"Lose weight with a doctor's supervision." LOL!



  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
    First congrats on your progress, I started out about the same weight so I know you can do it with your great attitude. Dump the doc. True story. Years ago my wife found a lump in her breast. Since cancer seems to run in her family she went to doc of course. When he examined her he told her that women over react about breast cancer and she should go home and wait six months to see if it got bigger than make another appointment. She did not have to say a word. His two nurses that were in the room tore into so loud you could hear them out in the waiting. They called him every thing but a doctor. They probably lost their jobs but the woman in the waiting room cheered them. Oh by the way next doc ran tests and everything was ok.:bigsmile:
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    You have an awesome attitude.
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    Time for a new doctor!

    Just want to clear up that I think you meant TDEE not BMR... BMR is what you need to just survive! TDEE is what it takes to maintain weight.

    I sure hope the doctor knows that! If not, get out of there asap! lol

    Keep on going! You can do it. Enjoy and indulge once in a while, too!
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    Sorry about your horrible experience, but wow...You are on fire, girl! Keep up the fantastic work, trust your instincts and...get a new doctor. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • nyrina4life
    nyrina4life Posts: 196 Member
    Wow ... your Doctor sounds like she just doesn't care.

    As others have said, seek a new physician & find yourself a dietician who cares. Your (hopefully) soon to be ex-physician seems to have lost touch with her patients, and that is just plain sad. :frown:

    Also, small things make a big difference. Walking on a trail, great, easy workout. Decide how far you want to go, and that you know you can handle without feeling weak, tired, etc... (always be sure to let people know where you are going, no matter what. You just never know if injury could happen and you may need help.)

    Awesome attitude though, and good job at keeping it from escalating. I think I would have been a little less friendly. :flowerforyou:
  • heatherbrosigyaskow
    heatherbrosigyaskow Posts: 28 Member
    Most doctors don't know ANYTHING about nutrition. I once went to a doctor at 360 pounds and a BMI of 60....that's SUPER morbidly obese! and I told him I was really struggling with losing weight and he told me I didn't really need to worry about losing weight because I was healthy with all optimal bloodwork (liver enzymes, glucose, cholesterol, etc). WTF???? I had a BMI of SIXTY.... SIXTY!!!!!! I learned then not to rely on my doctor for anything concerning my weight.. and apparently that's how many of them like it.. Yes a lot of them are GREAT at telling you to lose weight but not so great at helping you accomplish it. Heck, I recently just went down to Mexico and had bariatric surgery without even consulting with my PCP because I have so little confidence in general practitioners knowledge in this area.. I just did the surgery and went in at three months post op told the doctor exactly what I expected from her and what I needed her to do to follow up. She ran my blood work, took all my vitals, checked my incision sites, etc told me I was perfectly healthy and scheduled a follow up for 9 months down the road .

    Also your doctor was really being an *kitten* for not listening to you and for pointing out how far you have yet to go. That Doctor works for YOU. I think she needs to be reminded of that fact. I'm not saying to switch doctors... but you definitely need to give her a reminder about how you expect to be treated.

    You are doing a great job OP. Keep doing what you're doing.. Clearly you're doing it right!
    I am glad that things worked out with your surgery, but being a nurse I have seen many people have major medical problems from having surgery outside the U.S (mostly Mexico), but also having surgery without the referral of a doctor. The best thing to have is a doctor you like and feel comfortable with. If you feel comfortable and have trust in your doctor you can accomplish anything together, and they will know when to send you to a specialist. If this means trying out three- four different doctors do that. You won't go see them if you don't like them, even if all of their other patients love them. Once again congrats and keep up all the good work!!!
  • LeanAmbitions
    First, I'm curious, did you get an answer about exercise or did all of that make you completely forget about asking?

    I would definitely look for a new doctor. The fact that her fitness/nutrition education isn't up to par isn't the problem, because as others have stated, that's fairly common (and that's what specialists are for). However the fact that she pretty much ignored you and your concerns is unacceptable.

    More docs should be like Ed's and be open and up front about what they know and don't know. My doc is like this too. Her memory's not always great (she gets me confused with another patient) but a couple gentle reminders or a peek at my chart and she's back on track. She is thrilled that I've lost the weight and VERY happy that I've kept it off so long. She's great at explaining things like why my Vitamin D is low even if I'm outside a lot. And the thing I love the best is that she doesn't push drugs. Having migraine issues? Try taking magnesium. LOVE HER!

    Oh, I totally didn't even get to ask. She told me I need to be working out 3 to 4 times a week, which I already knew. She's so off-putting that you don't even wanna talk to her. She didn't even ask me what I was doing or if I was doing anything. She just went into a lecture about what I need to do and when I told her, "Thanks. I've already been doing that for a couple months.", she said, "Well, at least you're making SOME positive changes." Really, lady? Omg.
  • LeanAmbitions
    I appreciate each and every one of your comments and I have read them all. I wasn't really expecting a lot because I had read on here that doctors usually don't know about weight loss. I know I can do it without her help but I do often hear you should be monitored so I was concerned about that. I only go to her because she's been my doctor for like 10 years now and I don't have insurance and I know I can afford her. But I'm done with it. If I feel I need guidance, I'll scrape money together to see a dietrician. What I'm doing is working fine, so I'll just keep it up.

    I was just so irritated when I left her today and I've read here a million times 1500 is probably too low for me. I knew you guys would probably understand my frustration. Thanks so much for the support and the adds.
  • LeanAmbitions
    First congrats on your progress, I started out about the same weight so I know you can do it with your great attitude. Dump the doc. True story. Years ago my wife found a lump in her breast. Since cancer seems to run in her family she went to doc of course. When he examined her he told her that women over react about breast cancer and she should go home and wait six months to see if it got bigger than make another appointment. She did not have to say a word. His two nurses that were in the room tore into so loud you could hear them out in the waiting. They called him every thing but a doctor. They probably lost their jobs but the woman in the waiting room cheered them. Oh by the way next doc ran tests and everything was ok.:bigsmile:

    I'm glad she was okay! I'm glad his nurses got on him too. I'm probably over paranoid about cancer but half my family has died from it so I'd probably get arrested for assault if the doctor said that to me. Haha.
  • jennygeo1
    jennygeo1 Posts: 133 Member
    First off, that woman is a total B. Secondly, congratulations on your progress! That's wonderful! Third - you have a wonderful attitude and seem to really know what end is up. I'm sorry you had to deal with that, but please keep your chin up and keep moving forward. Also, find a new doctor that is interested in you and not just giving a lecture.