What’s the most ignorant thing well meaning people have said to you about weight?



  • LilFoxtrot
    LilFoxtrot Posts: 91 Member
    cathleen73 wrote: »
    I think the people who are the most annoying can be the ones who have lost a lot of weight themselves are are suddenly "experts". Different things work for different people.

    Thats my sister.
    She's gone gluten free, strict vegan, and something close to paleo-shes convinced I have a dairy allergy and I need to do what she's doing.

    Its all well intentioned, she struggled with her weight big time growing up, but I am not interested in any of that stuff. It gets tiring listen to her jabs about me eating 'murdered chickens/cows/etc' so I get anxious eating around her now. I've never said a bad word about her becoming vegetarian then vegan or anything else (its not my business!) but she's had plenty about me not doing it.
  • the_prez3
    the_prez3 Posts: 58 Member
    LilFoxtrot wrote: »
    cathleen73 wrote: »
    I think the people who are the most annoying can be the ones who have lost a lot of weight themselves are are suddenly "experts". Different things work for different people.

    Thats my sister.
    She's gone gluten free, strict vegan, and something close to paleo-shes convinced I have a dairy allergy and I need to do what she's doing.

    Its all well intentioned, she struggled with her weight big time growing up, but I am not interested in any of that stuff. It gets tiring listen to her jabs about me eating 'murdered chickens/cows/etc' so I get anxious eating around her now. I've never said a bad word about her becoming vegetarian then vegan or anything else (its not my business!) but she's had plenty about me not doing it.
    Oh man, I’d make it a point to eat only meat around her just to stir the pot. My brother is very much overweight and even though I’ve had success with my body composition, I’ve had times in the past when he was on some kind of diet kick where he just flat out told me I was doing it wrong. Even though he’s more than 100lbs obese, he’d give me advice. Kind of like a shop teacher with missing fingers.

  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    edited December 2017
    Not this outing. But during a previous weight-loss attempt, I had a roommate who, I honestly believe, felt threatened by my dropping pounds. And she'd start deliberately trying to push baked goods on me. If I turned them down, it was "So you're NEVER going to have cake again? You know, if you're not careful, you're going to develop an eating disorder."

    We are no longer roommates. Or friends.

    ETA: And come to think of it, I don't think she was that well-meaning, so I guess I posted off-topic. Sorry.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,439 Member
    My best friend gives me so much advice about losing weight, it's very annoying. I know she thinks she is helpful & it kinda hurts her feelings if I don't acknowledge it, but it's mostly from weight watchers & Dr Oz & other places but I'm not doing any of those methods & what I've been doing is working-48lbs down so I don't want advice from places I can't use