Eat your carbs



  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    coderdan82 wrote: »
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    You can be fat adapted without doing keto

    Actually, can you elaborate on this? Not arguing it, I'm honestly curious. I've only heard of fat adaptation through ketosis.

    I am guessing that low carbers may become fat adapted too. Those who eat higher carbs, appear not to be able to use fat to the same extent that a fat adapted person of the same athletic level will.

    Phinney and Volek's FASTER study shows what form of energy is used by endurance athletes who are fat adapted or carb based. The carb based athletes are much more metabolically flexible than the average Joe, but the fat adapted athletes are able to use a lot more fat for fuel than the carb based athletes.

    This blog discusses what most likely determines fat/keto adaptation.
