

  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    1700 cals (the number is included in the OP) is unlikely to be the problem so if the only thing that changed was switching to keto then I'd certainly revert to a more standard macro split A.S.A.P.

    I am almost wonder if they aren't taking in a lot of veggies, which is limiting their ability to get adequate micronutrients.

    Seeing the macros would help since keto is lower protein too.

    Not enough protein was what I was thinking.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    edited January 2018
    jenbk2 wrote: »
    Are you still breast feeding ? Did you do your research regarding KETO and breastfeeding? You need carbs for your body.

    OP, hair loss is definitely consistent with the aftermath of giving birth. My daughter is 5 months post partum and has thick hair like yours. At this point she has lost a lot of hair on both sides around her hairline so that her scalp is visible, but it's starting to grow back now. Check with your doctor, and I'll bet that's what they'll tell you.

    edited for clarity
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I also started losing my hair after about 5 months on keto. Scared me to death. I made a doc appt but figured there was a good chance it was my diet. I upped my carbs and in about a month my hair stopped falling out. Doc couldn't find any issues with my blood work.

    Hope you can find some answers soon.
  • katnadreau
    katnadreau Posts: 149 Member
    I'm going to echo postpartum hair loss, how long ago did you give birth?? You lose little to no hair during pregnancy, then shortly after birth (about 6 weeks for me personally), it all starts coming out in chunks it feels like. I truly believe that's why most women chop it off after having kids. It's why I do. Once it starts growing back it's obviously uneven in several spots, might as well cut to try and match. It does come back though.
  • TamraMarie93
    TamraMarie93 Posts: 7 Member
    Post partum hair loss is normal. I experienced hair loss again after losing 50 lbs due to hormones balancing out (decrease in fat - decrease in estrogen).
    I have long hair that's pretty fuzzy on top because of the new hair growing back. Get some good hairspray :p
    It doesn't hurt to check in with your doctor though to rule out any other causes.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    If - big IF - OP is actually at 25% protein on a 1700 Calorie diet, she's taking in ~125 g a day. So lack of Calories and/or protein and/or fat (because keto) isn't the issue.

    So, yeah - talk to your doctor about this.
  • Sunshine_And_Sand
    Sunshine_And_Sand Posts: 1,320 Member
    I would recommend stopping the keto and see your doctor for a good checkup and blood work to be sure there isn't medical reason (besides the nutrition) causing your hair loss.
    I don't now (and have never had the desire to) do keto, but if it is what's causing your hair loss your gonna have to decide if it's really worth it to you. Maybe try eating a less restrictive diet (as far as what foods/macros you allow) and just stay within your allotted calories. Keto isn't necessary for weight loss.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    edited January 2018
    jenbk2 wrote: »
    Are you still breast feeding ? Did you do your research regarding KETO and breastfeeding? You need carbs for your body.

    Actually you don't need carbs for breastfeeding. What you need is adequate calories and hydration. I breastfed my youngest son until he was 21 months while doing a ketogenic diet (50g) for symptoms of gestational diabetes that did not leave and was trying to become prediabetes. I didn't start balding. Later, after regaining some weight, I went keto for 1.5 years to lose all my weight. I didn't start balding then either.

    The point about losing extra hair post-childbirth is a good one. Also with all weight loss, a phenomenon called "Telogen Effluvium" can occur. Read more here: https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/hair-loss/effluviums#1
    Weight loss is a stressor and childbirth is a stressor. This causes the body to stop hair growth for a time. When it's ready, it sheds all the "paused" hair at once. Seems like a lot. Mine thinned out quite a bit when I lost 80ish pounds later. It's still thinner. You can see more of my scalp than you used to. But it stopped. This is all normal for any "diet."

    Hair thinning is common. Starting to get bald spots on ANY diet isn't normal.
    Eat enough calories, especially while breastfeeding.
    Protein: Keto is moderate protein, not low, so you might want to rob from your fat and give it to protein. Protein trumps everything.
    If you are eating enough calories and getting enough nutrients and still balding, then you need to see your doc about this.
  • FlyingMolly
    FlyingMolly Posts: 490 Member
    My hair started falling out 3 months post-partum. I've got a ridiculous amount of hair so I was actually kind of happy to have it be a little more manageable...at first. It kept on going for a month--huge nests of it every time I washed my hair--and I was starting to really freak out by the time it stopped.

