In 2016, I successfully used KETO to become pregnant with my second child after 5 years of struggling with PCOS, infertility, hormone imbalance, hypothyroidism, and insulin resistance that became type II diabetes. I got diabetes at 34% body fat composition, which proves how important hormone regulation is in the body. In Feb 2016 I started KETO after a month of insulin injections left me heavier and feeling like I was going to die at 31 years old. I stopped all my meds. By April I had dropped the weight, regulated my blood sugar, and got pregnant (after 5 years of I fertility!!!) My second child was born January 2017. I went of KETO during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and recently weaned my baby in January 2018. The hormone fluctuations combined with hormonal birth control led to a flare up of my metabolic condition. My fasting blood sugars were soon 350. Went back on KETO, discontinued meds, and I was back to fasting blood sugars between 85-100. Initially loosing water weight and some body fat. Dropped 1/2 inch of neck, 1.5 inches of waist, and 2 inches off hips. My rings are falling off my fingers. I have energy, and best off all I don’t feel like a 33 year old woman at deaths door. MyFitnessPal helps me track macros and calories, I love it!

If you’re doing low carb high fat for health ADD ME! I’ve no friends on here!


  • eve12345
    eve12345 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I want to get started on Keto and I am doing research on what to eat and how to determine macros and calories. Glad to hear it has worked for you.
  • jaclynb2012
    jaclynb2012 Posts: 1 Member
    Have you tested your blood lipid levels? I find it so important to know values of HDL to LDL ratio! I think it is a fairly cheap test to have your doctor run. I follow primarily keto for 5 years. I eat 40 carbs a day and exercise which is enough to throw me into ketosis. Im 25 and I have been the same weight since i was 15. It is a great lifestyle for both weightloss and weight management as well has keeping my HDL high and my LDL low.
  • slynnkie
    slynnkie Posts: 6 Member
    I get a full metabolic panel with CBC and thyroid function ran at least twice a year. So far so good. My HDLs were low normal, but LDS were upper mid range. I’m positive the labs will be even better in a couple of months. I wish I was still my weight before kids! I got very ill, hormonal imbalances, thyroiditis, PCOS, insulin resistance, and diabetes all happened during my mid twenties. Went from 5’9 and 135 pounds athletic built to 160 after first baby, quickly gained 25 after hormone birth control, gained another 30 after a bout of thyroiditis and PCOS, then gained another 25 after month after month of hormone fertility treatments. I was 235 pounds.

    I’d just love to see 155!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Congrats on your success so far! :)

    Try joining the Low Carber Daily or Keto MFP groups. You'll find many like minded people there.
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    slynnkie wrote: »
    In 2016, I successfully used KETO to become pregnant with my second child after 5 years of struggling with PCOS, infertility, hormone imbalance, hypothyroidism, and insulin resistance that became type II diabetes. I got diabetes at 34% body fat composition, which proves how important hormone regulation is in the body. In Feb 2016 I started KETO after a month of insulin injections left me heavier and feeling like I was going to die at 31 years old. I stopped all my meds. By April I had dropped the weight, regulated my blood sugar, and got pregnant (after 5 years of I fertility!!!) My second child was born January 2017. I went of KETO during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and recently weaned my baby in January 2018. The hormone fluctuations combined with hormonal birth control led to a flare up of my metabolic condition. My fasting blood sugars were soon 350. Went back on KETO, discontinued meds, and I was back to fasting blood sugars between 85-100. Initially loosing water weight and some body fat. Dropped 1/2 inch of neck, 1.5 inches of waist, and 2 inches off hips. My rings are falling off my fingers. I have energy, and best off all I don’t feel like a 33 year old woman at deaths door. MyFitnessPal helps me track macros and calories, I love it!

    If you’re doing low carb high fat for health ADD ME! I’ve no friends on here!

    I am adding you girl. Going through almost everything you went through.