I just ate an entire box of cereal



  • alexmose
    alexmose Posts: 792 Member
    What kind of cereal!!
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    edited May 2020
    MaltedTea wrote: »
    Old thread but I was super curious to know which cereal would be interesting enough to eat an entire box of.

    Alas, I remain none the wiser 😔

    Cinnamon Toast Crunch would do it for me. :)
  • lizziehunter25
    lizziehunter25 Posts: 1 Member
    I love cereal! Especially if its froot loops
  • ecjim
    ecjim Posts: 1,001 Member
    wallyr1 wrote: »
    sardelsa wrote: »
    Are you trying to gain weight? Does this happen often? Are you restricting any types of foods, like cereal? Were you stressed or bored?
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    Were you very hungry? Perhaps you are restricting too much at certain times per day? Not fueled before your workouts? You need to tell us more about your training, goals and life style.

    Are you trying to gain weight or not?

    College rower.
    Workout 6 days a week on water . Lifting about 5-7days.

    I AM trying to bulk. I really wanna put on mass, My frames large and I have a lot to fill up.I had my calories at 3,000. But that really doesn’t seem to be enough, because even at 3,000 I still end up hungry some nights. I think I need bring them up.

    I did get in the habit of being pretty restrictive with my diet. So I’m trying to slowly reincorporate cereals, cookies, etc into my diet. I just find those foods super easy to binge on. I wasn’t stressed or bored I was actually pretty hungry. I weighed out the first scoop but it really didn’t fill me up so I jusy kept eating and fell into a trance and ended up jus eating the whole box. Sure I feel pretty bloated but not so uncomfortable like I’m gonna throw up. Usually I’ll just skip breakfast/lunch the next day after a binge like this and I’m back on track

    Should I increase my cals past 3000? If so, by how much? 3200? My goals to gain 3lb or so every month for a while. I’m pretty fit, but I really don’t have that much muscle, so I’m figuring I’m still in my first year of actual lifting with a meal plan and weight goal.

    You probably need to eat more . - You are young, and active - lifting weights and rowing. You said you are trying to bulk up - so increase your cal intake untill the scale goes up. Don't do it all at once - add 500 cals per day, stay at that level for a couple weeks, and see what happens, increase if needed. Be sure to get 175 gms of protien , 75 gms of fat, and the rest carbs, and eat your veggies.
  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,023 Member
    no worries unless you do this every day. When I was your age and playing sports, I could eat pretty much whatever I wanted with tons of calories. In fact, I needed to eat at least 4-5K worth of calories or I would lose weight....if you find this to be a problem day after day , then seek some help.
  • CherylAW1586
    CherylAW1586 Posts: 10 Member
    Gainz train right there 🚂💪🏽
    Keep cereal for post work out meal.
    Your body will inhale the calories
  • cupcakesandproteinshakes
    cupcakesandproteinshakes Posts: 1,111 Member
    Gainz train right there 🚂💪🏽
    Keep cereal for post work out meal.
    Your body will inhale the calories

    Not sure I understand what you mean. My resistance training sessions burn around 150 to 200 cals if I ate a whole box of cereal I would be far over my carbs and probably have a too high surplus ( depending on what else I’d eaten). No way I would do that on a regular basis.
  • CherylAW1586
    CherylAW1586 Posts: 10 Member
    Time carbs around training.
    Body utilises better.
    High carb and sugar after training spikes insulin.
    Insulin is also anti-catabolic (prevents muscle protein breakdown). On top of that, insulin increases the activity of certain enzymes (such as glycogen synthase) which trigger glycogen formation in your muscles, enhancing performance, muscle size, and recovery.
  • CherylAW1586
    CherylAW1586 Posts: 10 Member
    Plus the guy is wanting to bulk and put size on.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,181 Member
    Wrong thing to read while very tired!

    155g and 723 Cal of granola later (which not even 10% of the MegaSized 1.8kg box) I will report that putting it away and eating it 30g at a time and getting up and opening it the box again and weighing another portion, and sitting down to eat it and.... well. It didn't hurt to do all that!

