May 2018 Running Challenge



  • kevaasen
    kevaasen Posts: 173 Member
    May Running Update

    Week 1: 44.4
    Week 2: 0
    Week 3: 0
    Week 4: 19.7

    MTD: 64.1
    Took 2 weeks to rest/recover/reset from May 6th marathon and did walking on most days but didn’t bother to record. Likely could have easily started with some light running in that second week but days I could have maybe looked to run had work or other things get in the way. Will have a couple of easy runs to finish out May and will end up slightly below my guesstimate goal of 84 this month.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber I can't take any allergy meds for the next couple of days. I am having the back test done Tuesday morning.

    I applaud those that run shirtless! I always want to do it but can't bring myself to do so. Yet I wear a bikini at the beach so go figure. Brains. They are weird.

    I'll warn you, once that shirt comes off it like putting fire back on.

    I stopped at the dog park on today's bike ride and soaked my shirt. Figure gravel rash, if I go down, would be worth avoiding. Soaking your shirt is always an option. Works quite well.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Elise4270 As soon as I am inside the shirt comes off. I also work out at home without a shirt. I dunno why I can't do it for a run. Maybe this summer will be my year. LOL
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Regarding shirtless running, I can't do it either. I know some men do, but I'm fat and that isn't fair. Also, my insulin pump and CGM are connected in my belly. I like having a place to tuck the tubing so it doesn't snag (though I could tuck enough in the waistband to not worry about it much, I suppose. But then I'm concerned about the stares and questions I would get if people saw it.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Forget shirtless, I am uncomfortable in a sleeveless singlet. :o
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited May 2018
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @shanaber I can't take any allergy meds for the next couple of days. I am having the back test done Tuesday morning.

    I applaud those that run shirtless! I always want to do it but can't bring myself to do so. Yet I wear a bikini at the beach so go figure. Brains. They are weird.

    I'll warn you, once that shirt comes off it like putting fire back on.

    I stopped at the dog park on today's bike ride and soaked my shirt. Figure gravel rash, if I go down, would be worth avoiding. Soaking your shirt is always an option. Works quite well.
    I have soaked my shirt in the trail bathroom when it is hot. It really makes a difference. I have been tempted a few times to just take it off or go without but super brilliant white, 'leftovers' from being so heavy are just not attractive. I am pretty proud of my buff arms from lifting so I don't mind them being exposed. I do however wear as little as possible and still cover the leftovers. Loose, thin tanks (are women's called singlets?) are my go to with compression shorts when it is hot but then I need to be super careful with the sunscreen to get all the exposed areas. Otherwise I end up looking like a freckled lobster.
  • weat0043
    weat0043 Posts: 172 Member
    edited May 2018
    I also don't think I could go shirtless, too many people I see on a regular basis for that.
    Hot and humid 26°C 5.3km run this morning
    MTD 53km/40km
    ETA: I am a freckled lobster after today's activities... Of course I can look at the sun the wrong way and get a burn.
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    05/01/18 :::: 3.5 :::: 3.5
    05/02/18 :::: 2.6 :::: 6.1
    05/03/18 :::: 2.5 :::: 8.7
    05/04/18 :::: 0.0 :::: 8.7
    05/05/18 :::: 7.5 :::: 16.2
    05/06/18 :::: 2.6 :::: 18.8
    05/07/18 :::: 3.8 :::: 22.5
    05/08/18 :::: 3.3 :::: 25.9
    05/09/18 :::: 3.2 :::: 29.1
    05/10/18 :::: 2.0 :::: 31.1
    05/11/18 :::: 0.0 :::: 31.1
    05/12/18 :::: 12.0 :::: 43.0
    05/13/18 :::: 0.0 :::: 43.0
    05/14/18 :::: 3.9 :::: 46.9
    05/15/18 :::: 3.9 :::: 50.8
    05/16/18 :::: 3.1 :::: 53.9
    05/17/18 :::: 0.0 :::: 53.9
    05/18/18 :::: 2.8 :::: 56.7
    05/19/18 :::: 7.4 :::: 64.0
    05/20/18 :::: 2.6 :::: 66.6
    05/21/18 :::: 3.6 :::: 70.2
    05/22/18 :::: 3.1 :::: 73.3
    05/23/18 :::: 2.8 :::: 76.1
    05/24/18 :::: 0.0 :::: 76.1
    05/25/18 :::: 3.1 :::: 79.2
    05/26/18 :::: 8.1 :::: 87.2
    05/27/18 :::: 5.0 :::: 92.3
    Goal = 100 miles

    Some days the thing that actually gets you out the door is just the promise of a nice shower afterward. That was today and yet the run went better than expected. A light sprinkle the whole time felt pretty good. It was much cooler but really humid and I was soaked with sweat when I got home. And therefore wanted that shower all the more! It felt great and I got 5 miles in, which is more than I set out for (thanks in part to turning down the wrong street and getting a bit lost). And now I'm clean and having a mango wheat beer so all is right with the world.

    New shoes supposed to arrive tomorrow! Same model, but can't wait for the cushiony newness.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2018
    MAY GOALS, REHAB SMART, 10 hours of activity for the month. Work up to 3 minutes of running and 10mpw. 

