What the eff??!!??

How long do you think it takes of being consistently in the gym to notice some form of visual result?? I’ve been going anywhere from 4-6 days a week from 6-7am since mid January. I always start with cardio and end with strength training. If anything my weight on the scale has gone UP though my body composition has changed (body fat % down and muscle % is up). The problem is I’m not SEEING the changes and I’m getting frustrated with it. I know my body is changing for the better but damnittttt I want to SEE IT already!! How long did it take you to really see the changes you work so hard for?? I’m not even close to giving up but I need some reassurance that this is normal or something. I dunno, I just need some fkng positivity cuz I’m feeling defeated after weighing in today. :#:/;):)


  • AlbiesWifey2017
    AlbiesWifey2017 Posts: 18 Member
    I’m definitely trying to lose and NOT gain lolz.
  • AlbiesWifey2017
    AlbiesWifey2017 Posts: 18 Member
    I do not have a “before” pic. Perhaps I will take one today. I determine my body fat via my fancy scale that does body age, fat, muscle, BMI. The changes it reflects are slow coming as far as body fat loss and muscle gain. I was inconsistently working out since November and consistently since January.
    I’m trying to lose a decent amount of weight, 50 pounds or so..
    I throw protein powder in my smoothies every once in a while, snack on raw almonds often and usually have a good portion of protein for dinner.