Victoria's Secret Models



  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    I think if it is your job to be thin and look good, you do whatever it takes. They make a lot of money and I'm sure they aren't willing to risk it to eat a few hamburgers. Some of it is probably genetics but I think they watch their weight carefully and probably work with a nutritionist and fitness trainer to keep their body looking like what VS wants their models to look. If I made that kind of money, I'm sure I'd be just as dedicated.
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    Heavy lifting and clean eating, all the way!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Hard to take a guess. I think they probably train like fitness models..... Not sure how much they would eat in a day??

    They don't train (as in lift weights). Ever watch America's Next Top Model? They make comments on that show all the time about their arms getting too big or their legs and butt getting too big so they have to not lift weights.

    Not true.

    I've also seen before/afters photoshop where they actually airbrushed the VS swimsuit models' area of muscle definition OUT, to make them look more "soft and feminine."
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Odds of looking like a VS model after trying to "get fit?" 5%.

    Odds of looking like a better version of yourself? 95%

    Work with what you've got and making it the best that you can be (or want to be). Unrealistic expectations are demoralizing and will sabotage your mental health and perhaps your physical health.

    VS models (and Sport Illustrated models) are meant to be "curvier" than runway models. Many women who size out of runway, jump into swimsuit. These days, the definition of "curvy" has shifted a bit. In the 90s, a typical VS model was a bit more hourglass, and a little softer. Now it is more about larger breasts, (real or fake) with no significant emphasis on waist hip ratio.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    They seem to be the ultimate definition of glamour and beauty. I would kill for a body like that. Looking for some opinions:

    -How many calories a day do you think a Victoria secret model eats?

    -Do you think they lift weights or do tons of cardio?

    -How many days per week do you think they exercise?

    They are also incredibly skinny.

    So you are wanting MFP message board opinions for a workout/eating plan to give you a VS model body? Okay.

    1. First, make sure you have thin, really good looking parents. This winning the genetic lottery part is very, if not the most, important step because those are the tools you have to start with.

    2. Make sure your body type is a very long waisted, athletic build (esp if you desire post 2000 VS model style body). No busty/top heavy or short waisted types need apply.

    3. I think they would eat less than 1500 cals a day.

    4. I think they work out every day or at least 6 days a week. They do tonnes of cardio.

    5. According to Adrina Lima on top of all of the above 'maintenance' pre show there is 9 days of replacing all solid food with protein shakes, at least 4 litres/a gallon of water and 3-6 hour work outs.

    THEN they get hours of make up, hair and lighting before being photographed in unnatural angles by top photographers.

    THEN - despite all of the above - get photoshopped to hell.

    Glamour & beauty - it is a massive illusion.

    You have a perfectly fine body - you would be better off spending some time watching hair or makeup tutorials on Youtube instead of checking out thinspo online.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member

    I dunno... They might look good but probably can't open a pickle jar

    HEY. Pickle jars are HARD.

    Tap them lightly on the edge of the counter....LIGHTLY, otherwise pickle juice goes everywhere.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Honestly, a huge chunk of it is probably genetics. Lots of physical activity, lots of calorie counting, full-on starvation in some cases... but also genetics, because most of them are super tall with long limbs.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Do I want to lose weight? Yes! Do I want to look like a VS model? NO WAY!!!! They have no shape, they are skin and bones and I guarantee that a large percentage of them have eating disorders!! Thanks, but no thanks!!

    Oh, I don't know. Compared to high fashion models, VS models are known to be a lot more "curvy". That is, many of them have gorgeous shapes. Though, yes, they are still quite lean.

    Though, I agree, eating disorders are a real problem in the modeling industry. Also, while I think the VS models are super gorgeous, I don't know that I would be able to pull off that level of thinness on my frame; I have all sorts of sharp angles in my face, and can look a little "severe" if I lose too much. I'd like to get to a point where I look healthy and strong, but not sickly.
  • BIW2012
    BIW2012 Posts: 97 Member
    I own a graphic design agency. One of my staff members used to have to photoshop VS models - he had to make them fatter! He had to fill in their ribs and collar bones because they were too skinny.
  • vienna_h
    vienna_h Posts: 428 Member
    They seem to be the ultimate definition of glamour and beauty. I would kill for a body like that. Looking for some opinions:

    -How many calories a day do you think a Victoria secret model eats?

    -Do you think they lift weights or do tons of cardio?

    -How many days per week do you think they exercise?

    They are also incredibly skinny.

    First off, they are probably genetically blessed. They probably eat 1300 - 1800 calories, do mostly cardio and light lifting. They probably exercise quite a bit. And then, they get photoshopped.
  • vienna_h
    vienna_h Posts: 428 Member
    You can not photoshop a runway show. And as already mentioned I think it is mostly genetics with some exercise in there I doubt they are obsessed with exercise I imagine they do enough to maintain their physique. Try to be the best you. :smile:

    You actually can photoshop a runway show, if it isn't a live broadcast. If I'm not mistaken, the VS runway show is actually aired a few days after it is taped...which leaves several days for photoshopping. I have no idea what (if any) photoshopping they do, just saying it is possible.


    No, you cannot "photoshop" video. I am sure that they edit the photos from the broadcast after the fact, but you cannot "photoshop" a video, at least not in a way to make the models look flawless. Instead chalk that up to expert makeup artistry and costuming.

    Actually, yes, you can photoshop video. It's done in pretty much every modern film!

    Adobe PHOTOSHOP is for editing PHOTOS. You can edit video with special effects and whatnot, but you cannot PHOTOSHOP anything other than an image. So unless they shoot the runway show Avatar style, the video footage is never going to be as manipulated as a still image.