Do you think 36 is old or young

thirtiesrock Posts: 30 Member
I don’t know if I can call myself young anymore lol. Turned 36 today


  • skctilidie
    skctilidie Posts: 1,404 Member
    As I’ll be 38 tomorrow and am not ready to be considered old, I hope 36 is still fairly young.
  • lar25473
    lar25473 Posts: 183 Member
    I'm 21 but I don't think 36 is old. I have different standards on age though, like for dating I would consider a 36 year old man a little bit old for me :P But in general 36 is still pretty young if you think about it.
  • itwentthere
    itwentthere Posts: 404 Member
    It is for me
  • pogiguy05
    pogiguy05 Posts: 1,583 Member
    Well I am turning 52 in July so 36 seems young and so long ago. ;-)
  • thirtiesrock
    thirtiesrock Posts: 30 Member
    I’ve got a childlike sense of humour so don’t feel my age at all. Peter Pan syndrome lol
  • thirtiesrock
    thirtiesrock Posts: 30 Member
    I look younger now than when I was 26. The power of healthy eating and exercise
  • jaycanchu
    jaycanchu Posts: 265 Member
    Young. I’m 50 though. I’m old. Sigh
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Old as dirt.


    ..... one foot in the grave, the other standing on a banana peel.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    I think whenever someone passes their sexual prime is old.
    I'm 38 and nowhere near that so I'm good.

  • thirtiesrock
    thirtiesrock Posts: 30 Member
    I’ll be the coolest old granny going when I’m elderly
  • PaperDoll_
    PaperDoll_ Posts: 32,857 Member
    I’ll be the coolest old granny going when I’m elderly

    If you look at it this way... if you had a kid at 18, and then they had a kid at 18... you could technically be a grandma right now. I think that makes 36 old.

    But considering I'm only a few years behind you, that means I'm going to go with "young" anyways. :)
  • thirtiesrock
    thirtiesrock Posts: 30 Member
    Young at heart always:) Just the Caracas gets older that’s all lol
  • bojack5
    bojack5 Posts: 2,859 Member
    I'm life has only trended upwards the last 11 yrs. I'd say 36 is still young, so many more productive and great years ahead!