My apology to short girls



  • dinadyna21
    dinadyna21 Posts: 403 Member
    emjay6x3 wrote: »
    dinadyna21 wrote: »
    dinadyna21 wrote: »
    pudgy1977 wrote: »
    Wait...did the rest of you really read all of that??? I didn't make it past the first sentence. But then again...I'm a short girl...what do I know?

    I don't think anyone did, I zoned out after the first chapter sentence.
    Quite frankly I'd prefer a guy my height but it's a not a deal breaker for me. I'm looking for love forget about height requirements, and tbh short people are more fuel efficient.


    Edit: a word

    How tall are you?

    Um why?

    He's determining whether he can fantasize about you or not. Beware. B)
    So i'mma just see myself out. Good luck with your issues OP.
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    Something tells me that OP got "short shamed" over at the forums and came here to vent...

    It didn't go well here either.
  • th1nr
    th1nr Posts: 42 Member
    mgalsf12 wrote: »
    Okay first of all 5'-11" is tall. I'm 5'-2" and would never consider dating a guy over 6', I would feel like a little kid next to them. Most petite women I know prefer to date men 5'-8" to 6'. If someone told you that they were looking for a taller more handsome guy, they were obviously just trying to hurt you. It really had nothing to do with your height.

    Yes. That's why I don't understand why couples don't wanna just date close to their height. Otherwise it does feel like hugging a little kid. I think that's why I'm not attracted to shorter girls. I've never wanted to be the one in charge of the relationship anyway.

    TIL the taller person is automatically "in charge" of the relationship.
  • Mewwwww
    Mewwwww Posts: 95 Member
    Oh-kay, then. Moving on.
  • Mewwwww
    Mewwwww Posts: 95 Member
    bitcoincat wrote: »
    I agree with you short girls 5 4 and lower are not so attractive but 5 5 and over are fine. You do realize heels make most women uncomfortable righto? Why would you mandate they wear heels. Some girls may have genuine leg problems.

    Here we go again hating on shorter women. Tsk tsk.
    Neverending cycle.
  • LBgetsfit
    LBgetsfit Posts: 769 Member
    This is a whole lot of n’importe quoi... I think I strained my eye balls from rolling so hard.
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