Ten Pound weight loss over three weeks.

cshagam Posts: 56 Member
Strict 1200 calorie per day vegan diet.



  • QueenBee2018
    QueenBee2018 Posts: 196 Member
    Great! You must be a shorty! What a difference
  • cshagam
    cshagam Posts: 56 Member
    5’ 5 1/2” . 156>146. Didn’t feel like I was making progress until I saw a picture from three weeks ago. I had a borderline high cholesterol reading so I wanted to make some quick changes
  • SeriousChick7
    SeriousChick7 Posts: 14 Member
    You look great! Ten pounds really does make a big difference! Well done!
  • cshagam
    cshagam Posts: 56 Member
    Yes, to be honest, I was surprised how much! Those are the same jeans in both pictures, so just the difference in shape is encouraging . Wanted to encourage anyone who might be thinking ten pounds is not so much. I’ve hit a little plateau after a quick start, but this time I’m really going to stick with it. The next ten is going to be more difficult, I’m sure!
    HDBKLM Posts: 466 Member
    edited April 2018
    Thanks for this, it's actually just what I needed to see at the moment. I've reached the stage where each pound makes a difference in my torso measurements and yet I've been in the same jeans for the past 15 pounds and they're not exactly falling off me yet. It's been confusing and just a little discouraging. Seeing that you're in the same jeans and yet there is such a big difference in your size and shape helps.
  • cshagam
    cshagam Posts: 56 Member
    That’s really the only reason I wanted to post it, because I, too, was disappointed that I was wearing my “same old jeans” until I put them on and noticed how different my shape looked. I probably shouldn’t have been wearing that size before, lol, because they just squeezed my fat up into a nice little muffin top. When I feel a little discouraged at no scale change, I am tempted to eat “whatever”, but I’m saving this picture on my phone to remind me that every little bit matters in the big picture. I’m in that “lumpy stage” where your skin is not stretched out tight with fat anymore, which again, can be a little step back mentally.
  • parkerpowerlift
    parkerpowerlift Posts: 196 Member
    Even if you feel that this is "only 10 lbs", this is incredible progress! The reduction in your tummy is a huge NSV! The fat loss means more than the drop on the scale.

    I am slowly getting back into daily tracking and weekly weigh-ins. I once lost 50 lbs, and regained all of it back. So I'm trying to see the beauty in smaller weigh-ins and smaller drops on the scale.

    Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing your progress pictures!
  • cshagam
    cshagam Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks! I have a daughter who went from a size 16 to a size 4 and never steps on a scale and encourages me not to. She only watches her calories and nutrients. I’m learning a lot about the process. The biggest thing I’ve learned losing ten pounds is that I want to lose so much more. Lol
  • paleviolet
    paleviolet Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you for posting - this IS inspiring for exactly the reasons you say. I am nearly same height and want to lose 10 pounds, but keep starting and not continuing as it seems like it's so much work for not that much change - but this shows it can actually make a big difference. Can you share what you did? You say 'quick changes', so wanting to hear more about that. Thanks!
  • paleviolet
    paleviolet Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks! Any alcohol? (I love a glass of wine at night).
  • cmh308
    cmh308 Posts: 317 Member
    Didn't you post this yesterday? Not being negative about your success but it is against forum rules to repeatedly post the same thing.
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    Well good for you!!!!!
  • cshagam
    cshagam Posts: 56 Member
    edited April 2018
    I tried to post it under a thread for photos only and it posted on the main success stories. Then when I tried to add a caption, I did post it twice and can’t figure out how to delete it because it looks like the threads are merged. If you can tell me how, I would appreciate it! I couldn’t even find the other one to delete it. First time posting-probs. Lol
  • cshagam
    cshagam Posts: 56 Member
    cmh308 wrote: »
    Didn't you post this yesterday? Not being negative about your success but it is against forum rules to repeatedly post the same thing.

    I tried to post it under a thread for photos only and it posted on the main success stories. Then when I tried to add a caption, I did post it twice and can’t figure out how to delete it because it looks like the threads are merged. If you can tell me how, I would appreciate it! I couldn’t even find the other one to delete it. First time posting-probs. Lol
  • cshagam
    cshagam Posts: 56 Member
    paleviolet wrote: »
    Thanks! Any alcohol? (I love a glass of wine at night).

    None during the first three weeks, but I agree with you! Wine, it does a body good. Lol
  • cshagam
    cshagam Posts: 56 Member
    edited April 2018
    paleviolet wrote: »
    Thank you for posting - this IS inspiring for exactly the reasons you say. I am nearly same height and want to lose 10 pounds, but keep starting and not continuing as it seems like it's so much work for not that much change - but this shows it can actually make a big difference. Can you share what you did? You say 'quick changes', so wanting to hear more about that. Thanks!

    I cut out any processed foods, except Ezekiel bread. No dairy. I have been keeping my meals under 400 calories each, which takes some planning, but worth it. Lots and lots of vegetables -like four or five at each meal. No fruits really except for grapefruit. I sit down to eat and I put everything into MyFitnessPal before I eat and if the meal is more than 400 calories, I cut a portion in half and put it back in the refrigerator. I especially add up the calorie count of a smoothie before I make it, because those can jump higher than you predicted. I got a big container of vegan protein powder at Costco before I started. The only non-vegan thing I’ve had in small quantities are eggs and seafood, oh, and a shredded chicken breast that I added to a pot of vegan three bean chili.

    I have three daughters and a son who really take care of themselves and make fitness a priority and one is graduating from law school in May and I had two months to get in “picture shape” because I didn’t want to look like a blob in the pictures. That has been my motivation for really sticking to it. Lol
  • paleviolet
    paleviolet Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for taking the time to respond! I think upping the veggies will be key. And drinking black coffee- I usually put milk in mine and it adds up... and I like that you appreciate the value of a glass of wine. I feel motivated because I’d been thinking 10 pounds would take months but seeing what you’ve accomplished in 3 weeks makes it seem doable!
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    edited April 2018
    VERY inspiring! I have the exact same stats and have been sitting at the 155-157 for quite some time. Your current weight is my goal.

    I keep blaming lack of progress on being older, but truth is I've gotten lazy about logging and the scale reflects that. Time to get serious again!

    Re: the wine - I've found that adding sparkling water to the wine makes it half the calories and you can have more than one glass! Cheers!
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