Weigh-in Wednesdays

Anyone else weigh in tomorrow (Wednesday)? Post stats here!


  • mdecarie
    mdecarie Posts: 12
    I'm in!!!

    might prevent me from weighing myself everyday...
  • TaraArriola
    I actually go to my Weight Watchers meetings every Wednesday, so I will be weighing in,
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    There's a great motivator for me to weigh-in on Weds...
    Since it's Hump Day, I tend to push just that extra bit into the weekend.

    I'll be here manana!
  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
    I weigh in Wednesdays :bigsmile: I have been on a 3 week plateau so I am hoping to break that tomorrow. Wish me luck :sad: !
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I'm down an entire pound since my Monday weigh-in!
    Since it's Hump Day that means that I may hit a significant lb drop by week's end...thx for the motivation to post:tongue:

    I've been stuck for several weeks now, so this is my new move!
  • CollegeGirl2
    Good job so far, everyone! I posted this to keep a few of us from weighing in every day...we all know how much our weight fluctuates. I'm sticking to weighing in on just Wednesdays!

    I just stepped off the scale....

    Original weight: 130.0
    7/14/10: 127.8

    Wooo! Well on my way!!!
  • mdecarie
    mdecarie Posts: 12
    Yay Weigh in Wednesday!!!

    2 pounds lost since last weigh-in!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • CollegeGirl2
    Yay Weigh in Wednesday!!!

    2 pounds lost since last weigh-in!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    Great job! Keep it up!

    Everyone up for making this a weekly thing?
  • skyley
    skyley Posts: 60 Member
    I wouldn't mind joining you guys I weigh myself entirely to much lol
    Starting today I'm 120.8 so 1 lb lost since last weigh in :)
  • jackiemomx2
    jackiemomx2 Posts: 47 Member
    I'd love to hop on board! I was going to join Weight Watchers again just because I seem to need to be faced with someone seeing my weight. It's so silly, but this is totally mental to me. I don't want to pay the weekly fee if I don't have to, so I thought a weigh in group would do the same thing for me but for free! Good luck to all and see you again on Wednesday!
  • mdecarie
    mdecarie Posts: 12
    is it Wednesday yet!!!
  • CollegeGirl2
    Last day before weigh-in! I only cheated once this week and weighed myself on Monday. I almost made it...

    See you all tomorrow!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I ment to post last wednesday but forgot and lost my computer connection last week. I have been weighing on wednesdays too. I thought I was the only one lol. Last week I lost 3 lbs and Im hoping that I lose atleast a lb tomorow since that will make my total loss at 30! I was without computer and net last week and all weekend so Im definately scared since I couldnt log and anything and Im pretty sure I went over on sunday :( o well we will see right?
  • tjbeer
    tjbeer Posts: 90 Member
    Anyone else weigh in tomorrow (Wednesday)? Post stats here!

    I am amazed how many people weigh on a wednesday, I do it coz, if I happen to have a bad weekend (on the odd occassion) I have a couple of days to make up for it before I have to weigh!! I know its naughty but it gets me back on track. So i'm in. Will post tomorrow (British time)


  • mdecarie
    mdecarie Posts: 12
    yay!!! when we get up it's going to be Weigh in Wednesday!

  • txladybug41
    txladybug41 Posts: 105 Member
    I'll come back tomorrow to post my weight. I've been trying for over three weeks now to watch what I eat and get into the exercise routine. Hard, so very hard, but if I've lost some tomorrow, it will have been well worth it. I see the doctor tomorrow, so I'm going by his scales. The downfall is that I don't see him until the afternoon. Still, any loss is better than none. Good luck to everyone. :)
  • Scott3188
    Scott3188 Posts: 11 Member
    This sounds great...I just started monday but wednesday weigh-ins sound good for me!
  • tjbeer
    tjbeer Posts: 90 Member

    Ok.....wednesday is here and I am very gutted as I put on 1lb this week. I have been really good and exercised loads, oh well best be even better this week. Do you think the time you weigh will make much of a difference?? I usually weigh in the evening but today i weighed in the morning!!??

    Even though I am gutted I did not loose, I have lost 1/2 inch on my waist and 1 inch from my arms.....thats got to be a good thing??

    Hope everyone else does well

  • CollegeGirl2
    The scale was kind this morning. I lost another pound or so to bring my weight down to 125.2! I can't even remember the last time the scale was that low! Yippie!!!!

    tjbeer: That's great that you're losing inches! Congrats! The scales might not be budging because you're gaining muscle. You won't see that sort of change on a scale, but it will reflect in your measurements. But it does make a difference what time of day you weigh yourself. Your weight can fluctuate by as much as four pounds in a day! To stay accurate, I think it's best to weigh yourself at the same time every day. For me, I weigh-in first thing in the morning (get it out of the way, plus I don't have to worry so much about water weight, and I completely agree that the scale tends to be nicer on Wednesday anyway). But if you weigh in in the evening, that's fine, too...maybe if you keep it consistent you'll see more results.

    Scott3188: Welcome! Glad to have you!

    txladybug49: Good luck at the doctor. The plus side of weighing yourself there is that you can check your scale's accuracy against the docs...you KNOW his has to be right!

    Keep it up, everyone! Congratulations to those who lost today, and may next week be better for those who didn't. We can do this!!
  • CollegeGirl2
    The scale was kind this morning. I lost another pound or so to bring my weight down to 125.2! I can't even remember the last time the scale was that low! Yippie!!!!

    tjbeer: That's great that you're losing inches! Congrats! The scales might not be budging because you're gaining muscle. You won't see that sort of change on a scale, but it will reflect in your measurements. But it does make a difference what time of day you weigh yourself. Your weight can fluctuate by as much as four pounds in a day! To stay accurate, I think it's best to weigh yourself at the same time every day. For me, I weigh-in first thing in the morning (get it out of the way, plus I don't have to worry so much about water weight, and I completely agree that the scale tends to be nicer on Wednesday anyway). But if you weigh in in the evening, that's fine, too...maybe if you keep it consistent you'll see more results.

    Scott3188: Welcome! Glad to have you!

    txladybug49: Good luck at the doctor. The plus side of weighing yourself there is that you can check your scale's accuracy against the docs...you KNOW his has to be right!

    Keep it up, everyone! Congratulations to those who lost today, and may next week be better for those who didn't. We can do this!!