What's YOUR biggest pet peeve while working out at the gym?



    PWRLFTR1 Posts: 324 Member
    Dudes who see a barbell loaded with plates, see me (a girl) near that barbell, but goes over and begins to remove the plates without giving any thought to the fact that they are in use...by me. Then act all surprised when I tell them that "hey, I'm lifting here". That *kitten* pisses me off.
  • bree_7
    bree_7 Posts: 52 Member
    when people see that your in the zone with headphones on an they come start talking to you. like yes, I will stop what I'm doing to take off the head phones to say I'm sorry what. :open_mouth:
  • smurphx
    smurphx Posts: 21 Member
    Loads of kids in the gym who are there just to piss about.. especially when in groups. Also hate it when people don't put dumbbells back on the rack in the correct order I always end up reorganizing it because I go to pick one up and they all fall off
  • ecjim
    ecjim Posts: 1,001 Member
    I love this thread - makes me glad I have a gym at home & don't have to deal with those fools - Eastcoast Jim
  • Bchgrl_37
    Bchgrl_37 Posts: 260 Member
    #1. The fact that my gym serves pizza on the first Monday of every month. The gym should be the one place where you aren’t faced with food temptations. Pizza and sweaty strangers don’t mix. Planet Crazy for sure.
    2. Guys that give unsolicited advice on how I can improve my lifting form.
    3. People who use the machines out of order in the circuit training room...they are numbered for a reason.
    4. Of course people who don't clean the equipment after use but I have also seen people who use their sweaty towel that they used during their workout to wipe their machine down. So gross!!!
    5. The fact that the food network is on every other monitor. It literally makes me sick watching food being cooked while I’m working out.
    6. On a lighter note I have noticed several guys who come in to workout wearing jeans and a button down shirt which always makes me smile.
  • shenanigans_
    shenanigans_ Posts: 457 Member
    Probably the fact that when I drink a milkshake on the treadmill, boys just start flocking around me. Totes annoying.
  • Lizakabibbis
    Lizakabibbis Posts: 370 Member
    The young kids who think they are all that and a bag of chips.

    Sadly, at my gym it doesn't stop with the kids. So annoying!
  • kerrylkatriviera
    kerrylkatriviera Posts: 25 Member
    I donate magazines I'm done with to the communal rack. I *hate* when people walk up to the rack right after I put a new magazine on it, and walk out of the gym with it.
  • Eden_Goldie
    Eden_Goldie Posts: 283 Member
    Having to actually get there and back, I literally live round the corner but the effort of going and getting ready is a struggle. If I could click my fingers and be in a machine dressed in gym gear then click them again and be at home then I would go a lot more!! Haha
  • Inspirationalwaterjug
    smurphx wrote: »
    Loads of kids in the gym who are there just to piss about.. especially when in groups. Also hate it when people don't put dumbbells back on the rack in the correct order I always end up reorganizing it because I go to pick one up and they all fall off

    This ! Yes they’re not even the same shape! Now I have to take this 100 that was where the 80s go but there’s a 30 there and when I get to the thirties there a 150 there. It’s a god damn nightmare.
  • CheesisChrist
    CheesisChrist Posts: 2 Member
    My biggest pet peeve when at the gym is when i exerciser
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    When someone wearing strong perfume or worse - a recent smoker (that crap reeks - whether you know it or not you carry it with you everywhere you go) gets next to me on a treadmill. It causes my asthma to flare up, I have a coughing fit, and then I have to move. I can run and run forever on fresh air, but stick an asthma trigger next to me and it's all over. :p
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    edited February 2018
    CatchMom13 wrote: »
    Roadie2000 wrote: »
    People who do supersets when the gym is busy and don't know what supersets are, they just hog 2 pieces of equipment. And people who don't de-rack their weights.

    I swear most of the time there will be weights on a bar with nobody around, I don't know how to tell if someone just forgot to take the weights off or if they are doing some superset on the other side of the gym or went and got a drink of water or something. At least put a towel there or something.

    I usually give it a couple minutes before I move in but I'm not exactly sure what the etiquette is. But if the gym is busy I have a low amount of patience for people.

    I'll bite... what's a superset?

    Reminds me of that dude the other night at my gym. I guess he thought the leg press was a cardio machine. I casually timed him while I was running on the treadmill. He spent 53 minutes playing with his phone and doing dozens of sets of bazillions of reps on that one machine.
  • billneal1
    billneal1 Posts: 3 Member
    Cell phone users. Leave them in the car. The gym is for working out
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    People who don't wipe down the equipment with sanitizer, people who try to talk to me? People who hover around leaning up against a machine while their buddy works out on a different one.. and guys who very very very loudly grunt like they're seriously constipated or in labor while they do "heavy" things.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    jesspen91 wrote: »
    ...An old man once told me that if I used less weight on the cable machine I could get much more reps *face palm*...


  • Barfly57
    Barfly57 Posts: 333 Member
    Probably the fact that when I drink a milkshake on the treadmill, boys just start flocking around me. Totes annoying.

    Why is the treadmill in the yard?
  • Germank106
    Germank106 Posts: 11 Member
    edited February 2018

    A superset is what you do when you rapidly move between two machines without rest.

  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I donate magazines I'm done with to the communal rack. I *hate* when people walk up to the rack right after I put a new magazine on it, and walk out of the gym with it.

    That your GM has a magazine rack seems just weird to me
  • 1robertjr
    1robertjr Posts: 1 Member
    Recently I've seen this quite a bit more maybe cause its the new year and everyone wants to act like they "go to the gym". It annoys me when people are just wasting time on a machine or area to just look at their phone and text...I can already tell you are just half assing your workout so why waste your time and mine. Its really just being inconsiderate of everyone around you who is being serious about their health.