Endometrial Ablation and Weight Gain (Girl Stuff)



  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    I had novasure uterine ablation on Jan 12 2017 and the day after I had a gain of 2 pounds which I believe was from the IV fluid...Its been 3 weeks and I've lost the 2 pounds plus 4 more :)
  • jenckm
    jenckm Posts: 1 Member
    I had an ablation in July of 2012, by December of 2012 I had gained 40 lbs. I went to the Dr. and had my thyroid tested, nothing. My responses from Doctor's are well, you are at that age... very frustrating. I have now gained over 50 lbs, I have done the beachbody workouts, watch what I eat and walk and just keep gaining. I am very upset about the weight gain. Before my ablation I could work out and diet and lose weight and now I work out and diet with no results. I wish now that I would have not had the ablation and just taken the medication to stop my constant bleeding and clotting.
  • gcoulter73
    gcoulter73 Posts: 0 Member
    I am sorry you are going through this. I understand. I had an ablation in 2015 and have gained 11 pounds since while nothing I do has changed. Yes, I fully think it is due to the ablation and I attribute it maybe to water retention now that I don't get a period. I am a marathoner and weight train 3 days per week. I can't exercise any more than I do. I eat pretty healthy. I run pretty high mileage and in fact have not really fluctuated in weight for as long as I remember. I have always been 115-119 until two years ago when I had the procedure. I too, even in high peak of training, have not been able to lose. So weird. Best of Luck to you. You are not alone. :)
  • DanielleMarie78
    DanielleMarie78 Posts: 2 Member
    I had lost 25lbs by cutting out all sugary snacks, from 155-130 and easily kept it off for 2 years. I had an endometrial ablation (Novasure) in 2015. Afterward, I immediately gained 3lbs, and eventually regained almost all of my prior weight loss. I still do not eat sugar, so my diet hasn't changed, it's actually gotten healthier in response to the weight gain. I have spoken to 2 general practitioner doctors who agree that it could be because of the ablation, however, there is no real evidence, and nothing really to reverse the affects. I always had a flat stomach even at my highest weight until after the ablation, and I am now seeing all the added weight go to my belly as well. I'm working hard now in hopes that I can reverse this affect, but frustrating as I don't feel I have the luxury to enjoy even the occasional treat anymore as just one seems to make the scale go up.
  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    Hi, I haven't had one but did you gain weight as soon as you got home from having the surgery? I gained 18 lbs. in the hospital (8 day stay, no food), a 4 day stay put on 8 lbs. and a 1 day procedure put on 4 lbs. So it could be the fluids in your IV. Keep on focusing and try to relax a bit; the weight will come off.
  • 2kidsmotivation
    2kidsmotivation Posts: 1 Member
    I suspect this is what is wrong with me. What did you end up doing?
  • VioletRojo
    VioletRojo Posts: 596 Member
    I suspect this is what is wrong with me. What did you end up doing?

    This thread is six years old, I doubt the original poster is still around to answer your question.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited May 2019
    Messes with hormones for some they say weight gain is a side effect but not for everyone but many do.
    Tubal ties also can cause weight gain in some while another woman drops weight.
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    Damaging/removing the endometrium does nothing to cause weight gain. Your ovaries are unaffected therefore hormone production should be unchanged. Unless you have been injured during surgery it is most likely coincidental. I just had an endometrial resection, an ablation was out of the question for me because of fibroids; but in the end we were hoping for a similar outcome. I have gained about 2lbs since the surgery. What do I blame? Migraines actually. Spring has me pretty up and down with severe head pain and back to back migraines. These are aggravated by poor food choices(I was often unable to prepare my own food) and raised heart rate(so very little exercise). I am finally feeling a bit better as the weather settles some and a med adjustment kicks in. I am finally able to actually look at controlling calories again instead of eating whatever seems to sit well that day.

    Instead of so many women blaming the ablation I would like to see them go to their ob/gyn and ask for some simple hormone bloodwork. That would answer their questions and help redirect them towards calorie control instead of blaming a benign(in regards to weight loss) surgery.