Should E-cigs be banned?



  • JesseDP00
    JesseDP00 Posts: 367 Member
    I hope they are banned in public places and treated the same as cigarettes. I do think they present a much better alternative, though I still wouldn't want to see them in malls, eateries, etc.
  • tmanfromtexas
    tmanfromtexas Posts: 928 Member
    Its been fun to watch this unfold. I am sure there are people on this thread that dont smoke or quit and think everyone should stop smoking in all forms, because its "good for them", but have no problem getting behind the wheel of a 3000 pound vehicle after having a "few drinks" and driving only "half drunk" or buzzed. OR the ones that are overweight who say its safer not to smoke while their body gets weaker and weaker because they "cant lose weight". The hyprocracy of it all never ceases to amaze me. I would stir up a huge pile of it by starting up a new thread "All drinking in any form should be stopped in public and only allowed in your homes" and all overweight people should only eat 2000 calories a day and work out 5 days a week unitl they are at their ideal body weight. How would all of you that are overweight or are drinkers like those rules? You wouldnt. SO leave the people that smoke or use ecigs alone.
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    Nothing harmful comes from the e-cig.
    It hardly smells, and even then it doesn't smell like cigarette. There are different aromas such as vanilla, berry, etc.

    I have no problem with them. My boyfriend used to smoke and I hated it, so he switched to e-cig and I think its great.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Ok haven't read it all but

    1) most e-cigs DO contain nicotine - otherwise how would they be a replacement for a cigarette

    2) The UK is worried about the safety of these items as they have no safety regulations, that is why talk of a ban/making them prescription only.

    3) Here is a good article on the subject:
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    I didn't read all the comments but some on the first page made me LOL from the ignorance. There is nothing wrong with e-cigs that can harm anyone. My husband did it when he was quitting and I never had a problem with them other than it still keeps that addiction to nicotine. But they don't smell really at all, unless you have a flavored one and those don't even smell strong. They are cheaper than buying cigarettes, and they also have no (known) health issues with them. So I am for anyone smoking those things vs the "real" thing. I am a former smoker too and I absolutely hate the smell. I can't stand to be around it or smell it on anyone or anything. Even when I smoked a pack a day, I still hated the smell of it. So a healthier alternative all around for the smoker AND the public, by all means don't ban the damn thing...
  • scorpiolady11
    scorpiolady11 Posts: 2 Member
    When it comes to e-cigs it's more about the tobacco industry wanting their cake and eating it too. They don't want to be labeled as a medical device, but market them as a method to quit smoking. The don't want to be called cigarettes because they means you are smoking, so they call it vaping. Both are methods to get around tobacco regulations and taxation. Thus, US jurisdictions are in a bind to address them because the FDA hasn't done so.

    There has been a lot of efforts around the social norm change (smoking is not as common as it used to be), so seeing someone "vaping" would change the norm. Kids don't know the difference between an e-cig and a regular one so what message does that send when they observe it? Too, what adult thinks candy apple is a good flavor for anything other than candy? Not many..... These products are marketed to children.

    If they are an effective method to quit smoking - put the peer reviewed research out there, register them pharmaceutical products and go on your merry way. Truth is, most folks aren't quitting - they are switching - and simply using the e-cigs where traditional cigarettes are not allowed, while still smoking when they can. Along with the dual use, you have lots of young people who pick up the product because they are told that it is safer. Despite what the labels say, the FDA found several of them marked as being nicotine free - actually had nicotine in them. Nicotine is what is addictive and not the random assortment of other things found in traditional cigarettes.

    More research is needed, but I won't be a guinea pig.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, why you gotta smoke next to me? I don't care what that thing is made of if it stinks and it's not saving your life, get it the heck away from me. *gripsheadinfearofmigraine*


  • tmanfromtexas
    tmanfromtexas Posts: 928 Member
    When it comes to e-cigs it's more about the tobacco industry wanting their cake and eating it too. They don't want to be labeled as a medical device, but market them as a method to quit smoking. The don't want to be called cigarettes because they means you are smoking, so they call it vaping. Both are methods to get around tobacco regulations and taxation. Thus, US jurisdictions are in a bind to address them because the FDA hasn't done so.

