Couch to 5k starting 7/15



  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Ran W1D3 last night. Still feel like I'm dying, so definitely need to do Week 1 again. My muscles aren't very tired (heck, they're not even sore yet today!) but I'm having difficulty breathing....being a mile high probably doesn't help....
  • Chani56
    Chani56 Posts: 23 Member
    Keep at it Pixie you're doing great! I just finished W1D3 round 2 last night. I didn't feel ready to move on to W2 last week, so I repeated week 1. I guess you could say last night was actually W1D6 =) It's getting easier. I think I'm going to go ahead and try W2 starting tomorrow. Good luck to you! You can do it!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Well, I was a complete slacker and didn't run Friday :embarassed:

    So I'll start Week 1, Round 2 (or W1D4) tonight. I just hate that I have to go home and have dinner and keep myself occupied all afternoon, then drag my butt away from whatever I've been doing and out to run after it's cooled down from 90+ degrees to 80+ degree. :grumble: I've tried running in the mornings a couple times, but I keep missing the early bus. I'm not technically "late" for work, but I prefer the early bus.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Ran yesterday evening, felt pretty good. I didn't *quite* feel like dying afterwards, and I never felt the least bit dizzy or anything during the run. Since I knew my muscles could take care of themselves--what with not even getting sore last time!--I focused on my breathing and on keeping tension out of my muscles, mainly my face and arms, during the running intervals. I think it really helped. Also, I tried keeping my running at a slower pace so that I wasn't moving at a crawl by the end. Worked pretty well, I was still walking at a pretty good pace even when I started the cooldown. I think I'm doing good :happy: I'll probably be able to do Week 2 next week.

    My other annoyance has been my headphones. I aparently have funny-shaped ears or something, b/c I can't wear earbuds at all. I can be sitting perfectly still and they'll fall out for no reason! So I have two different pair of headphones w/the earhooks, but they tend to get jostled loose during the running intervals, especially the right one. I'd been wearing one pair last week, so I tried the other pair yesterday. The left one stayed in better, but the right one was worse: I couldn't run 4 steps before it'd fall out. However, I found out about halfway through the workout--when I'd gotten sick of it!--that it clips to my shirt fairly well. So I might wear the left one and run one-eared. My only other thoughts are trying to find a pair that works better for running (which I really don't have the money for) or duct-taping the headphones to my ears......yeah, I think I prefer the one-ear approach! :laugh:
  • Chani56
    Chani56 Posts: 23 Member
    That is great Pixie! You can do it! I finished W2D2 this morning. I think W2 is actually easier than W1. That extra 30 seconds on the recovery seems to make a world of difference. That was what held me back on week 1. The podcast would cue me for the next run when I wasn't yet recovered from the previous one. I hope you find W2 easier as well.

    I have the same problem with the ear buds...the same ear even! I find the JVC earbuds don't fall out quite as easily. Today I made it half way through the podcast before it fell out anyway =P I think I paid just under $10 for them. I've seen some with a gel-like cone shape that you stick into the ear canal. I'm thinking I might try those next time I need to pick some up. Not sure what they'll cost.

    I can also empathize with you on the difficulty of finding the best time of day to exercise. I am so not a morning person and I'd rather do it right after work than go back out after I've been home and relaxed. I live in Phoenix, AZ. It's been 110+. If I wait until it cools down, I'm not going out until after 9 PM. There was a night during week 1 where I went out when it was still 108. Crazy I know. After that I decided I just needed to force my lazy butt out of bed earlier and get 'er done. Wish I could say that's gotten easier but it hasn't. It's been a struggle.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I live in Colorado. It'll be too hot until it gets too cold. :ohwell: Plus, sprinklers. They're pretty much ALL on at 5am! :grumble:

    And I've heard the JVC marshmallow ones are good, but I've been looking online and can't find any in stores near me, so I'm thinking I might try the Skullcandy ones for now. If they suck, I'll order some JVCs online.

    Get 'er done! :bigsmile:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I officially completed the plan :D Keep pushing everyone, you can do this!! I posted my thoughts on it here:
    XoxoxoX Bru
  • NoelleLou
    NoelleLou Posts: 35
    Thanks SO much for the info on C25K! I just printed it out & plan on starting the 1st one tomorrow! Great info! Thanks again!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    So I got the JVC Marshmallows (walmart's website lied to me - my local store DID have them! :grumble: ) and wore them on my W1D2 (Round2) run yesterday. The right one only fell out once (hooray!) and the left one fell out about 4 times, but I was expecting that. I figured that since my right one usually falls out, it needed the smaller size (which I was using) but that the left one might need the larger size. So I replaced the left one with the "medium" piece and I'll see if it works better on my next run.