    Curious: if the OP is trying to bulk and, OVERALL, they're not gaining too fast... why is it bad to overeat the cereal?
  • ecjim
    ecjim Posts: 1,001 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Wrong thing to read while very tired!

    155g and 723 Cal of granola later (which not even 10% of the MegaSized 1.8kg box) I will report that putting it away and eating it 30g at a time and getting up and opening it the box again and weighing another portion, and sitting down to eat it and.... well. It didn't hurt to do all that!

    Curious: if the OP is trying to bulk and, OVERALL, they're not gaining too fast... why is it bad to overeat the cereal?

    In his case it is OK to eat the cereal - The OP is a thin college age athlete , who is wanting to bulk up = he needs calories - lots of them.. When I was younger & training more, a post squat meal might be a turkey breast - or a thigh & drumstick + potatoe & veggie, or 3/4 - 1 lb hamburger + a couple, 2-3 cups of rice , one meal, 2-3 plates , I would eat 2 breakfasts - pork chops & eggs. you get the idea , never counted cals, all this at 5'8" 165-170 lbs
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,181 Member
    ecjim wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Curious: if the OP is trying to bulk and, OVERALL, they're not gaining too fast... why is it bad to overeat the cereal?

    In his case it is OK to eat the cereal - The OP is a thin college age athlete , who is wanting to bulk up = he needs calories - lots of them.. When I was younger & training more, a post squat meal might be a turkey breast - or a thigh & drumstick + potatoe & veggie, or 3/4 - 1 lb hamburger + a couple, 2-3 cups of rice , one meal, 2-3 plates , I would eat 2 breakfasts - pork chops & eggs. you get the idea , never counted cals, all this at 5'8" 165-170 lbs

    See, what you say makes sense to me (though I think you might have benefited from some ice-cream, or cereal too); which is why I was curious why the OP seemed to think it was a terrible idea--assuming he is not gaining too fast overall, which doesn't seem to be the case! :wink:
  • ecjim
    ecjim Posts: 1,001 Member
    I ate
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    ecjim wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Curious: if the OP is trying to bulk and, OVERALL, they're not gaining too fast... why is it bad to overeat the cereal?

    In his case it is OK to eat the cereal - The OP is a thin college age athlete , who is wanting to bulk up = he needs calories - lots of them.. When I was younger & training more, a post squat meal might be a turkey breast - or a thigh & drumstick + potatoe & veggie, or 3/4 - 1 lb hamburger + a couple, 2-3 cups of rice , one meal, 2-3 plates , I would eat 2 breakfasts - pork chops & eggs. you get the idea , never counted cals, all this at 5'8" 165-170 lbs

    See, what you say makes sense to me (though I think you might have benefited from some ice-cream, or cereal too); which is why I was curious why the OP seemed to think it was a terrible idea--assuming he is not gaining too fast overall, which doesn't seem to be the case! :wink:

    I ate ice cream too - as often as possible
  • willpowerburton86
    willpowerburton86 Posts: 1 Member
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,986 Member
    edited June 2020
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Wrong thing to read while very tired!

    155g and 723 Cal of granola later (which not even 10% of the MegaSized 1.8kg box) I will report that putting it away and eating it 30g at a time and getting up and opening it the box again and weighing another portion, and sitting down to eat it and.... well. It didn't hurt to do all that!

    Curious: if the OP is trying to bulk and, OVERALL, they're not gaining too fast... why is it bad to overeat the cereal?

    And he's a freakin' college rower, besides. I've known female college rowers who had to be put on (quite literally) a 4000 calorie per day shake supplement on top of all the calories the young women could cram in via regular eating, in order not to lose weight at a punitive rate. Yeah, that extreme is unusual . . . but rowing at that level is a crazy-big calorie burner. It was routine, on the team I was close to, for the coaches to give them cereal and chocolate milk to eat after practice, every day, in addition to meals. He's probably burning calories over 1000 x 6 days, just from the rowing, let alone other activity.

    Unless he's the flippin' coxswain (the tiny person who steers and talks, which at 6'0" I'm sure he isn't), then 3000 calories is not maintenance calories, let along bulking.

    Still a zombie thread, though. ;)