Your biggest Flaw



  • IHaveMyActTogether
    IHaveMyActTogether Posts: 945 Member
    You don't have enough time to listen to me explain my flaws.

    But thanks for asking!
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Wine. And being a greedy perfectionist with high expectations.
  • sdanemrtn
    sdanemrtn Posts: 187 Member
    My mind. I can do great on a fitness and nutrition level, do well at work, and smash goals left and right, but my mind is always there holding me back. About to go through a divorce, in which I think the other half has a lot to do in influencing that, so am really excited, not only for health, fitness, and nutrition gains, but mental as well.
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    shaf238 wrote: »
    shaf238 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    I have a bad attitude towards selfies.

    Me too. Mostly because of how I look.

    I can't relate even though we have the same see I hate selfies because I hate how everyone else looks ;)

    It'd be horrific if you had a selfie as your profile pic... Oh wait...

    is this humor or something I can't tell..... ohh wait I see what you've done you took my "globally offensive humor" and struck back with something personal...I think that makes you a jack *kitten*....shIIT now I'm resorting to your ways...see how "big" that makes me seem bud? take a joke and chill....for the record ya.... I'm ugly too ;) there you feel better

    Dude, it was a joke 🤦🏻‍♂️
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    My schedule. I flip flop between nights and days, which is very draining. Also, I'm small so my room for error is low.
  • bhadbahabi
    bhadbahabi Posts: 575 Member
    I can't agree with myself which contradictory goal to go for.
  • SandSeaSkySoul
    SandSeaSkySoul Posts: 212 Member
    My existence!
  • Food wise potatoes are my down fall. .I really want to get up super early and get my workouts in but I tend to hit the snooze button and before I know it 5:00 AM is now 8:00 AM.
  • Pour_Decisions
    Pour_Decisions Posts: 1,053 Member
    Lately, my lack of motivation.

    Also wine.
  • thapainmaka
    thapainmaka Posts: 105 Member
    shaf238 wrote: »
    shaf238 wrote: »
    shaf238 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    I have a bad attitude towards selfies.

    Me too. Mostly because of how I look.

    I can't relate even though we have the same see I hate selfies because I hate how everyone else looks ;)

    It'd be horrific if you had a selfie as your profile pic... Oh wait...

    is this humor or something I can't tell..... ohh wait I see what you've done you took my "globally offensive humor" and struck back with something personal...I think that makes you a jack *kitten*....shIIT now I'm resorting to your ways...see how "big" that makes me seem bud? take a joke and chill....for the record ya.... I'm ugly too ;) there you feel better

    Dude, it was a joke 🤦🏻‍♂️

    Yeah I overreacted a hair lol...we cool?
  • thapainmaka
    thapainmaka Posts: 105 Member
    My existence!

    I think that's actually mankind's biggest flaw
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    shaf238 wrote: »
    shaf238 wrote: »
    shaf238 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    I have a bad attitude towards selfies.

    Me too. Mostly because of how I look.

    I can't relate even though we have the same see I hate selfies because I hate how everyone else looks ;)

    It'd be horrific if you had a selfie as your profile pic... Oh wait...

    is this humor or something I can't tell..... ohh wait I see what you've done you took my "globally offensive humor" and struck back with something personal...I think that makes you a jack *kitten*....shIIT now I'm resorting to your ways...see how "big" that makes me seem bud? take a joke and chill....for the record ya.... I'm ugly too ;) there you feel better

    Dude, it was a joke 🤦🏻‍♂️

    Yeah I overreacted a hair lol...we cool?
    Not one to hold grudges. And I get that we only have text to go by which can be misconstrued. All good bro :)
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    My existence!

    I think that's actually mankind's biggest flaw
    Dude the way we eff up this planet I agree with you. Every other living being would be better off without us here!
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    I don't know how to pick a singular worst...

    Possible candidates
    - borderline ED
    - low self esteem
    - no care for/interest in "health"
    - picky eater
    - all-or-nothing tendencies
  • auzziecawth
    auzziecawth Posts: 244 Member
    My shoulders 😏. Never had ‘proper’ mobility or movement in them so anything like bench pressing, over head press, etc is pretty hard to do properly but I keep trying 🤷‍♀️
  • jennacole12
    jennacole12 Posts: 1,167 Member
    My biggest hold back is time.... I have 3 sons, a stepson and a husband whose the biggest child of them all, on top of a job where I put in 50+ hours a week, finding the time is like solving a very difficult math equation 😂 I do find it but it takes clever planning to do so.

    My biggest flaw I’d say is my freckles lol, I know that’s not fitness related but it’s the one thing I cant get rid of and I hate 😞
  • auzziecawth
    auzziecawth Posts: 244 Member
    My shoulders 😏. Never had ‘proper’ mobility or movement in them so anything like bench pressing, over head press, etc is pretty hard to do properly but I keep trying 🤷‍♀️

    if it makes u feel better, i cant OHP for poop

    YAY! It’s not just me! Lol

  • auzziecawth
    auzziecawth Posts: 244 Member

    My biggest flaw I’d say is my freckles lol, I know that’s not fitness related but it’s the one thing I cant get rid of and I hate 😞

    why would u want to get rid of those pretty little marks?

    Agreed. Both my boys have freckles and I think they are darling
  • bojack5
    bojack5 Posts: 2,859 Member
    My shoulders 😏. Never had ‘proper’ mobility or movement in them so anything like bench pressing, over head press, etc is pretty hard to do properly but I keep trying 🤷‍♀️

    if it makes u feel better, i cant OHP for poop

    YAY! It’s not just me! Lol

    OHP requires even strength on both arms to perform correctly, which a lot of people dont have as they have a dominant hand thats way stronger. what i been doing is doing dumbbell presses instead so each arm gets trained vs using the barbell that has one arm compensating for the other

    i look so ridiculous when i do OHP cause u can clearly see my left arm struggling while my right is fine.

    It also takes core strength to maintain stability. Doing dumbbell presses is a great idea to increase strength and stability. You're a natural.
  • jennacole12
    jennacole12 Posts: 1,167 Member

    My biggest flaw I’d say is my freckles lol, I know that’s not fitness related but it’s the one thing I cant get rid of and I hate 😞

    why would u want to get rid of those pretty little marks?

    Agreed. Both my boys have freckles and I think they are darling

    That’s the thing I love them on everyone else lol. My boys have them too and I literally tell them every day I love their little freckles, I just hate them on me 😭 the amount I’ve spent on creams to bleach them away could probably fund one of my children’s college tuitions 🙄