    I'd definitely check in with your doctor, but I wouldn't panic if you've given birth fairly recently (and especially if you didn't already experience excessive hair loss during the pregnancy). Mention your goals, macros, supplements and breastfeeding just in case anything is "off," and fingers crossed that nothing is!
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,172 Member
    I started losing my hair because I was losing weight too rapidly, sometimes 2 to 2.5 pounds per week. If this is what you are doing, slow down your rate of loss to no more than 1 pound a week.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Have you had bloods done by a doctor?


    As one post suggested, it can be a number of things. Rule out any illness / disease first.
  • Keto_Kueen
    Keto_Kueen Posts: 23 Member
    thanx so much everyone!!! The responds are overwhelming! I appreciate everyone taking time out to reply to me :)
    I want to clarify that I'm not breastfeeding (thank goodness lol)
    My little one is 3 yrs old in May, and I weaned her May of 2017...way before even started keto. Xoxoxox
    Labs were perfectly normal....so it might just be my body missing the carbs *sighs*
  • Keto_Kueen
    Keto_Kueen Posts: 23 Member
    jenbk2 wrote: »
    Are you still breast feeding ? Did you do your research regarding KETO and breastfeeding? You need carbs for your body.

    there's a misunderstanding hun as I weaned my baby in May 2017 when she turned 2! I wasn't even keto then lol
    unfortunately everyone commented on my breastfeeding after this comment...which isn't even correct haha
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Keto_Kueen wrote: »
    thanx so much everyone!!! The responds are overwhelming! I appreciate everyone taking time out to reply to me :)
    I want to clarify that I'm not breastfeeding (thank goodness lol)
    My little one is 3 yrs old in May, and I weaned her May of 2017...way before even started keto. Xoxoxox
    Labs were perfectly normal....so it might just be my body missing the carbs *sighs*

    So your goal is 1700, what are you actually eating? How much protein are you eating?
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    Keto_Kueen wrote: »
    thanx so much everyone!!! The responds are overwhelming! I appreciate everyone taking time out to reply to me :)
    I want to clarify that I'm not breastfeeding (thank goodness lol)
    My little one is 3 yrs old in May, and I weaned her May of 2017...way before even started keto. Xoxoxox
    Labs were perfectly normal....so it might just be my body missing the carbs *sighs*

    Thanks for following up and letting everyone know the update, and glad to hear your labs were normal! Hopefully the hair loss issue gets resolved soon. I don't really have any suggestions that haven't already been posed (perhaps evaluating protein intake and whether it may be low) and I'm definitely not a doctor, just wanted to wish you well. Good luck!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    edited January 2018
    What's your height and weight?

    Are you eating back most of your exercise calories?

    These things are important.

    There are plenty of good reasons not to do Keto, but we also need to discount over-exercising/under-eating, which is often a cause of hair loss.

  • gluckmdg15
    gluckmdg15 Posts: 3 Member
    You should see a dermatologist. It could be due any number of things, anemia, alopecia, stress, etc. A dermatologist would probably have more experience dealing with this vs. a general practitioner.
  • Keto_Kueen
    Keto_Kueen Posts: 23 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Keto_Kueen wrote: »
    thanx so much everyone!!! The responds are overwhelming! I appreciate everyone taking time out to reply to me :)
    I want to clarify that I'm not breastfeeding (thank goodness lol)
    My little one is 3 yrs old in May, and I weaned her May of 2017...way before even started keto. Xoxoxox
    Labs were perfectly normal....so it might just be my body missing the carbs *sighs*

    So your goal is 1700, what are you actually eating? How much protein are you eating?

    5%, 25%, 70% r my macro ratios for carbs protein and fat respectively. I just increased my calories to 1800!