Running differences



  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Isn't it the truth! I personally love my treadmill, I know a lot of people hate it but I am in Canada and it is freezing half the year, and humid for much of the unfrozen months. I used to beat myself up and tell myself that I wasn't *really* running because it was so much easier than running outside - but I figure it is still better than sitting on the couch!

    Another year 'round outdoor runner here. I'd rather run outside in winter than with the kind of summer we've been having. I'll hit the treadmill for a thunderstorm or freezing rain otherwise it's out the door I go. (Winter average in Ottawa is -17C with the occasional day down to -40C)

  • 33gail33
    33gail33 Posts: 1,155 Member
    edited August 2018
    All you outdoor Ontario runners are bolder than me! I live in the gta - but gonna stick to my treadmill. It is also easier on my bad knees I think.
  • mkculs
    mkculs Posts: 316 Member
    edited August 2018
    My gorgeous trail area was flooded this week and "closed indefinitely." I'm so sad, and running today on the sidewalks and roads was hard on my legs--possibly a mental thing, b/c I run them in winter (Madison, WI, so cold and ice are a thing) and don't have problems. Really going to miss my trail runs!

    ETA: I ran inside one winter--hated every stride. I'll take heat, hills, humidity--frigid temps and wicked wind chills--over the treadmill, any day.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    AliNouveau wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Isn't it the truth! I personally love my treadmill, I know a lot of people hate it but I am in Canada and it is freezing half the year, and humid for much of the unfrozen months. I used to beat myself up and tell myself that I wasn't *really* running because it was so much easier than running outside - but I figure it is still better than sitting on the couch!

    You can run outdoors in Canada in the winter. You know you want to ;).

    But you run, so you are definitely a runner whether inside or out!


    Just be careful for hidden ice patches a neighbour found one on a run and ended up at urgent care getting stitches.

    I'm a fair weather runner. I use it as an outdoor activity and only do it when it's between like 5 and 20 Celcius. Princess running I'll call it. haha It's odd cause I'd go skate at an outdoor rink when it's -20

    Yep, I'm an Alberta girl and I used to run year-round, but last December I hit a patch of black ice right as I was turning a corner and I wiped out. The ankle sprain was so bad that I was on crutches for 3 weeks and couldn't run again until almost April, and even now I can't manage the distances I used to and have to be very careful stepping off curbs and such so I don't twist it. I'm done with winter running and won't be out there unless the sidewalks are bare this year.

    Fortunately, I do have a treadmill and don't mind using it, but I feel bad since it means my dog isn't getting to run with me. The treadmill has the advantages of running in shorts and tee, getting to watch Netflix, and not having to cover every inch of skin to avoid frostbite, so it's a pretty good option for me.

    I am faster outside than I am on the treadmill, though, likely because I don't have my speed staring me in the face when I'm outdoors so I push harder just in case I'm not going fast enough, haha. On the treadmill, if I know I'm going 7mph or whatever, I relax, but outside I'm always pushing it a bit to make sure I'm doing what I want to be. I do use an app that tells me my pace at intervals, but it seems to act as more of a competitive driver than a reminder to moderate (my brain goes "awesome, that's faster than normal! Better keep going!" and the next thing I know I've run 10K with 180bpm heart rate...)

    I'm also in Alberta. I only fell once last winter on ice but once the early spring freeze-thaw cycle started I got really choosy about my routes. I had one night where I was scheduled to run 8 km and I literally ran back and forth on a mostly clear (packed snow and bare pavement, no ice) 350m section of sidewalk until my GPS said I'd gone about 8km...

    Not a fan of running through thunderstorms either. I got caught out a couple times this summer and it pretty much sucked.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Panini911 wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Isn't it the truth! I personally love my treadmill, I know a lot of people hate it but I am in Canada and it is freezing half the year, and humid for much of the unfrozen months. I used to beat myself up and tell myself that I wasn't *really* running because it was so much easier than running outside - but I figure it is still better than sitting on the couch!

    You can run outdoors in Canada in the winter. You know you want to ;).

    But you run, so you are definitely a runner whether inside or out!

    I run year round as well (I'm in Ontario). Except for icy weather (or like if there was a huge snowfall and i'd be making a trail if 10+inches of snow - then i'll more likely grab snowshoes or skis and enjoy the snow!). +40 to -30. Requires quite the range in clothes haha.

    yep, anything other than ice for me. i'm in the UK though so that usually only rules me out for 2-3 planned runs a year :laugh:
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Lots of differences between treadmill and the ground
    1. treadmill sets your pace for you, you have to learn to pace yourself outside
    2. no elevation changes on the treadmill unless you request them
    3. the belt helps move your feet along a little bit, the ground doesn't do that
    4. you may or may not be able to distract yourself better on the treadmill vs outside, so you may have to work on your mental game in different environments.

    Treadmills are useful when you need miles and conditions aren't good for it. Also, when I was first learning to run, the treadmill helped me learn to pace. I was hopeless and would run too fast and die after .05 of a mile. The treadmill did help me learn what it felt like to maintain a reasonable running pace, but it also took some practice before I could carry that over to the great outdoors.

    Its good to run outside if you are planning to do races, I don't think a treadmill can really prepare you for a road race, and trail races are even more challenging.

    Anyways, keep up the good work!

  • jgfaircloth
    jgfaircloth Posts: 2 Member
    Running outside is WAY harder than running on the treadmill, but you can definitely work up to a 5K! If you have a Fleet Feet near you, check out their 5K training program (No Boundaries). It's perfect for beginners, and working out with a group is so much more motivating than trying to do it on your own. And you'll make new friends in the process! Our local program starts in late September. They also have something called "Make It a Mile" if you just want to accomplish running a mile outside first. I don't work for Fleet Feet, but have been a volunteer mentor for their training programs for 5+ years now, and recommend them highly. If you don't have a Fleet Feet nearby, look for a local running store and ask if they have a similar program. If you'd prefer to do it on your own, Couch to 5K is fantastic.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    running outside is harder but also easier at the same time (mentally). You have to make sure to go nice and slow... slower than you'd think...