I've come to the conclusion I can't have a treat or cheat meal?



  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    dave_in_ni wrote: »
    I've been stuck in this cycle for ages now. Do great all week then undo all my hard work on the weekends.

    I have a cheat meal on a Saturday night but that triggers a binge that ends on Monday and the cycle continues. I guess I have an addictive personality. I do the same with beer, can't have 1 and be done I have to get drunk.

    I think for me it's best if I avoid cheating all together.

    Is anyone else like this?

    Why would you deliberately plan to cheat? Just make everyday an ordinary day, and count your calories the same way.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    The points people are making about cutting too low are good ones. I've had times where calculating a deficit assuming I'm eating around maintenance on the weekend and making it up during the week works for me, but if you feel deprived and overeat on the weekends you will be better off setting yourself up with a 1 lb deficit daily and sticking to it (or if you want an occasional day off, probably not every weekend, just deciding to have a maintenance day).

    What calories do you get if you do that?
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    I agree with others that you should increase your calorie intake and also try redistributing the calories. I am 5'4" female (52 y.o.) and I'm intaking 1600 calories. Not losing as fast as I was eating 1250 but it feels better. I have never "binged" but I have gone over my calorie budget for the day and usually that came about when I didn't eat 3 good meals. I have trigger foods--chips and bread. I cannot buy chips unless it is ONE 100 calorie serving. So I rarely buy them at all now, since it is hard to find the 100 calorie bags in my area. If I were to buy a stash of 100 calorie bags I'd eat more than one bag.

    I will write down in the food notes on MFP when I have an issue with a trigger food. For me it is better if I plan and eat at least 2 full meals of at least 500 calories. I can half a lighter breakfast or dinner, and a snack at another point, but my lunch needs to be substantial, along with one other meal. Eating small meals just sets me up for too much snacking.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Don't make it a cheat meal. Have the slice of pizza but have some salad with it or something.

    Unfortunately for me, stopping altogether just leads to binging later.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Don't make it a cheat meal. Have the slice of pizza but have some salad with it or something.

    Unfortunately for me, stopping altogether just leads to binging later.

    The second i label anything "Cheat" i spiral lol. Its like i can pretend it doesnt happen, or my body doesnt register the calories. Or im cheating dammit i mise will go all out its already negative just by the definition"cheat"
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    @dave_in_ni I suggest a mental device which may have an insidious effect on your weekend cheating, by helping you overcome it. While you are trying to lose weight, choose a single day of the week which you treat as the important day, the one you work toward, the one you care about. Care about that morning weigh-in so much that for the days before it you you stay on your calorie budget.

    And make that day Monday.