    I didn't like how I felt I couldn't turn my head though. I had the cords looped over the top of my ears, then cinched behind my head under my ponytail, and the cord ran under my tshirt to my armband. I could very often feel a pull when I turned my head or lifted my arm, especially if I did both at the same time, like when I went to adjust the volume or something on my mp3 player. I adjusted the "cinch" tightness a few times, trying to make sure that they were snug but not going to get yanked out. It probably didn't help that I had my hair in a ponytail at the base of my neck, so it was basically sitting/swinging on top of the cord. Maybe I should put my hair up?

    The only other problem I had was that they just constantly felt like they were falling out when they weren't...not necessarily anyway. I guess they'll just take some getting used to.
  • Chani56
    Chani56 Posts: 23 Member
    @Bru - You are fabulous! Thank you for sharing!

    @Pixie - I'm glad those are working a little better for you. I'll let you know if I come across anything better.

    I struggled getting out of bed this morning so I didn't get my run in. That means I MUST do it tonight. I really hope we get some rain so it cools down a bit before I go out =P
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Finished W1 (Round2) this weekend! And more importantly, I feel ready to move on to Week 2 tonight! :drinker: (I want a dancing smiley or a cheerleader smiling or something! The only celebrating smiley they have is the drinker, and I want my smileys to celebrate!!)

    The larger size earpiece for the left ear and putting my hair in a high ponytail really helped; after adjusting the headphones during my warm-up, the left one only fell out once (about halfway through workout) and the right one stayed in place! I also found an old mp3 player that I had stopped using b/c of its small memory space: I put weeks 1-3 podcasts on it (that's all that fits!) and used it. It's about half the size of my regular one, and I didn't have to mess with an armband (it doesn't have one) so I just stuffed it into my sports bra :laugh: Also, now I can leave my regular one in my purse, and not always be looking for it :grumble:
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Did W2D1 last night...with a VERY strong headwind :angry: So it was somewhat painful, but not too bad; doable. But I definitely noticed that I was slower and much more out of breath by the end than I was with Week 1 this weekend. But that's how we improve right? I also noticed that I had some crazy Einstein-lookin hair by the end, with all that wind blowing it around. (I wanted to put a smiley here, but they're all bald....poor smileys :cry: )

    I used Gmaps Pedometer ( to map my approximate route, and I'm walking/running about 2.28 miles, already up from the approximate 2.16mi from where I was turning around during Week 1 :bigsmile: YAY! The program works! :laugh:
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I feel all alone on here.... :cry: That's ok, I'll talk to myself and pretend others read it, just like in my blog! :bigsmile:

    So I did W2D2 this morning, since I have plans for this evening. Still not doing as good as I'd like to be, and didn't run as far this time, but I blame that on running at a different time of day and without eating first. However, I did manage to keep my pace a little more consistent, b/c I ended the podcast closer to where I started than I ever have before. (I always turn around at the midpoint of the podcast workout, so getting a little closer to my starting point means that my return pace was a little closer to my start pace, probably b/c I was running slower, as mentioned.)
  • Chani56
    Chani56 Posts: 23 Member
    You're doing a great job Pixie!

    Sorry I've seemed to abandon you...too much drama going on with the family :ohwell: It's totally thrown me off my routine and I'm struggling to stay motivated. I haven't gone out since Saturday. :frown: I've been going on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I missed Tuesday cuz I was up late Monday night helping my sister clean her house to prepare for her baby which is due in less than 2 weeks. I just couldn't get out of bed Tuesday morning. I should have gone Tuesday night but I ended up plopped on the couch with my husband catching up on all the shows on our DVR. I justified it by telling myself we don't watch TV together very often. Lame excuse, I know. We stayed up so late watching TV I couldn't roll my lazy butt out of bed yesterday morning either. Last night's excuse was that it was still 105 degrees at 8:45 PM and I hadn't yet downloaded the next podcast. Weak! So I downloaded the podcast but stayed up late rearranging my playlists and syncing the silly iPod...overslept this morning too. Now I should go tonight but we have another heat advisory and...see how the excuses just seem to pile up. I need to just suck it up and DO IT!!!