    There has been a lot of efforts around the social norm change (smoking is not as common as it used to be), so seeing someone "vaping" would change the norm. Kids don't know the difference between an e-cig and a regular one so what message does that send when they observe it? Too, what adult thinks candy apple is a good flavor for anything other than candy? Not many..... These products are marketed to children.

    If they are an effective method to quit smoking - put the peer reviewed research out there, register them pharmaceutical products and go on your merry way. Truth is, most folks aren't quitting - they are switching - and simply using the e-cigs where traditional cigarettes are not allowed, while still smoking when they can. Along with the dual use, you have lots of young people who pick up the product because they are told that it is safer. Despite what the labels say, the FDA found several of them marked as being nicotine free - actually had nicotine in them. Nicotine is what is addictive and not the random assortment of other things found in traditional cigarettes.

    More research is needed, but I won't be a guinea pig.

    I was wondering when someone would come out and say this.
    1. Its about taxation. They need to be taxed.

    Typical liberal progressive bull****. OH and no one asked you to be a guinea pig, no one is asking to use them, so your point is mute.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    When it comes to e-cigs it's more about the tobacco industry wanting their cake and eating it too. They don't want to be labeled as a medical device, but market them as a method to quit smoking. The don't want to be called cigarettes because they means you are smoking, so they call it vaping. Both are methods to get around tobacco regulations and taxation. Thus, US jurisdictions are in a bind to address them because the FDA hasn't done so.

    There has been a lot of efforts around the social norm change (smoking is not as common as it used to be), so seeing someone "vaping" would change the norm. Kids don't know the difference between an e-cig and a regular one so what message does that send when they observe it? Too, what adult thinks candy apple is a good flavor for anything other than candy? Not many..... These products are marketed to children.

    If they are an effective method to quit smoking - put the peer reviewed research out there, register them pharmaceutical products and go on your merry way. Truth is, most folks aren't quitting - they are switching - and simply using the e-cigs where traditional cigarettes are not allowed, while still smoking when they can. Along with the dual use, you have lots of young people who pick up the product because they are told that it is safer. Despite what the labels say, the FDA found several of them marked as being nicotine free - actually had nicotine in them. Nicotine is what is addictive and not the random assortment of other things found in traditional cigarettes.

    More research is needed, but I won't be a guinea pig.

    I was wondering when someone would come out and say this.
    1. Its about taxation. They need to be taxed.

    Typical liberal progressive bull****. OH and no one asked you to be a guinea pig, no one is asking to use them, so your point is mute.

  • tmanfromtexas
    tmanfromtexas Posts: 928 Member
    When it comes to e-cigs it's more about the tobacco industry wanting their cake and eating it too. They don't want to be labeled as a medical device, but market them as a method to quit smoking. The don't want to be called cigarettes because they means you are smoking, so they call it vaping. Both are methods to get around tobacco regulations and taxation. Thus, US jurisdictions are in a bind to address them because the FDA hasn't done so.

    There has been a lot of efforts around the social norm change (smoking is not as common as it used to be), so seeing someone "vaping" would change the norm. Kids don't know the difference between an e-cig and a regular one so what message does that send when they observe it? Too, what adult thinks candy apple is a good flavor for anything other than candy? Not many..... These products are marketed to children.

    If they are an effective method to quit smoking - put the peer reviewed research out there, register them pharmaceutical products and go on your merry way. Truth is, most folks aren't quitting - they are switching - and simply using the e-cigs where traditional cigarettes are not allowed, while still smoking when they can. Along with the dual use, you have lots of young people who pick up the product because they are told that it is safer. Despite what the labels say, the FDA found several of them marked as being nicotine free - actually had nicotine in them. Nicotine is what is addictive and not the random assortment of other things found in traditional cigarettes.

    More research is needed, but I won't be a guinea pig.

    I was wondering when someone would come out and say this.
    1. Its about taxation. They need to be taxed.

    Typical liberal progressive bull****. OH and no one asked you to be a guinea pig, no one is asking to use them, so your point is mute.


    Dont tell me to shoosh. My opinion is as valid as anyone elses. If you dont like it dont read it.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    When it comes to e-cigs it's more about the tobacco industry wanting their cake and eating it too. They don't want to be labeled as a medical device, but market them as a method to quit smoking. The don't want to be called cigarettes because they means you are smoking, so they call it vaping. Both are methods to get around tobacco regulations and taxation. Thus, US jurisdictions are in a bind to address them because the FDA hasn't done so.

