Why Do People at th Gym never look around?

AshleyM71 Posts: 3,029 Member
Is there a code? Are you not allowed to sneak a peak....I always look. I can't help it if a guy has a nice smile and I toned...Your thoughts on gym etiquette?


  • dessertlover27
    dessertlover27 Posts: 385 Member
    When I used to go to the gym, I get in and get things done. In my zone, so full concentration on my workout. And I would be too busy huffing and puffing to notice anyone else.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I don't look around because I don't want people looking around at me. I'm there to sweat and get a work out, not check out the view!
  • CometMeebru
    because people are there to get **** done, not to people watch
  • Patrick0321
    Patrick0321 Posts: 102 Member
    I don't wear my glasses or contact lenses, so can't see much passed a metre from my face so no point looking round.
  • mtf612
    mtf612 Posts: 47 Member
    I try not to look around to much for a variety of reasons. Primarily, I am highly engaged in lifting my weights and have no desire to break that concentration. Beyond that however, I do it for the purpose of being polite. When I first stepped foot in the gym I was very self-concious of my form and of my body. Not having people looking and judging me helped me grow over the years, and I pay it forward by not looking at others who may also want some 'gym privacy'. Further, being a male in a university gym, I find it important to respect the privacy of all members (regardless of gender) who wish to workout without being ogled.

    Not saying I don't ever sneak a peek, but I try not to.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    I don't look around because I don't want people looking around at me. I'm there to sweat and get a work out, not check out the view!

    pretty much this. i've got music blasting in my ears, and am just kinda in the zone.
  • gil_u
    gil_u Posts: 165 Member
    When I used to go to the gym, I get in and get things done. In my zone, so full concentration on my workout. And I would be too busy huffing and puffing to notice anyone else.

    ^Pretty much. Holy crap, it's August already?
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    People at the gym I go to look around plenty.. both genders.. so do I and my liftingpartner..

    but.. there's one quy who right out stares.. that is creepy! We've cought him staring at my partner for whole sets of squats. I guess it would be less creepy if he came over and said something.. but no.. just stands there and stares...
  • missveeoh
    missveeoh Posts: 90 Member
    I don't wear my glasses or contact lenses, so can't see much passed a metre from my face so no point looking round.

    Same here!!!! Everything is too blurry so I can hardly tell if Im looking at a person or a punching bag...my vision is so poor
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    I quickly look around right when I get there to survey what equipment is being used and when I leave to see if there's anyone there who I know. Any eye-candy in the gym will be scoped out at those times. I don't want to look anymore than that and risk being that creepy person at the gym.
  • celestelovesmoney
    When I do go to a gym or a fitness facility of some sort, I never look around at anyone else because of course, I get really irritated when people look at me or my statistics. I don't know why, but I have some sort of weird complex about that. So yeah, if I feel that they are being rude by "invading my personal space", I feel that they'd receive it the same way, too and I try to respect that. I don't even do that to my sister...for the same aforementioned reasons.

    ^Pretty much. Holy crap, it's August already?
    Haha! Random, but I was thinking exactly that myself. It's like, weren't we just celebrating the mark of the new 2013 year? Now we pretty much have about 5 months until it's 2014. Weird how this year went by so fast...
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    Unless I'm trying to see if a machine is occupied, I don't look around. Honestly, it's a bit creepy if I see a stranger looking at me. Given when I go to the gym, most people there just want to get their workout done.
  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    I guess I don't look around because I don't want to see who is looking at ME. I'm self conscience about my looks anyhow, so to go and look up and see people looking at me would probably make me not want to go back to the gym. That is just me though...and I'm gonna have to fight hard now NOT to look when I go again!

    And well... I'm concentrating on my heart rate, my intensity level and well... I'm also trying not to fall off the dang thing.
  • darvin1023
    darvin1023 Posts: 52 Member
    i saw a post on the wall of the gym that once it said "It's a work out, not a hangout."
    So yeah. I agree with CometMeebru. Be there to "get *kitten* done."

    I'm also one of those people like don't like to talk to anyone when I'm at the gym. I hate working out. So, I'm there to get in, do my routine, then get out. Trust me. Nobody's in a flirty mood when their *kitten* is dripping in sweat. Talking to people while they are in "their zone" would just be rude.

    No there is nothing wrong with a one second glance. We're all human. You can admire someone's hard work, and what they have done with their body. But, remember staring at someone is just CREEPY. Think about it. would you like some guy staring at your *kitten* or hooters while your in the treadmill?
  • pinkdreams13
    pinkdreams13 Posts: 25 Member
    I noticed that too. I felt like I was the only idiot in the gym one day looking around at everybody as they worked out. Maybe it is a code.....lol.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Amateurs! You gotta use the mirrors. LOL

    Size up the men, check out the ladies, dont get caught by the wife. :bigsmile:

    Just playin. A quick look around is fine but leering is for losers.

    Get in, get to work, get out.
  • sarahkay2007
    sarahkay2007 Posts: 42 Member
    I think because most people find it distracting and daunting and don't really want them to have others watching them with their crazy work out faces. I know I hated going to the gym because I didn't want people to see me work out haha also people get in their zone and don't think to look around.
  • pinkdreams13
    pinkdreams13 Posts: 25 Member
    I try not to look around to much for a variety of reasons. Primarily, I am highly engaged in lifting my weights and have no desire to break that concentration. Beyond that however, I do it for the purpose of being polite. When I first stepped foot in the gym I was very self-concious of my form and of my body. Not having people looking and judging me helped me grow over the years, and I pay it forward by not looking at others who may also want some 'gym privacy'. Further, being a male in a university gym, I find it important to respect the privacy of all members (regardless of gender) who wish to workout without being ogled.

    Not saying I don't ever sneak a peek, but I try not to.

    I agree with you. Most people don't like going to the gym when they first start out because they feel that everybody is going to be staring at them. I have been there and being highly overweight in a gym is kind of awkward when you have all these fit people around you. I like to like to look around mostly because I like to see how some people are using the equipment that I have questions about.
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    When I used to go to the gym, I get in and get things done. In my zone, so full concentration on my workout. And I would be too busy huffing and puffing to notice anyone else.

    ^^ that is me too. I stick my earphones, turn the volume to max and just get it done.
    A few weeks ago, the fire alarm went off and I didnt even hear it, the trainer had to come and tell me to get my *kitten* outside LOL
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I do look to check out what others are doing since I'm sort of fairly new at the free weights thing (previously did machines, recently switched, though in my previous gym about 2 years ago i did more lifting). so i do look. but not stare. there is a guy at my gym who STARES. it's creepy.