2018 Lose 52 Pounds In 52 week’s Challenge



  • ann_1403
    ann_1403 Posts: 22 Member
    edited January 2018
    Weekly weigh in
    PW 221.6
    CW 218.4
    Have tracked food all week
    Really pleased with this week
  • charlouiselb
    charlouiselb Posts: 64 Member
    chicmomma wrote: »
    I feel like I have worked to hard for 2 weeks to only be down 1 lb!!!!
    On the good side, I am eating much healthier than I was before

    Maybe you’ve ‘converted’ fat to muscle. Just because the scale isn’t shifting doesn’t mean your body isn’t building muscle & melting fat. Have faith. Keep up the good work & it will happen.
  • zonnebloem69
    zonnebloem69 Posts: 29 Member
    2018 Starting weight: 99Kg
    Goal weight: 75Kg
    Current weight: 94.5
    Weight loss week 5: 0.8kg
    Total challenge weight lost: 4.5kg

    Last week's successes: Twice I reached more than 10.000 steps
    This week's challenges: Getting up earlier for a morning walk

    Finished 1 entire roll of biscuits in 1 go. Felt awful and started exercising right away. The thought of throwing up was there but i didnt. Should not happen again EVER!
    Must change my scale battery because I can't believe I lost 4.5KG in one month. If its true I am well on my way.

    Good luck everyone for the next week
  • cabman
    cabman Posts: 81 Member
    Week 4

    Starting weight: 88.1kg (194.2)
    Goal weight: 65-75kg (143-165)

    Current weight: 85.3kg (188.0)
    This week Lost: 0kg (0) - No Excuses

    Challenge weight lost: 2.8kg (6.1)

    This week's successes:
    Even though i was away for work, I tried to make good eating decisions. And was able to eat out with colleagues 4 times and stay under my calorie goal.

    Next week's challenges:
    Busy and stressful week this week at work, need to ensure i make all my planned gym sessions and do not stress eat.
  • soniaf
    soniaf Posts: 106 Member
    I would love to join!
    Can I start late?

    Starting date is Sunday 21 Jan.
    Starting weight: 79 kg (174#)
    Goal weight: 60 kg (132#)
    Current weight: Sun 28 Jan : 78.2kg (172#)
    Weight lost this week (1) = 0.8kg = 2 pounds
    Total weight lost: 0.8kg = 2 pounds
    This week's successes: getting back from holidays and clean eating
    This week's challenges: It's been so bloody hot. I kid you not. Several days of 35 plus degrees celsius stopped me exercising
  • vivalavida82
    vivalavida82 Posts: 108 Member
    Starting weight: 173.5
    Goal weight:140
    Current weight: 168.6
    This week's loss: 0.7 gain
    Total weight lost: 4.9

    This week's successes: Again, many successes this week. I felt good. I went out 3 times with friends and still managed to be on an overall calorie deficit. And I went on a 70km bike ride in the countryside yesterday, beautiful! I gained 0.7lb though. I don't think it's a real gain, probable retaining water from the ride yesterday, but it's always a bummer to see a gain. Another success: I only weigh myself twice this week -> I'm trying not to be obsessed with the scale.

    This week's challenges: Since i went out a lot, I ended up drinking quite bit. Got to make sure I get all my protein and fiber in, not just liquor! For next week, I got to keep the motivation regardless of the mini gain.

    Have a great day you bunches of losers!
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Well i'm happy to report a no gain weekend. Love it. So now i'm out shortly to go for my walk at arena. I do a mile of laps around the ice it's not a bad walking area much nicer than walking outside for this old lady. You don't want to land on your behind at 69.

    See you all lighter
  • Gimme2017
    Gimme2017 Posts: 44 Member
    edited January 2018
    Week 4

    Starting weight: 178 1/1/18
    Goal weight: 144
    Current weight: 169
    Total weight lost last week: 2
    Last week's successes: light exercise 4 days
    Last week's challenges: none

    Total weight loss for this challenge 9
  • FrancineJM61
    FrancineJM61 Posts: 99 Member
    I know January is over but I would still like to jump in on this one. Stated WW at the beginning of Jan. lost 8 pounds so far. My goal there is a pound a week. Weighing in again on Feb. 3.

  • lindatcross1949
    lindatcross1949 Posts: 46 Member
    Starting weight: 229 1/1/18
    Current weight: 217.8
    Weight loss this week:4.8
    Total loss: 11.2

    Success this week: losing while having company, not eating after evening meal, walking every day
    Challenges this week: walking my steps every day. I fell last week and am a bit sore.
  • Stardust620
    Stardust620 Posts: 250 Member
    Starting weight: 248 lbs
    Goal weight: 150 lbs
    Current weight: 243.8 lbs
    Week loss: 3.2 lbs
    Total weight lost: 4.2 lbs
    Last week's successes: Lost 3 pounds! Ate lots of veggies.
    Last week's challenges: Sticking with my exercise routine, being good about what I eat & logging when I get busy.
    This week's goals: Work out 4 out of 7 days. Log everything & stay under calorie goal every day.
  • Link2Life
    Link2Life Posts: 102 Member
    Name: Deb
    Age: 44
    Height: 5' 7"

    Starting weight: 186.0 (Jan 1, 2018)
    Goal weight: 135
    Current weight: 177.6
    Total weight lost: 8.4

    This week's successes: Getting out of hotel bed Saturday at 6am to run in the hotel fitness room and not miss my schedule for Couch to 5k. Eating a side salad instead of fries during our lunch stop on the drive to the hotel.

    This week's challenges: Department outing Thursday night and then two awards awards banquets out of town Friday and Saturday night plus 10 hours in the car lead to more eating and less movement. I ended up eating more carbs - and even more sugar - than I should have. Funny how I had sugar on Saturday and I had a headache from it (or maybe it was the wine..LOL). Then I was craving sugar Sunday monring, caved and bought a donut. What's done is done and today is a new day.

    Weigh-in day: Monday

    01/02/18: 186.0
    01/08/18: 181.0
    01/15/18: 180.6
    01/22/18: 177.6
    01/29/18: 177.6 :/
  • Griinzz
    Griinzz Posts: 4 Member
    Starting weight:
    Goal weight: minus 60# - started 1/1/18
    Current weight:
    Total weight lost: 9# - weigh-in on Fri
    This week's successes: eating more seafood; homemade humus; more 'meal parts' in fridge ready for 'assembly'
    This week's challenges: continue to limit eating/calories to 10AM to 7 PM
  • mgoodwin1967
    mgoodwin1967 Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2018
    Starting late but will give it my best shot.
    Starting weight: 242.0
    Goal weight: 200.0
    Current weight:
    Total weight lost:
    This week's successes: None
    This week's challenges: Getting started on exercise program and track foods to keep me accountable.
  • MsArriabella
    MsArriabella Posts: 469 Member
    Starting weight: 196.6
    Goal weight: 130
    Current weight: 188.0
    Total weight lost: 3.0
    This week's successes: Still sticking with my running program
    This week's challenges: Finding time to cook on busy weeknights, not going overboard when going out on weekends.
  • Fit_Prit
    Fit_Prit Posts: 251 Member
    I enjoy working out with Fitness Blender on YouTube. There is alot of variety available, type, length, intensity. I find them very motivating and fun. :)

    I will try this. :smiley: