dream girl/boy--vs--girl/boy next door



  • latenitelucy
    latenitelucy Posts: 1,314 Member
    In for hilarity such as:
    The girl next door to me is named Deb. Deb is roughly 300lbs and does a lot of gardening in nightgowns with no undergarments. Even in the rain. She will trap you in to conversations for a half hour where you don't even say a single word. Deb was disappointed in my complete disregard for gardening so she voluntarily planted flowers all over the front of the house and she takes care of them, too. So, Deb is cool I guess.

    Also, girl next door
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I have two girls next door to me. One is in her early 60s, and quite pleasant. I think she's Norwegian. Her husband is color blind, but I don't think she is. The other girl is about the same age, makes neat felt art, and is allergic to wheat, which is a shame considering that the first girl makes amazing Norwegian bread for all of her neighbors at Christmas time.
    Not surprising. Color blindness in men is much more common because the alleles for the green/red detecting molecules are on the X chromosome, meaning men only need to be hemizygous for it in order to be color blind, while in women it is recessive so they need to be homozygous for the mutant allele in order to actually be color blind. Yet ironically if a guy is color blind he got it from his mother since he didn't inherit an X chromosome from his father, because if he did he wouldn't be a guy. So they've got that going for them, which is nice.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    The girl next door to me has grandkids and the girl/boy on the other side (married to one another) don't like to wear your standard deodorant (something about baking soda being the be all end all in chem free deodorant), so no go.
  • cst573
    cst573 Posts: 103 Member
    Is the person above you your dream girl/boy...the girl/boy "next door"....or a no score ?

    Girl Next Door