Weigh-in Wednesdays



  • tjbeer
    tjbeer Posts: 90 Member

    tjbeer: That's great that you're losing inches! Congrats! The scales might not be budging because you're gaining muscle. You won't see that sort of change on a scale, but it will reflect in your measurements. But it does make a difference what time of day you weigh yourself. Your weight can fluctuate by as much as four pounds in a day! To stay accurate, I think it's best to weigh yourself at the same time every day. For me, I weigh-in first thing in the morning (get it out of the way, plus I don't have to worry so much about water weight, and I completely agree that the scale tends to be nicer on Wednesday anyway). But if you weigh in in the evening, that's fine, too...maybe if you keep it consistent you'll see more results.

    I have had the day to contemplate and I do agree with you, I am gaining muscle and I had a sneak cheat this pm and weighed again and would have lost, but I am going to stick with the morning weigh in to get the right balance. So fingers crossed I will see a difference next week.

    Well done collegegirl2 for losing.

    See you next week

  • I belong to a weight loss group that normally weighs in on wednesdays but we're taking the week off tonight since we're in between sessions. I'll start posting on here next wednesday what my weight is. I've been doing the very bad taboo of weighing myself everyday, since the gym so conveniently has a scale but NO MORE. I pledge today to not use that scale again, and only weigh in on wednesday with my group. Thanks for the encouragement to not do what I knew I shouldnt be doing.
  • mdecarie
    mdecarie Posts: 12
    ok so I cheated a bit... weighed in at 6am.... and then at noon and the noon reading was better so I am going with that one lol

    gained 1/2 a pound but the inches are coming off my waist, hips, thighs and arms so no stressing too much!!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I cheated i guess too lol
    I weighed before breakfast but didnt see any movement at all. Kinda bummed but whatever. I went to take a shower later after my workout and nakie i lost a pound so im going with that one since last week I weighed naked too.
  • Scott3188
    Scott3188 Posts: 11 Member
    I never liked weighing in with others...due to the fact i was always afraid of what they would think upon seeing how much i weigh. But its good to have the support.

    innitial weigh-in 306.5 Monday July 19th
    Today 303
    My Goal 180

    Ive always been a heavy-set guy but im putting my foot down. 306.5 was the most ive ever weighed my entire life. I used to be 230 back in Highschool and just kept packing on the pounds. Its out on the table for you all now. Im ready to get in shape!
  • txladybug41
    txladybug41 Posts: 105 Member
    Ok, my weight this afternoon: 202 on the scale at the drs office. I lost five pounds from my last visit. Actually, he's not a dr, but a pharmacologist who sees me on a month to month basis to help me analyze my diet, medications, and exercise since i'm diabetic. It's part of medication management program and it has helped me a lot.

    On my last visit to him, about 30 days ago, these were my numbers. Triglycerides were 255.. I am now 134. Cholesterol levels were down and the good part of it was up ( I forget if it's HDL or the other one) My glucose on the last visit was 177 and now it was 124. My AIC is still up, but on my last visit the level was 9.8 and now it is 9.2. He expects as long as I continue to exercise, all these numbers will maintain at a good level or go down further. My blood pressure is also down by 30 points. . And he said I was on target for my daily average glucose readings by 40 % versus the 8% I did last month.

    He was very proud of me and I was too. He wrote "great job" on his comment sheet.

    I wished I had lost more weight but these other numbers are very exciting and encouraging. It does prove that building up exercise and watching what you eat does make a difference. Whoooo Hooo!!

  • Congratulations everybody! Let's keep it up this week, and remember...stay off those scales till next Wednesday!

    Oh, and txladybug41-I'm impressed!! Great job.

    Scott3188-That's very brave of you and we're glad you're here with us.

    See you all next week....and I'd also like to open up this group to anyone that needs help and support to not weigh in every day, so if you need some help saying 'no,' post it here!
  • rachie78sw
    rachie78sw Posts: 28
    Hiya can I join you?

    I have not been doing the diet for the last month due to holidays, so I stepped back on the scales on Wed and I have put on 2lbs in 4 weeks, which is not bad considering I went on an All Inclusive Holiday.

    So currently weigh 161

    Would love to get to 147 eventually.
  • Hiya can I join you?

    I have not been doing the diet for the last month due to holidays, so I stepped back on the scales on Wed and I have put on 2lbs in 4 weeks, which is not bad considering I went on an All Inclusive Holiday.

    So currently weigh 161

    Would love to get to 147 eventually.

    Of course! Glad to have you! We focus on weighing in once a week, instead of letting the scales rule our lives, so we meet here every Wednesday to report on how we did for the week and to weigh-in. Feel free to post anything you'd like...we could all use a little motivation/support/whatever now and then!

    See you Wednesday!
  • Weigh in tomorrow! See you soon....
  • rachie78sw
    rachie78sw Posts: 28
    Well I have weighed in and to say I am disappointed is an understatement. I have worked hard, ate pretty well and exercised a lot and I still managed to put on half a pound.

