Beach Beauties II



  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Good Morning Beauties, And i'm HAPPY :smile: :happy: :smile: I've lost another pound !!! :smile: :smile:

    Start Weight with MFP on 1/12/10 and heaviest ever weight.....164.5
    Weight on Monday 7/12/10...............................................................124
    Weight on Thursday 7/15/10 (start of new challenge).................123.5
    Weight on Monday.. 7/19/10 ............................................................123
    Todays Weight 7/26/10......................................................................122

    Final Goal Weight 8/31/10.................................................................119

    Good Luck to you all
  • Good morning Beauties....

    I'm checking in for the weigh in and am pleased to report a loss...I'm down to 123.2...With Beach Beauties 1 I was really just checking what I was eating (calorie counting ect) and managed to loose some weight but this time around I've combined staying within my calorie goals and exercising daily and I feel great ...not to mention I'm still not smoking! which i never thought i would quit!...

    so goals for this week are...

    1) drink a lot more water daily
    2) include a run to the mountain near by atleast twice this week
    3) minimum 30 minutes of exercise a day
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Beauties,

    Well, not much but my weigh-in is 128.8. It's actually the third time this past week it weighed in at that. So, hopefully that will stick and keep going down. I know that I am gaining muscle with the Power 90. My body fat % has been going down too, It is in between the acceptable and the fitness level. So, all in all I am happy - I just really want to see the 125 on the scale. I am mentally stuck on that number but I know that it is achievable!!!

    So, what are our goals for the week? How about trying a new exercise? Something we haven't done before or at least haven't in awhile. I was thinking one of my old tae bo tapes??? I really wish I could swim, but I don't have access to a pool. My kiddie pool won't do...LOL

    1.) We need to keep our water up at 64onces of water - I am trying for 80oz.
    2.) New exercise and continue with daily exercise. Let's up that to 45mins. a day (one day off)
    3.) Replace a carb with a better one. (Sweet potatoe for white, whole wheat pasta for white, etc. or just cut the carb out and eat a veg. ) For at least one meal every day!!!

    Hope that's not too much in one week. If anyone has any suggestions - please post.

    I will try to do a weigh-in report at the end of the day.

    Hope everyone has a Happy Healthy Weigh-in!!!!!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Well Tony kicked my butt today with Chest and Back... im sure i will be sore tomorrow, but i will be pushing play anyways!!! Hope everyone had a great weekend and is having a great monday too!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hello Beautie,

    We are missing a few weigh-ins. But, all the beauties that weighed-in loss!!! Yeah way to go!!! So, maybe everyone needs to weigh-in LOL !!!!

    It's not to late... I can fill in at any time.

    Beautie ---- weigh-in 7/19
    goal weight












    We are starting a new week- like I said before - lets keep going!!!!

    I don't know about you - but when I make myself log-in, account for what I eat and track my exercise - I DO BETTER! So, I do it. This is not an easy journey and sometimes I slip, but I will keep trying.

    Hope everyone had a great day!!!
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Hi Beauties,

    Sorry I have been MIA. My cousin passed away last friday and I had to go home for the funeral. I did not do well this weekend. We had a mini family reunion, after the wake we ate, and after the funeral we ate. The food was very unhealthy. I am not pleased with myself, but it is what my family does when we get together. I will get over it. Hope everyone is doing well.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Boy oh boy... Plyo kicked my butt today !!! I dont know if its the humidity or what but i was wondering if i was going to be able to make it through the whole thing today!!! I had to stop it a few times because i was getting dizzy but i made it throug to the end and feel GREAT now!!! Plyo ~ I hate it, but i love it!!!!

    As of today my weight is 138lbs!!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hello Beauties,

    Hope everyone is having a great week. I have met my goals and feel pretty good . I did my power 90 this morning (day 58) but didn't get in walk tonight. I had an appointment with the florist after work for my wedding flowers. That's was fun... but it made me run behind with everything else. But, it was worth it.

    I miss my beauties.... I hope that everyone is doing good and meeting their goals. If anyone needs help, support or motivation please check-in - that's why we are here!!! I was getting a little disappointed myself but I know that I jsut have to keep at it - it will come. I know that I am healthier and stronger than June 1st and I know that by Sept 1st I will be even stronger and healthier so i keep going. ... Tony Horton promises me results - he won't lie would he????

    Good Night everyone!!
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    Hi everyone I'm home from vacation. I ate pretty horribly on vacation but I did swim run and walk every day :) I was going to weigh in this morning but I decided to give myself a recovery day 6 hrs. on a plane never does anyone any good plus I only got a few hours of sleep last night (like 3) which was bad. So today is a rest day, and I'll be back at it tomorrow! I'll post my weight tomorrow also since I missed last Monday's weigh in, but I'll weigh in officially on Monday with everyone else.

    Also good news, the boyfriend decided he needed to loose weight so he's "competing with me" lol I think he cheats but its still extra motivation and it helps when hes not eating a hamburger every time I get to his house.
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I started the Master Cleanse the other day. I am hoping this will make it easy for me to eat healthily when I am finished. I am doing alright. Not as hungry as I thought I would be, but def could do with some delicious food. I leave for Jamaica in less than a week and I know I am not going to eat well, but hopefully I can be somewhat decent when it comes to the amount of food I consume. I am happy that I am back on track with working out. I go for a run pretty much everyday. I also tried out a boxing class. It was intense, but awesome. I plan to continue going. I will go tomorrow and then pick it back up after my two weeks of vacation.