    I'm kind of dreading it. It's become painfully obvious (quite literally) that I need new shoes. I can't get out to buy them until tomorrow night. Maybe I should just pick it back up on Saturday...Gah!!!

    See what I'm doing now? Nope, no, no way. NO EXCUSES! I HAVE TO RUN TONIGHT! PLEASE help me hold myself accountable to my run tonight. Feel free to spam my e-mail if I don't post about completing W3D1 before midnight MST?:sad:
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I was just checking to see of anyone was doing this. I want to start it soon, in fact I want to finish it on Halloween week. Good to see that it is achievable.

    I need to get some running shoes. I don't own any trainers and running in Vans would be a very bad idea. I've seen a pair I want but they are slightly out of my price range (£125).
  • Chani56
    Chani56 Posts: 23 Member
    Only made it about half way through. 9:00 and it's still 103 degrees out...between the heat and my lousy shoes I just couldn't make the 3 min jog. Walked the rest of the way. At least I did that much. I'm not going to count it as a complete W3D1. I'll get new shoes tomorrow and rock it Saturday morning! I CAN DO IT!!!

    Good luck anyamalfoy! I think it is absolutely doable by Halloween. My 5k will be Sept 25th.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Once again, ran this morning b/c plans this evening. I officially hate morning runs, at least if I have to go to work that day. I can't eat beforehand, I usually only get about a glass of water down before leaving, and so my performance sucks. Add in the effin sprinklers, and there goes my enjoyment of the run! :grumble: (Which is wierd to hear me say at all, since I absolutely friggin hated running until I started this! :laugh: ) I'm hoping that maybe I'll get an extra day of Week2 in on Saturday evening before starting Week3 on Monday. I can't wait til it cools down enough that I can run in the afternoon - it'll be SOOO much nicer! :ohwell:

    @Chani - Better to wait than to get blisters and then be outta comission for days while you heal! I know what you mean by excuses though: I haven't done any workouts except C25K in weeks! I was determined to add some strength training to my routine and totally blew it off yesterday! :blushing:

    @anyamalfoy - Good luck! It's totally achievable! I should be finishing around the end of September/beginning of October, and I'm only just finishing Week2, so you should be able to make it by Halloween. :drinker: Go for it!
  • Chani56
    Chani56 Posts: 23 Member
    Picked up pair of Asics last night. They are awesome! I really liked my New Balance but I don't think I will were anything but Asics when I go jogging.

    W3 will definitely be a repeat week for me. I'm able to manage the 90 sec jogs no swe... no problem, lots of sweat but no problem :bigsmile: The 3 minute jog had me very intimidated before I started but I did better than I thought I would. I think I made it at least 2.5 mins through the first interval before I thought I would collapse :ohwell: Not sure how long on the second...couldn't even venture a guess, I was just anxious to finish at that point :tongue: I'm confident Tuesday will be better.

    @Pixie - I know what you mean. My gym closed a few days after I started this so I haven't gotten any strength training in either. I haven't decided what I'll do yet. For now it's just this and cycling 2-3 times/week. I figure this is a pretty big goal for me so I'll cut myself some slack on the strength training at least unil after my 5k at the end of September :tongue:
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Did an extra day of Week2 Saturday night, but I'm still kinda nervous about starting Week3 tonight....guess we'll see how it goes.

    I actually did a small strength training session this weekend...with my 2lb weights while I watched tv! :tongue: Oh well, at least I did it. I actually created a calendar w/all my workouts on it (3 days of C25K, 2 days of barely-there strength, 1 day of something different like a walk or dvd, and 1 day of pure rest) and then set the calendar as my wallpaper. I'm also putting little gold stars on workouts that I complete! :glasses: And I'm not too worried about the structure, which days I do what, etc. That way, if I miss a workout, instead of feeling that I failed, I am further motivated to include that workout in the next few days. So that I can get my gold star! :drinker: Totally childish, but I think it's gonna work.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I did W3D1 last night, and it really wasn't too bad. I'm still moving really slow and having pretty much no muscle soreness, so I'm thinking I might try and up my speed, as long as I can still keep my breathing in check.