Going nuts over how to diet

I have tried Juicing and forced myself to drink the Doctor Oz Cleanse for 3 months (I know it is 3 days but I lost weight and could still eat the trash I liked)

I go nuts trying to figure out the proportions (%) of Carbs, Fat, and Proteins and the smallest thing would hurtle the numbers out of scale.

I am now looking into Keto/Paleo to see if I can make it work (90% of the food in my home is Carbs so I have A LOT of food to toss out like my loaves of bread, noodles, raman, etc.)

I started yesterday and right off the bat my first breakfast was wrong, I ordered what I THOUGHT was a healthy low carb meal and it was at 6% carbs... UNTIL I had the 1.5 cup bowl of fruit that put me at over 100% Today was better with 3 poached eggs, 2 grilled center cut pork chops, 4 slices of tomatoes and 2 glasses of unsweet tea I have so far 3% carbs but am afraid to eat anything else today. How do you figure out the needed Calories, the right Macro percents, and such, I am obsessing and frustrated and have never stayed on a diet more than 8 months. I just want to lower my sugar and cholesterol, get to 180 pounds (Internet says I should weigh 165-170.


  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    fb47 wrote: »
    EdwardMH2 wrote: »
    I have tried Juicing and forced myself to drink the Doctor Oz Cleanse for 3 months (I know it is 3 days but I lost weight and could still eat the trash I liked)

    I go nuts trying to figure out the proportions (%) of Carbs, Fat, and Proteins and the smallest thing would hurtle the numbers out of scale.

    I am now looking into Keto/Paleo to see if I can make it work (90% of the food in my home is Carbs so I have A LOT of food to toss out like my loaves of bread, noodles, raman, etc.)

    I started yesterday and right off the bat my first breakfast was wrong, I ordered what I THOUGHT was a healthy low carb meal and it was at 6% carbs... UNTIL I had the 1.5 cup bowl of fruit that put me at over 100% Today was better with 3 poached eggs, 2 grilled center cut pork chops, 4 slices of tomatoes and 2 glasses of unsweet tea I have so far 3% carbs but am afraid to eat anything else today. How do you figure out the needed Calories, the right Macro percents, and such, I am obsessing and frustrated and have never stayed on a diet more than 8 months. I just want to lower my sugar and cholesterol, get to 180 pounds (Internet says I should weigh 165-170.

    After reading what you just wrote, you got really bad information. I don't blame you, you probably get bombarded with all kinds of bad information wheter it's from tv or in magazines. Unfortunately, this world is full of snake oil salesmen. The fact you think carbs is evil proves my point. I was able to lose 25 lbs (and I only did it as a challenge, I didn't really need to lose weight, I just wanted my six pack to be revealed for once) doing no cardio (lifting was my only activity) and I was still able to eat carbs. All I had to do was just make sure I hit my minimum protein and make sure I ate at a caloric deficit.

    Here's a hint on how to lose weight....you eat less than you burn. I know it sounds boring, it doesn't have a catchy name, but 99% of the population will lose weight through a caloric deficit, regardless if you eat carbs or not.

  • EdwardMH2
    EdwardMH2 Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you all for the advice and the burn more calories than you eat approach looks great if I can get active again. One thing always confused me though. MyFitnessPal app says I should have 1500 calories a day. Is that the Calories I need each day to reach my loss of 2 pounds a week goal? Do I have that by end of day? Or if I eat 1500 do I need to burn off 1500 or more? Or if I eat 1500 and and burn off 500 do I need to eat another 500 calories
  • EdwardMH2
    EdwardMH2 Posts: 65 Member
    By the way I am not a weight lifter type or runner, not wanting to build up muscle just want a healthy weight, flexibility and good range of motion for my Pickleball. Often I post about weight loss and I get bodybuilders telling me to stop using my total gym and go lift weights and get such and such protein drinks.
  • EdwardMH2
    EdwardMH2 Posts: 65 Member
    Last year I stopped drinking sodas and now even drink unsweetened tea, So I am making progress on healthier but STILL gaining weight I don’t want (I am a bit less active but hope to change this as well) I winter I tend to get lazy as I hate the cold so I sit around the house on the computer more. I do cheat time to time and have a Dr. pepper or something or 1/3 sweet 2/3 unsweetened tea but for the most part dropped the sugar drinks (am drinking more Gatorade which is probably not best soda replacement)