Facebook....Yea or Nay????



  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    Non FB here. I'm already on here and going to college online so I don't feel the need to hang on the computer any more than this. :ohwell:
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I'm not allowed. :( sad panda

    oh dear
  • curvygirl77
    curvygirl77 Posts: 769 Member
    Nay---this is enough for me
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    FB never appealed to me...I had one to keep in touch with fam back in cali but they annoy me after a while...
    but i did LOVE myspace...fun times fun times!:wink:
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    Nope, not a fan. To much Drama .

    Sides I can't spell.
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    Nope, my kids don't want me to have one. I may embarrass them there as well I guess.
  • jenjencin78
    jenjencin78 Posts: 4,415 Member
    Nay!!! and Im not going back!! lol!! I feel free without it and without all the negative comments and judging and endless pointless dumb games!!! I especially dislike the games and the messages, your friend needs help getting to the next level, will you help..uh NOOOO..Im busy living real life!!! :grumble:

    This. I left 6 months ago and don't miss it. Had to log on last week to get a family member's new address-made me remember why I left to begin with. Deactivated and don't plan on ever going back.
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Nope, My husband and I don't drink the facebook kool-aid. lol. And here I thought I was the only person in America that didn't participate..lol. My friends are always facebook this, facebook that...I get tired of hearing all the drama and gossip...don't need all of that! :)
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Yea, about 1-2 x's a month. I rarely go there. MFPeeps, IZ my peeps.
  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
    NAY big time, I have a life:noway:
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Gave up Facebook about a year ago. Never been happier.

    It just got under my skin. The things people post. The narcissism. The butthurt. Meh.

    Interactions are more meaningful in person.
  • sub10orbust
    sub10orbust Posts: 706 Member
    I have zero drama in my life, facebook doesn't change that.

    said every girl
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I am not bashing it. I 100% understand how Facebook can serve as a useful aid to keep in contact with your peeps, but........I don't even have a Facebook and I'm 100% thankful for that for a number of reasons. I'm really curious if there is anyone else out there who is a NON Facebooker.

    Not a facebooker, not my cup of whiskey. I figure if I care enough to keep in touch I can do it face to face, otherwise we're just half-a**ing it and going through the motions, which really means that you're not that important to me.

  • greyoutside
    I've streamlined it. I don't get game requests and stupid stuff like that. Just nice to be able to check in on peeps and see what's up. More for family though.

    I do the exact same thing, only I've moved around a lot and have friends all over the place that I probably wouldn't be able to keep in touch with otherwise.
  • greyoutside
    I'm not allowed. :( sad panda

    Not allowed? You know, having gone to your profile and noting that you are not under 18, I'm terribly curious.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I am not bashing it. I 100% understand how Facebook can serve as a useful aid to keep in contact with your peeps, but........I don't even have a Facebook and I'm 100% thankful for that for a number of reasons. I'm really curious if there is anyone else out there who is a NON Facebooker.

    Non Facebooker and do not intend to be.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    I'm not allowed. :( sad panda

    Not allowed? You know, having gone to your profile and noting that you are not under 18, I'm terribly curious.

    my guess is jealous SO thinks she may hook up with a past flame

    as for those who complain about the drama.....my guess is you friended idiots. people can use FB for whatever they like, but if it annoys me i either hide them or unfriend them. theres no drama involved. i used it to humor myself and catch up with people who are 10 states away that i normally wouldnt be able to interact with.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I have it & love it.. but see, i dont allow any family members or anyone that i know on a real personal level there!

    its my happy place! Its solely for FUN! Jokes, memes, funny pics, etc! Im a non filtered, constant kick *kitten* gal who is a barrel of laughs & jokes!!

    Yes, i have a serious side and have made some good friends through there.. but nothing i would bring into my personal life. I dont FB from my phone or anything like that. Its my "me time" thing that i do. If i dont have time for it.. then i dont have time for it. I am not one of these.. "connected" people. We do not have phones at our supper table, while having family time in the living room nor while in the cars. My kids do not walk around a store with their phones in their hands. :grumble: I cant stand that.

    Anyhoo.. thats my story & im sticking to it. :wink:
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    oops! it posted twice.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I used Facebook to stay in contact with friends and family, and a few entertaining weirdos I've never met but really like.