    4---30 minutes stationary bike.
    4---68 minutes, 3.46 miles walk
    5---30 minutes bike, 7.25 miles
    5---22 minutes, 1.70 miles PT run 15(1,1)
    7---20 minutes, 1.44 miles (2,2)
    8---30 minutes, 2.14 miles 7(2,2)
    11---30 min mtn bike, 4.29
    12---30 min 2.35 miles PT run (2,2 ish)
    12---30 min bike, 6.61 miles
    12---80 min walk, 4.5 miles
    15---64 min, 4.62 5(2,1-3,2-2,1) PT run
    17---65 minute walk, 3.45 miles
    18---28 min swim
    18---60 min walk, 2.92 mi
    18---46 minutes, 6.25 miles mtn bike
    20---65 min, 4.72 miles 5(2:1,3:2, 2:1) PT run
    23--- 57 min, 2.76 min walk
    24---43 min mtn bike ride, 5.93 miles.
    25---66 min, 4.75 miles 5(2:1,3:2, 2:1) PT run
    27---43 min, 6.61 miles mtn bike
    27---66 min, 4.53 miles 5(2:1,2:3, 2:1) PT run

    935 minutes/43.34 miles

    Upcoming Races
    June 1 GOTR 5K
    October 14th Spirit of Survival Lawton OK. Quarter Marathon
    March 31, 2019 A2A Undecided distance
    April 28, 2019OKC Memorial Marathon (half)

    ETA did keep my shirt on... Lots of families out, but I saw several lady rolly bare bellies. We ran at the cold springs, so I happily pulled it off and soaked it. Feels like 95 out. (35C).
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @weat0043 - yep that is me as well... I don't go out w/o sunscreen and recently had a horrible, painful result when I missed a spot on my shoulder/neck and my running shirt slipped enough to expose it.

    @_nikkiwolf_ - I wouldn't have and don't normally pay attention to texts but because we are here for a wedding and came early to help and run errands I pretty much had to. We had been expecting errand specifics and then had to relay them since I was out running :smiley:
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    QUESTION: Is there anything besides a meniscus tear that would cause a knee to pop or catch or lock? Asking for a friend...


    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Rest day today. Just a little 2mile recovery run on the Treadmill. 8:34/mi pace.
    A little biking and ab work after.
    Foam rolling. All the foam rolling!!
    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

    5/2: 5.4mi (6:52/mi), 4.1mi (9:04mi)
    5/3: 5.5mi (8:46/mi) 1,050ft climb
    5/4: 4mi (8:45/mi),5.4mi (8:27/mi)
    5/6: Hilly 5k. 22:02 (3rd place overall)
    5/7: 11mi (9:21/mi) recovery
    5/8: 10mi (8:28/mi) 100f
    5/9: 7mi (9:16/mi) recovery, 4mi (9:50/mi) 500ft climb. recovery
    5/10: 8mi (8:00/mi) headwind and 100f
    5/12: 6.6mi (7:06/mi) time trial
    5/13: 3.4mi (8:05/mi) easy day
    5/14: 13.1mi (8:50/mi) 500ft climb, 100f
    5/16: 15.6mi (8:36/mi) 400ft climb
    5/17: 6.5mi (7:44/mi)
    5/18: 3.1mi (7:55/mi), 4.1mi (8:46/mi)
    5/19: 6.4mi (7:50/mi) 500ft climb, 6.2mi (8:35/mi) recovery
    5/21: 9.4mi hill repeats 5,000ft climb 16:34/mi, 5.2mi recovery 700ft climb
    5/22: 10mi recovery mtn day (15:15/mi) 2,500ft climb
    5/23: 5.5mi mtn tempo (9:47/mi) 1,000ft climb, 5mi hill intervals with 1,170ft climb
    5/24: 10.7mi recovery (102f) 1,158ft climb
    5/26: 12.2mi Mtn run. 4,000ft climb
    5/27: 2mi recovery (8:34/mi)

    All runs logged on Strava. Feel free to follow.

    Current week total: 60.1mi (week target achieved)
    Month Total: 192.5 / 220mi
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    05/01/18 - 1/2 mile walk
    05/02/18 - 1 mile walk + 6.6 mile easy run
    05/03/18 - 1.3 mile walk
    05/04/18 - Rest
    05/05/18 - Steel Challange 5k
    05/06/18 - MARATHON PR! 3:51:53
    05/07/18 - Rest
    05/08/18 - 6 miles @ 9:28
    05/09/18 - 8 miles @ 9:09
    05/10/18 - Rest
    05/11/18 - 6 miles @ 9:28
    05/12/18 - 31 miles - FIRST ULTRA MARATHON TRAIL RACE! W00T!
    05/13/18 - Rest
    05/14/18 - 6.25 miles @ 9:40 - with 97% humidity
    05/15/18 - 6.43 miles @ 9:17
    05/16/18 - 7 miles @ 9:53
    05/17/18 - 8 miles @ 9:19
    05/18/18 - Rest
    05/19/18 - Stuck in car all day
    05/20/18 - 9.1 miles @ 9:31
    05/21/18 - Too many appointments
    05/22/18 - 8 miles @ 9:18
    05/23/18 - 9 miles @ 9:13
    05/24/18 - 6.6 miles @ 8:49
    05/26/18 - House hunting no run
    05/26/18 - House hunting no run
    05/27/18 - 10 miles @ 9:52

    06/02/18 - South Fayette Glow Run - Nighttime 1 mile and 5k race
    07/20/18 - Liberty Get Well Mile
    08/11/18 - Howl At The Moon 5k

    --More as I find them

    2020 - Disney World Dopey! (if can raise funds)

    UGH. I am so slow when it gets this hot, and it is only going to get worse. I had planned to run for two to three hours, but when I crossed 10 miles, I was already through most of the water I was carrying and ready to head in. I lost around 6 pounds despite drinking several pounds of ware. Just too hot. Going to have to figure out how to run earlier in the day which was easy with my old job, but much more complicated with my new one.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    This weekend was running fail. Too busy, then too much food to be comfortable running when I did have time.
