I'm so hungry! Please help me!



  • skatermom503
    You are doing great. Sometimes we have to listen to our body so if it wants to eat, feed it. I keep bags of Angie's kettle corn in the house always and snack on that (A LOT!). Low calorie and good. Also vegie chips (like potato chips only low cal/low sodium. Try pudding cups or the little cookie snack packs. My daughter tends to have a problem with binging (also not ED!!!) and likes peanut butter so I keep little 1 oz packages of peanut butter that I buy at Cash and Carry. I buy a lot of individual serving things (more expensive, dang it) so that what I eat is somewhat limited. Does that make sense? I also am big on stir fry (no oil) with tons of vegies and some chicken. I keep a big container of it in the fridge almost all the time. That way when I want to eat a lot of something, I grab that. Really, if you want something, go ahead and eat it. If you don't, you're just going to eat a lot of other things trying to satisfy yourself when eating what you originally wanted might have taken care of it. GOOD LUCK!!
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    After my workout, I'm ready for lunch!
    Fresh steamed veggies like broccoli, carrots, cauliflower and others plus marinated artichokes in a large bowl with chicken or fish. I add spices and a teaspoon of olive oil. I also add feta cheese, and/or butter beans. It's so good and healthy at the same time. The combo of fats, veggies and protein really satisfies!
    If I'm still hungry I'll have an apple or other fruit depending on the season.
    I love peanut butter and banana for a filling healthy snack.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    nvm. I reread the thread.