have fun visiting with your daughter!

    Gail…Good for you getting in 10,000 steps while not feeling motivated!

    Anamika…It’s nice getting to know you, you must be a patient person to do lace work.

    Dee Dee…Sorry you have a sinus infection, get well soon...keep drinking your water! :drinker:

    Sue is SD…Happy 44th Anniversary!! :heart:

    Pat…Hope you had a fun scrapbooking day! Sorry to hear about your friend.

    Helen…Good for you for walking everyday!

    Suzy in DE…Congrats on the weight loss, hope you make it to the beach (my favorite place).

    Heather…Glad you are improving!

    Jodios…Nice to hear from you…hope you have good travels!

    This week, I have done well with my food choices at two events; a BBQ that celebrated our friend’s 60th wedding anniversary and a birthday party for a 1 year old. My exercise has not been as often and as intense as I would like, but I have continued to log my food, walk each day and do the strength challenge.

    Hope you all have a good week-end!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Terri, from Oregon
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Rhonda in TN - according to weather.com (and we all know how accurate they can be...lol) they're calling for a 30% chance of showers tomorrow. Well, that's better then a 50%. Sunday is supposed to be nice, but that's when we'll start putting down the riverrock so that works.

    Joyce - I almost never can find clothes to fit me at WalMart, mainly because they don't have a petite department. Sometimes, tho, they do carry petite size jeans.

    jodios - welcome back!

    Well, I just spoke to Vince. He can't see any reason why we should put the cats in our bedroom early. I asked him not to do what he did last time and waited until the last minute then we had problems getting Bonnie. He is of the opinion that it'll be fine as long as we close the door to the basement and the door to his office. I tried to tell him that I need to vacuum and I don't want more cat fur, I need to wash the laundry room floor and I can't do that until we put the cat's food in the bathroom, I need to put the things out for the nametags and I don't want the cats playing with the pens, I need to put out the decorations and I just can't have the cats playing with them and then I have to do it over. He just says "well, don't worry". Then he said "I don't like having a social (it wasn't me who volunteered to have a pool party), you get too obsessive". I just don't like waiting until the last minute to do everything. I need to get the snacks on the tables. Yes, there'll be extra help here, but I can't expect them to do everything.

    Michele inNC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michelle, all I can say is MEN