What kicked your REAR into GEAR???



  • LearnFromTheRed
    LearnFromTheRed Posts: 294 Member
    Hitting eleven stone. That was it. That. Was. IT.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I remember once having a huge list of reasons why...but I remember distinctly telling myself that I am not getting younger and I will miss out on my younger years because of my weight. That pretty much did me in. I did not want to be the 40-year-old getting in shape wishing I would have done it "years ago".
  • HoagyM
    HoagyM Posts: 8 Member
    I woke up one morning with a huge hangover and remembered that the previous night, in my drunken state, I'd got a curry on the way home... and that was after an early evening meal!! Felt awful and thought "this has to change!".

    That morning was 1st July, and the start of the second half of the year seemed a perfect time for change. So I cut right back on the booze and have at least tried to eat more sensibly.

    Result? Lost a stone in the first month, just need to keep it going now.
  • FlabFighter86
    FlabFighter86 Posts: 233 Member
    Weighing myself and being shocked that I had toppled in at 16 stone. I am 5ft 2!
    I want to lose all this weight before reaching the age of 30, and guarantee myself a healthy life. I have stopped eating takeaways, and have surrounded myself with supportive people.
  • skinnymalinkyscot
    skinnymalinkyscot Posts: 174 Member
    Not being able to walk into a shop and buy any clothes my size and if I did find anything to fit they were basically stretchy tents, I had no "shape" except for looking like a sack of potatos and no interest in buying clothes or looking good. I dressed like an 80 year old. My husband meanwhile has an outdoor job at a golfclub and is superfit, he walk miles and miles every day, eats healthy and looks like Daniel Craig,I just kept worrying he would find someone else fitter and more attractive, god bless him he loves me no matter what size I am , but he isnt blind, he is being kind to me saying it doesnt matter. Even I wouldnt fancy me if I was a man.

    Second factor was my health, it would be fair to say Im Lemony Snickerts twin, Ive had 3 cancer scares in the last 2 years, borderline heart problems , high blood pressure,anaemia, arthritis, migraine and kidney stones BUT im resilient, I like to think I can bounce back from anything in life and I want to lose weight and get healthy, im also the biggest wimp, when im in hospital I only ever have 2 questions does it hurt and will I die , that covers everything!

    The final straw was walking into one of those chinese medicine stores to buy some rgeen tea which I thought would miraculously take off 6 stones haha , there was a big queue so I sat down to wait and I kid you not I broke the chair and ended up on the floor!

    So....I joined MFP . am committed to losing weight and getting into a shape ( any shape will do as long as its out-in-out) and am buying new clothes!! I am not waiting until Ive lost weight, Im buying clothes for the size I am as well as the next size down. That is a huge thing for me as im very thrifty and dont like to waste money on stuff that wont last.

    I know im happier because im no longer wearing invisible shades of black or grey but have bought clothes in cherry red, electric blue and sunshine yellow, ive moved on from being a Lowry to a Jackson Pollock. I am no longer that fat woman, Im an exciting work in progress, its exciting to get this sorted out and I wish Id made a start years ago.