    There has been a lot of efforts around the social norm change (smoking is not as common as it used to be), so seeing someone "vaping" would change the norm. Kids don't know the difference between an e-cig and a regular one so what message does that send when they observe it? Too, what adult thinks candy apple is a good flavor for anything other than candy? Not many..... These products are marketed to children.

    If they are an effective method to quit smoking - put the peer reviewed research out there, register them pharmaceutical products and go on your merry way. Truth is, most folks aren't quitting - they are switching - and simply using the e-cigs where traditional cigarettes are not allowed, while still smoking when they can. Along with the dual use, you have lots of young people who pick up the product because they are told that it is safer. Despite what the labels say, the FDA found several of them marked as being nicotine free - actually had nicotine in them. Nicotine is what is addictive and not the random assortment of other things found in traditional cigarettes.

    More research is needed, but I won't be a guinea pig.

    I was wondering when someone would come out and say this.
    1. Its about taxation. They need to be taxed.

    Typical liberal progressive bull****. OH and no one asked you to be a guinea pig, no one is asking to use them, so your point is mute.


    comes into thread with no real knowledge on the topic, then tells people to stop talking. Classic!
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    When it comes to e-cigs it's more about the tobacco industry wanting their cake and eating it too. They don't want to be labeled as a medical device, but market them as a method to quit smoking. The don't want to be called cigarettes because they means you are smoking, so they call it vaping. Both are methods to get around tobacco regulations and taxation. Thus, US jurisdictions are in a bind to address them because the FDA hasn't done so.

    There has been a lot of efforts around the social norm change (smoking is not as common as it used to be), so seeing someone "vaping" would change the norm. Kids don't know the difference between an e-cig and a regular one so what message does that send when they observe it? Too, what adult thinks candy apple is a good flavor for anything other than candy? Not many..... These products are marketed to children.

    If they are an effective method to quit smoking - put the peer reviewed research out there, register them pharmaceutical products and go on your merry way. Truth is, most folks aren't quitting - they are switching - and simply using the e-cigs where traditional cigarettes are not allowed, while still smoking when they can. Along with the dual use, you have lots of young people who pick up the product because they are told that it is safer. Despite what the labels say, the FDA found several of them marked as being nicotine free - actually had nicotine in them. Nicotine is what is addictive and not the random assortment of other things found in traditional cigarettes.

    More research is needed, but I won't be a guinea pig.

    I was wondering when someone would come out and say this.
    1. Its about taxation. They need to be taxed.

    Typical liberal progressive bull****. OH and no one asked you to be a guinea pig, no one is asking to use them, so your point is mute.


    comes into thread with no real knowledge on the topic, then tells people to stop talking. Classic!

    Missed the point of those picts didn't ya

    Hint google: moot :laugh:
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    It's all about the money. Once big tobacco has the lock on it, it'll be completely legal again.

    I smoke one in my office daily, no one even knows unless they see me do it. So as far as smell, if there is one, it must be good. And I haven't had a cigarette in a month. So I guess banning them means I have to die earlier. Sweet.
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    This thread is ugly.
  • xDawnsgrace
    Probably banned it because somebody's not making enough money off of tobacco.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I am against most bans even smoking and I really dislike the smell of cigarettes. I am also tired of people saying they call it vapor. They don't just call it vapor it is in fact vapor. Srsly people get over yourself just because of your prejudice doesn't mean you can willy nilly change the definition of things.
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    I am against most bans even smoking and I really dislike the smell of cigarettes. I am also tired of people saying they call it vapor. They don't just call it vapor it is in fact vapor. Srsly people get over yourself just because of your prejudice doesn't mean you can willy nilly change the definition of things.

    This isn't about e-cigs, is it?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    When it comes to e-cigs it's more about the tobacco industry wanting their cake and eating it too. They don't want to be labeled as a medical device, but market them as a method to quit smoking. The don't want to be called cigarettes because they means you are smoking, so they call it vaping. Both are methods to get around tobacco regulations and taxation. Thus, US jurisdictions are in a bind to address them because the FDA hasn't done so.

