what is the point in exercising?



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    With apologies for the brief thread hijack:

    People interested in body recomposition, the thread you want - perhaps the thread of your dreams - is here:


    The current thread we are in? Not about recomposition as a strategy, beyond @xsmilexforxmex's very excellent and very on topic photo example of one very important reason the actual OP here might want to exercise.

    We now return to OP's regularly-scheduled "What is the point of exercise?" thread.

  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    echastee92 wrote: »
    I need some motivation because my calorie goal is already as low as it gets. If I exercise, I technically should just be eating more, but then it makes exercise feel pointless. I need to get out of this mindset so I thought maybe some of you educated exercise folks could hit me with some good ol facts to help me see the point in exercise! I know it has benefits and it's good for you but can someone help me understand how it's going to help aid in my weight loss? I keep talking myself out of it. I've been doing a real good job without it I just wonder how much better I could be doing with it...

    Exercise is freaking incredible. I used to be all about nutrition only - eating my calorie allotment and doing cardio only to "subtract" excess cals or put me into even more of a deficit. My body was - as some people say - skinny fat. I was not overweight by any means, but I was weak as hell and had no definition. Exercise is key for creating a sculpted body. Aside from that, there are multiple benefits to exercise that are the reason I have stuck with it for so long. Lifting weights can help you feel a sense of success and confidence on a daily basis when you are easily repping dumbbells that used to be unimaginable. It releases endorphins and can help with depression and stress relief. That's in addition to the vast health benefits like heart health, lower cholesterol, better metabolism, etc. It's definitely not all about just subtracting calories. You will look better and more importantly feel better if you incorporate some type of exercising.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    The point of exercise it to get stronger or faster.

    It also burns calories, so that in a deficit, you get to eat more.
  • THeADHDTurnip
    THeADHDTurnip Posts: 413 Member
    edited January 2018
    There is no disadvantage to strength, well only one, my lats so wide I can no longer itch the centre on my back.

    But seriously, you never know when you need the +10 strength stat for an emergency situation.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Exercise is never pointless. Exercise because you are able to. Think about this, there are people who would love the opportunity to exercise but can't.

    As we grow older we can lose strength, balance, and range of motion. You may not not be older right now, so it's easy to take these kinds of thing for granted.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    This is what exercise can help with. :)


    Is this you?
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    The point of exercise it to get stronger or faster.

    Or even just somewhere else. Like bike commuting, steeple chase racing, or the first marathon.
  • AllPositive1
    AllPositive1 Posts: 33 Member
    For me exercise is to improve my sleep. We are not supposed to drive everywhere and sit working for 8 hours or more. My brain is constantly overactive, I need to exhaust myself.