8 Week Keto Challenge (Post before and after)



  • stephyyyo
    stephyyyo Posts: 107 Member
    KennyG1963 wrote: »
    What is your calorie goal?

    For me I try to stay under 1200,1100 cals (I’m short and a woman). I like checking out Dr Eric Berg on YouTube he has good advice on this!
  • stephyyyo
    stephyyyo Posts: 107 Member
    Is it too late to join this group? I've just started a Keto diet today and have a lot to lose (around 200lb) and I could really use a group to keep me accountable. I'm currently at 420 lbs - and roughly shooting for 220lb - but I'll assess that as I get closer. My focus for now is just doing the right thing day by day and trust that I'll get there eventually.

    My Calorie goal is 2500, which for my size is pretty aggressive - I'll see how I do and adjust in a week or two. My macro goals are:

    Fat: 186g (67%)
    Carbs: 25g (4%)
    Protein: 182g (29%)

    I've just started on that ratio - so I'll see how it goes.

    Best of luck! Keto is by far the easiest diet/lifestyle and proven to be a massive fat burner.
  • stephyyyo
    stephyyyo Posts: 107 Member
    carlsoda wrote: »
    All is going pretty good for me. I've noticed prelogging my entire day really helps...especially when I see the carb count :)

    Awesome! I don’t know how you guys do that, I log as I go (but usually before I eat something to check on carbs) but I don’t have preplanned meals. Good on you!
  • stephyyyo
    stephyyyo Posts: 107 Member
    edited June 2018
    Full disclosure: I did good on the weekend stayed within macros, however Monday I had a bad dinner...bread and all.

    I felt horrible the next day and it allowed me to refocus. I’m not gonna let one day get me down. So far this week I’m back on track. Here is a yummy Latin-cuisine meal from last night.

  • 0704Johnston
    0704Johnston Posts: 48 Member
    edited June 2018
    Today's Plan:


    1st thing (empty stomach)
    Half Marathon Training day 11; walking (2.5 mi)


    B - SF/LC Chai tea latte (hot) then an iced caramel tea "latte" (1/2 caramel premier protein shake, iced salted caramel tea, 1 cup unsweetened cashew milk, 1tbsp heavy cream, 1 tsp MCT oil)

    L - 2 cheese shell tacos

    S - String Cheese

    D - I don't know yet... going to see my brother and his family for dinner. Reserved 500 cals and kept carbs low other meals to allow about 15 more carbs

    Food Aiming for around 1,250 calories, 30 carbs (total, not net)
    Exercise 255 calories
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    I'm officially back in ketosis! I'll just keep doing what I'm doing cuz it's working!
  • 0704Johnston
    0704Johnston Posts: 48 Member
    Congrats carlsoda!
  • 0704Johnston
    0704Johnston Posts: 48 Member
    edited June 2018
    Yesterday dinner at my brother's house was salad greens topped with seasoned ground turkey, shredded cheese, green onion, sour cream and a dab of home made guac... then later I had 1 strawberry

    Today's Plan:


    1st thing (empty stomach)
    Half Marathon Training day 12; 2:1 run:walk intervals (33 minutes)


    B - SF/LC Chai tea latte (hot) then an "iced matcha tea latte" (premier protein shake with almond/cashew/flax milk blend, 1tsp MCT oil and matcha powder blended in, and later 4 (!!!) slices applewood smoked bacon

    L - 4 oz pollock cooked in 1 tbsp butter with salt and pepper, and some steamed cabbage with salt

    S - Extra sharp white cheddar (1oz)

    D - 1 baked skin-on chicken thigh (marinated in home made Italian dressing and baked crisp), 5 spears asparagus with home made "hollandaise like stuff"

    Food 1,238 calories, 20 carbs (total, not net)
    Exercise 410 calories
  • 0704Johnston
    0704Johnston Posts: 48 Member
    edited June 2018
    So last night my friend who came over for dinner brought me gluten free cookies and dark chocolate for dessert. I indulged. My calories went all the way up to 1900 and carbs to 99 :o:s

    Today is a new day and off to a good start, hopefully the exercise burnt out my glycogen so I can get back into Ketosis ASAP!!!!

    Today's Plan:


    1st thing (empty stomach)
    Half Marathon Training day 13; 3:1 run:walk intervals (48 minutes)


    B - SF/LC Chai tea latte (hot) then an iced caramel tea "latte" (caramel premier protein shake, iced salted caramel tea, .5 cup unsweetened cashew milk, 1tbsp heavy cream, 1 tsp MCT oil), then later 4 sausages

    L - 3 oz pollock cooked in 1 tsp butter with salt and pepper

    S - .5oz spicy pork rinds dipped in 1 tbsp ranch

    D - 1 cheddar sausage, 5 spears asparagus with home made "hollandaise like stuff"

    Food 1,240 calories, 18 carbs (total, not net)
    Exercise 365 calories
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    I'm still going strong here! The longer I stay away from sugar the less cravings I have. That's my goal!! Hope everyone else is doing well!!
  • shallid1
    shallid1 Posts: 296 Member
    edited June 2018
    SW - 231.8 in this group
    CW - 235

    Goals went out the window..😒

    Started school - BA... stress at work. Getting back on track. ✌
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    I was feeling pretty sick all weekend and just decided to have something carby for dinner last night. Definitely helped the stomach and back on plan today! BTW dropped 5 lbs in June!! Sometimes you just have to give in to what your body is asking for. :)