    I only have one goal today. I already did my workout and drinking plenty of water.

    1. Make it through the master cleanse!

    Good luck everyone and have a lovely day.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Welcome back Megooo and Bballgrrl, life happens and we can't always stay on track ...but it's important to keep trying. Everyday is a new day.. I sound a little corney huh.... but you know what I mean.

    Way to go Gigi - plyo is hard!!!!

    Keep up the good work Beauties, this is not an easy journey - healthy living is hard sometimes with the temptations and challenges of life. But, it we keep trying... we will reach our goals!!!

    Have a happy healthy day!!!!
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Hi Beauties,

    I need to set a reminder in my phone or something I have really been slacking--- and this is one thread i really love. anyone want to help me stay on track with this one??
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    I weighed in this morning and I was at 148.6 which means I gained 1.6 lbs which honestly is better than I thought it was going to be. So if I can shed that then I'll be at 147 for the third week in a row. :ohwell: I guess that's better than gaining. Good luck over the weekend everyone!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I was wondering where my Sassy beauty was. Great for checking in - that's the first step to getting back on track.... Remember weigh-in is Monday - so we all have to be accountable over the weekend. I know...tough ... but we will all be in it together!!!

    Setting goals for the weekends works for me. I make sure I exercise so I can have my treat on Sunday evenings. Lately my treat is has been frozen yogurt with mini dark chocolate chips. It's a place called Cherry Berry and it's self serve yougurt and toppings. (you pay by the ounce - so it help keep you in check) I allow myself one treat a week - what ever I want. But, I find I am still keeping it pretty healthy - which is my over all goal anyway.

    So here is to a healthy weekend. Does any one want to set their goals for the weekends and then report on Monday how we did?
    Just because weekends are usually the harder time to eat healthy and exercise.

    My goals are

    1.) Power 90 sweat Sat - walking on Sunday 30min.
    2.) Make sure I drink in all my water 80 ounces both days.
    3.) Make sure I eat a healthy breakfast both days. (this really helps)

    Here's to a happy healthy weekend!!!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Holding strong at 138lbs, ive had a rough last few days and just got back on track today!! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Good Morning Beauties, I have had a great week My daughter Won the Junior Sailing Regatta that she was taking part in and then went on to win the Adults Single Handed Pico Race Class that she only entered to gain some experience during the week of racing, so i'm a very proud mom :happy: and she is a very Happy Daughter :laugh: And I have lost another pound :bigsmile: (I think it was down to nerves, I am a wreck after watching all the sailing!!!). Now we are into Cowes Week so another week of food and drink ughhhh I am trying soooo hard to resist!!!!!!.

    Start Weight with MFP on 1/12/10 and heaviest ever weight.....164.5
    Weight on Monday 7/12/10...............................................................124
    Weight on Thursday 7/15/10 (start of new challenge).................123.5
    Weight on Monday.. 7/19/10 ............................................................123
    Weight on Monday.. 7/26/10.............................................................122
    Todays Weight 8/2/10.........................................................................121

    Final Goal Weight 8/31/10.................................................................119

    Good Luck to you all
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Happy Monday Beauties!!!

    Good job Barty, almost there!!!! I weighed-in at 128! Yeah!!! Only three more pounds!!! I completed day 62 of Power 90 sculpt level 5/6 ! It is really helping. My hubbie to be took the 60 day pictures and you can really see a difference (especially from day 1 - ) ! So I am encouraged to complete the next 30 days!!!

    My eating was a little off over the weekend - out of town. Not bad just not super great. I am back to my regualr schedule so I will be on top of it today.

    I want my beauties to check-in today and let us know where everyone is, weigh-in and set goals for the week.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend and has a loss today!!!
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    Hi ladies!

    So its Monday. This weekend I felt like I did pretty good. My eating wasn't wonderful but I was conscious of my decisions and I went dancing and went hiking, both were fun. I weighed 148.4 this morning...meaning I lost 0.2 lol. I dont think I should even count that. Well better luck this week, I really would like to get out of these high 140's. My goal for next Monday is 146. How's everyone else doing?
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hello Beauties,
    Here is the lastest weigh-in record!!! Great going girls!!!!

    Beautie ---- weigh-in 7/19
    goal weight












    Ok , there are just a few die hard beauties left - I sure hope you beauties can keep with me!!! I need it!!!
    This thread has helped me soo much - it has made me accountable and the support is beyound! I have a few more pounds then I have the task of maintaining. I am sure maintaining will be a challenge... maybe I will start a new thread for that...

    Anyway - still time for beauties to check in and weigh-in.

    Hope everyone had a happy healthy day!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Beauties,

    Woke up - completed Power 90 Sweat level 5/6 day 63!!! Fixed ahealthy breakfast of egg whites - fresh baby portabella mushrooms, spinach and red onions. Just a little bit 2% shreddard shard cheddard cheese, Yummie! Packed a fresh salad with a grilled chicken breast for lunch and a few healthy snacks. Celery, hummus, apple, natural peanut butter, homemade trail mix, boiled eggs etc. The snacks are for the week at work not all to eat today LOL . I also brought fresh brewed green tea!!! So, I am doing good today.

    My goals for today.

    1.) Spin/ab class tonight
    2.) 80 ounces of plain water
    3.) No added salt
    4.) Smile!!!

    Hope all my beauties are doing good!!!
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