    I really thought that I would loose at least 2lbs, especially being 1st week back to it and having worked hard at all my classes.

    The only thing I can think is that I have ate a lot of pasta this alst week and that has contributed. I am not clued up on the sciene of carbs and protein etc, but thats what i am going to blame it on :-(

    I have felt so much better this week, less bloated and then the scale happens.

    Oh well another week of hard work and I am going to try and lay off the carbs.

    Good luck to everyone else.

    Rach x
  • tjbeer
    tjbeer Posts: 90 Member
    Rachie78sw..I know how you feel that was me last week, it is so frustrating when you feel you have done well.

    I weighed in today and stayed the same, so that was not what I was hoping for but hey it's better than putting on. I think I will give it a go for another week then if still no loss may quit...........but I will see what the week brings. If any of you can make any suggestions by looking at my diary it would be truly appreciated.

  • racie78sw: Carbs can definitely be to blame. You may not feel bloated, but carbs actually cause a lot of water retention if you eat too many of them. Granted, you NEED carbohydrates to fuel your body (extreme low carb diets like Atkins can actually cause a lot of health problems), make sure you're not going over your limit for the day. Your body might also just be adjusting, since you said it's your first week back at it. Give it some time. Just stay strong and keep to your plan. The weight WILL come off!

    tjbeer: You're definitely right...staying the same is better than putting weight on! But I understand your frustration. Don't quit!! I don't know you, but I am sure you are a lovely person and deserve to be healthy and comfortable in your own body. Keep it up! I took a look at your diary, and it looks to me like you're not eating enough breakfast. Did you know that numerous studies show that those who eat breakfast actually have a better chance of losing weight (see http://www.womenfitness.net/top10_no_skip_breakfast.htm for a snippet)? Instead of eating a bunch of bread at once, try eating maybe one slice with breakfast, along with some good protein, like an egg (or egg whites...I think they taste exactly the same, just lower in calories) or a little bit of peanut butter. Maybe some yogurt instead of that milk? It's more filling, and calcium is also important for weight loss. Breakfast ought to be one of the most hefty meals of your day...trust me, you'll eat less throughout the day as a whole! You might also want to use the tools on MFP to calculate your BMR. You might be eating too little, believe it or not. Now I am not a doctor (although I am working on becoming one!), so if all else fails, consult your doc! He knows your needs the best. Stay at it! You can do it!!!
  • tjbeer
    tjbeer Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks collegegirl for your support. I will keep at it for a bit longer. The trouble is I have already lost 70lb doing another weight loss programe and was amazed by the results of that on a weekly basis, now I have another 10lb to lose which I know will be the hardest to loose, but still want to be amazed!!!

    Thanks again. How do you do this week??

  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Well I have weighed in and to say I am disappointed is an understatement. I have worked hard, ate pretty well and exercised a lot and I still managed to put on half a pound.

    I really thought that I would loose at least 2lbs, especially being 1st week back to it and having worked hard at all my classes.

    The only thing I can think is that I have ate a lot of pasta this alst week and that has contributed. I am not clued up on the sciene of carbs and protein etc, but thats what i am going to blame it on :-(

    I have felt so much better this week, less bloated and then the scale happens.

    Oh well another week of hard work and I am going to try and lay off the carbs.

    Good luck to everyone else.

    Rach x
    Rach, don't fret...I've recently gone thru the exact same scenerio, and low and behold, I skip two days workout, eat fajitas, cheese, and cereal all week (but no pasta) and I see a drop! Go figure!

    Don't know if my body is playing tricks on me or if I got myself so confused that it's just reacting....
    we'll see what next Wed produces :explode:
  • Great job, everyone! I managed to lose another pound this week, but I'll probably gain it all back this week considering TOM is in town and I want to eat everything in sight, even if I'm not hungry. Good luck to everyone this week, and I'll see you all back here on Wednesday!
  • tjbeer
    tjbeer Posts: 90 Member
    Well it's wednesday again and this week was a good one I lost a pound and have been given some excellent feedback from MFP. I asked the question if scar tissue weighs heavier than healthy tissue and people reckon it takes at least 6 months for a person to loose weight after an op. So I am now more positive and looking forward to september when hopefully the post op weight gain will just drop off...YIPPEE.

    See you all next week. Hope you all did well.


  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    I"d like to join this weigh in. I"ve been on mfp for quite awhile but keep losing/gaining wt. I"ve lost a total of 15 lbs from my highest wt BUT my wt is climbing back up. I exercise (been exercising for nearly 30 yrs) but its the eating that gets me and I have a desk job. Maybe this weigh in will help me stay focused!
    Today I weighed 174.6 (gosh I hate putting that on cyber space!)
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    Last weigh in: 194lb
    Today: 188lb

    That's a 6lb in a week. :D
  • tjbeer
    tjbeer Posts: 90 Member
    Way to go xarra...wish I could do that well. Whats your top tip?

    And welcome to wednesday weigh in connie48

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