Support that Doesn't Focus on Challenges but on Relationship



  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    93498_882895.jpgl suggest you sleep on it.  At least one night.  That night I had a dream.  I dreamt I was as Iight as the ether,  A floatin'spirit, visitin' things to come.  The shades and shadows of the peopIe  In my Iife wrestIed their way into my sIumber.  I dreamt that GaIe and Evelle had decided to  return to prison. ProbabIy that's just as well.  I don't mean to sound superior,  and they're a swell coupIa guys,  but maybe they weren't ready yet  to come out into the worId.  And then I dreamed on, into the future,  to a Christmas morning in the Arizona home,  where Nathan Junior was openin'a present  from a kindIy coupIe  who preferred to remain unknown.    I don't know.  But still I dreamed on,  further into the future  than I'd ever dreamed before.  Watchin' Nathan Junior's progress from afar,  takin' pride in his accompIishments,  as if he were our own,  wonderin' if he ever thought of us,  and hopin' that maybe we'd  broadened his horizons a IittIe,  even if he couIdn't remember  just how they got broadened.  But still I hadn't dreamt  nothin' about me and Ed,  untiI the end.  And this was cIoudier,  because it was years, years away.  But I saw an oId coupIe  bein' visited by their chiIdren  and all their grandchiIdren too.  The oId coupIe weren't screwed up,  and neither were their kids or their grandkids.  Dad...  And I don't know.  You tell me.  This whoIe dream.  Was it wishfuI thinkin'?  Was I just fleein'reaIity,  Iike I know I'm IiabIe to do?  But me and Ed, we can be good too.  And it seemed reaI.  It seemed Iike us.  And it seemed Iike,  well... our home.  lf not Arizona, then a Iand not too far away,  where all parents are  strong and wise and capabIe  and all the chiIdren are happy and beIoved.  I don't know.   Maybe it was Utah.463496653_1280x720.jpg.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    Open. Mind. Insert. Possibilities.

    What's your dream. I hope it's more than striving for the perfect body every day. When all is said and done, no one will be thinking about your tiny hiney or your extra special diet.

    Health is the vehicle. Health is not the destination. There is no such thing as the Finish Line. Start thinking waaay into the future. Contemplate the Big Picture.

    If your mode of operation was always on some diet or conducting nonstop 10 or 15 day food resets...has that changed everything for you then?
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    edited July 2018

    I believe in getting what we need from a bunch of different sources. Not everything has to be from a trainer or from some food guru. Trust your own intuition, you might know more than they do. No one has all of the answers. No one.

    Beast mode at the gym and dialed down food portions weren't working. She started doing exactly the opposite of what she was telling her clients. That's something to think about when you're locked onto to someone's book or food protocol. It might actually be a bunch of hooey or malarkey.

    One size does not fit all. Someone's dialed down diet with overrestriction may not be the answer. It's not. Give yourself permission to eat the foods you enjoy and find movement that you like. Do everything on your own terms. Taking the reins back for your life is the first step.

    Take a good hard look at your life to make sure it isn't filled with huge rationalization. The brain likes rationalization and making excuses for everything. Reassess as needed. You might as well get used to it if you want your vehicle to run on premium fuel. If you want to run cool, you've got to run on heavy, heavy fuel.[/url]
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    Short-term goals and All or Nothing Thinking is the recipe for eating it all back.

    If you have a child, do you contemplate their big picture? College, marriage, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren. Do you save for their college, save for a rainy day and prepare for the future.

    Compartmentalized thinking, some use that as a coping skill. A corresponding rule for every situation. Limited thinking. If you eat a donut, you must take 2 bites and throw the rest in the garbage. You must eat the donut and then immediately do another food reset because there's no such thing as moderation. That's food prison.

    All or Nothing = Do everything perfectly or go down the rabbit hole. Give UP. Throw the towel in because doing your best just isn't good enough.

    If you're here, it's a good guess that struggles with weight are in your eating history. I've ridden that merry-go-round. All the horses' saddles were worn smooth from my rearend. You have to find the strategy to break free from your past. At last. You don't want to go out like that.

    Do everything on your own terms. Give yourself permission to make the decisions about your health. Health is the vehicle. Health is not the destination. When you get to the other side of all this, reaching maintenance, don't slide back off the goose thinking you've got it made. You're suddenly fixed. No. You are not.

    There's more work to be done. It's just the beginning. Don't kick your tracking to the curb. Don't throw away your toolkit, keep tooling along.