    There has been a lot of efforts around the social norm change (smoking is not as common as it used to be), so seeing someone "vaping" would change the norm. Kids don't know the difference between an e-cig and a regular one so what message does that send when they observe it? Too, what adult thinks candy apple is a good flavor for anything other than candy? Not many..... These products are marketed to children.

    If they are an effective method to quit smoking - put the peer reviewed research out there, register them pharmaceutical products and go on your merry way. Truth is, most folks aren't quitting - they are switching - and simply using the e-cigs where traditional cigarettes are not allowed, while still smoking when they can. Along with the dual use, you have lots of young people who pick up the product because they are told that it is safer. Despite what the labels say, the FDA found several of them marked as being nicotine free - actually had nicotine in them. Nicotine is what is addictive and not the random assortment of other things found in traditional cigarettes.

    More research is needed, but I won't be a guinea pig.

    I was wondering when someone would come out and say this.
    1. Its about taxation. They need to be taxed.

    Typical liberal progressive bull****. OH and no one asked you to be a guinea pig, no one is asking to use them, so your point is mute.


    Dont tell me to shoosh. My opinion is as valid as anyone elses. If you dont like it dont read it.

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    When it comes to e-cigs it's more about the tobacco industry wanting their cake and eating it too. They don't want to be labeled as a medical device, but market them as a method to quit smoking. The don't want to be called cigarettes because they means you are smoking, so they call it vaping. Both are methods to get around tobacco regulations and taxation. Thus, US jurisdictions are in a bind to address them because the FDA hasn't done so.

    There has been a lot of efforts around the social norm change (smoking is not as common as it used to be), so seeing someone "vaping" would change the norm. Kids don't know the difference between an e-cig and a regular one so what message does that send when they observe it? Too, what adult thinks candy apple is a good flavor for anything other than candy? Not many..... These products are marketed to children.

    If they are an effective method to quit smoking - put the peer reviewed research out there, register them pharmaceutical products and go on your merry way. Truth is, most folks aren't quitting - they are switching - and simply using the e-cigs where traditional cigarettes are not allowed, while still smoking when they can. Along with the dual use, you have lots of young people who pick up the product because they are told that it is safer. Despite what the labels say, the FDA found several of them marked as being nicotine free - actually had nicotine in them. Nicotine is what is addictive and not the random assortment of other things found in traditional cigarettes.

    More research is needed, but I won't be a guinea pig.

    I was wondering when someone would come out and say this.
    1. Its about taxation. They need to be taxed.

    Typical liberal progressive bull****. OH and no one asked you to be a guinea pig, no one is asking to use them, so your point is mute.


    comes into thread with no real knowledge on the topic, then tells people to stop talking. Classic!

    Missed the point of those picts didn't ya

    Hint google: moot :laugh:
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    When it comes to e-cigs it's more about the tobacco industry wanting their cake and eating it too. They don't want to be labeled as a medical device, but market them as a method to quit smoking. The don't want to be called cigarettes because they means you are smoking, so they call it vaping. Both are methods to get around tobacco regulations and taxation. Thus, US jurisdictions are in a bind to address them because the FDA hasn't done so.

    There has been a lot of efforts around the social norm change (smoking is not as common as it used to be), so seeing someone "vaping" would change the norm. Kids don't know the difference between an e-cig and a regular one so what message does that send when they observe it? Too, what adult thinks candy apple is a good flavor for anything other than candy? Not many..... These products are marketed to children.

    If they are an effective method to quit smoking - put the peer reviewed research out there, register them pharmaceutical products and go on your merry way. Truth is, most folks aren't quitting - they are switching - and simply using the e-cigs where traditional cigarettes are not allowed, while still smoking when they can. Along with the dual use, you have lots of young people who pick up the product because they are told that it is safer. Despite what the labels say, the FDA found several of them marked as being nicotine free - actually had nicotine in them. Nicotine is what is addictive and not the random assortment of other things found in traditional cigarettes.

    More research is needed, but I won't be a guinea pig.

    I was wondering when someone would come out and say this.
    1. Its about taxation. They need to be taxed.

    Typical liberal progressive bull****. OH and no one asked you to be a guinea pig, no one is asking to use them, so your point is mute.


    comes into thread with no real knowledge on the topic, then tells people to stop talking. Classic!

    Missed the point of those picts didn't ya

    Hint google: moot :laugh:

    That's like a cow's opinion right?