Truths about old age



  • starfighter65
    starfighter65 Posts: 413 Member
    It is what it is .
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Can't read the GD phone in the morning without my reading glasses.

    I should have added put a pair of readers in every room and purse and car.

    That goes with memory issues because you forget where you put the one pair you have also you can't see where you put them.

    Oh, memory issues are...what were we talking about?
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Fans in every room are a must..

    Okay, I'm not that old and this is still a must. Man.. middle age is gonna be a *kitten*. :(
  • honeybee__12
    honeybee__12 Posts: 15,688 Member
    Where did I put my *kitten* glasses?
    Readers in every room........
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Can't read the GD phone in the morning without my reading glasses.

    I should have added put a pair of readers in every room and purse and car.

    That goes with memory issues because you forget where you put the one pair you have also you can't see where you put them.

    Oh, memory issues are...what were we talking about?

    Exactly. :laugh:
  • Just_Mel_
    Just_Mel_ Posts: 3,992 Member
    You don't understand current fashion trends.
    Mom jeans??? For reals???
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    I am now guilty of having double standards.

    I've never found bald or balding men to be unattractive (unless they do comb-overs)
    I now spend too much time trying to make sure my own hair is carefully brushed into place to try to downplay how much thinner it looks now with all these white roots.

    (Dont know why I bother as the second I step outside I forget I was trying to hide anything and the wind eradicates the careful brushing LOL)

    Other than that I seem to be holding up pretty well,
    except for the reading glasses thing
    and the needing more sleep thing
    and the change in taste buds (who knew I would ever EVER start liking saurkraut or enjoying a nice hot cup of .. water!?!

    oh heck with it...

    what was the topic again?

  • barefootboatnik
    barefootboatnik Posts: 134 Member
    Glasses.. I had perfect vision until I hit 40. Can't see a damn thing without them now. Also, at some point someone snuck sand into both my knees. Folks ten feet away can hear them grind when I climb stairs.
  • funjen1972
    funjen1972 Posts: 949 Member
    You realize gravity has had an effect on everything...even your !$@&!!!
  • FibroHiker
    FibroHiker Posts: 398 Member
    Working very hard just to stay in roughly the same shape and size. Hearing men who are your age (paunchy, fat, badly dressed, and very wrinkly) explaining that they don't find "old women" attractive and they want to date younger women because that is what nature intended.

    We could do an entire thread on what you have written here alone.
  • FibroHiker
    FibroHiker Posts: 398 Member
    You don't understand current fashion trends.
    Mom jeans??? For reals???

    OMG! Yes! I saw a young woman wearing what looked like mom jeans this week and I couldn't believe it!
  • FibroHiker
    FibroHiker Posts: 398 Member
    Glasses.. I had perfect vision until I hit 40. Can't see a damn thing without them now. Also, at some point someone snuck sand into both my knees. Folks ten feet away can hear them grind when I climb stairs.

    I have had perfect vision all my life too and it is fading now. I made need readers soon. My knees crack going up stairs too!
  • FibroHiker
    FibroHiker Posts: 398 Member

    I love that you still have your positivity.
  • FibroHiker
    FibroHiker Posts: 398 Member
    I just misread a post title to say "Buck Cherry weight," and thought what do those two things possibly have in common?

    Opened the post and it's about "black cherries." I definitely need to have my eyes checked.
  • Svanel
    Svanel Posts: 6,255 Member
    I’m resentful of the fact that when men age they become more distinguished while I have 7 different creams to apply to my face at night in the hopes of maintaining cougar.

    This. FFS. My 'regime' is ridiculous...*she says applying her 20th layer of self esteem cream..............................

    the 10-step skin care routine is where it's at, just add the additional anti-aging, brightening, skin rejuvenating, light reflecting creams, night replenishing masks right after!
  • Svanel
    Svanel Posts: 6,255 Member
    Boba_14626 wrote: »
    CHr*st almighty the peeing! I feel like my bladder is the size of a pea.

    don't laugh too hard or sneeze. if you are in danger of either, start heading for the nearest bathroom.