Yes you CAN gain weight

I feel like this needs to be a post that stays at the top of the forum cause it’s repeated constantly! A lot of posts lately about people saying they “can’t gain weight” or “how do I gain weight” or “I have a fast metabolism”

You can gain weight. If you can’’re defying simple science. Intake more energy than you burn (calories) equals weight gain, and Vice versa....
Idc if you say “but I eat so much!”
No you probably don’t or else you’d be gaining weight....
Saying I can’t gain weight is aka for I’m an under-eater.

If you have problems eating food cause you’re so full, don’t complain, find ways to make it work. Add oils to shakes, nuts, fatty meats, ice cream, pizzas, burgers. Calorically dense items! Google is also your friend. You can easily type in calorie dense foods or calorie dense shake recipes. Just a little rant cause the scientific literature of gaining weight is as simple as energy(caloric) manipulation


  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    Some people have digestive issues. If I eat too much, it just comes up. I've tried adding more oil, but just because it's dense nutrition doesn't make it easier for my body to digest it. It all just comes back up.

    That’s different though than my intentions of the post. Also, there are many alternatives/ strategies to getting easy calories in!💪🏻
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Some people have digestive issues. If I eat too much, it just comes up. I've tried adding more oil, but just because it's dense nutrition doesn't make it easier for my body to digest it. It all just comes back up.

    If this is caused by gastroparesis (delayed stomach emptying) I would not add more oil. Both fiber and fat slow down your gastric emptying even more so the generally accepted diet is low fiber/ low fat.
  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    I feel like this needs to be a post that stays at the top of the forum cause it’s repeated constantly! A lot of posts lately about people saying they “can’t gain weight” or “how do I gain weight” or “I have a fast metabolism”

    You can gain weight. If you can’’re defying simple science. Intake more energy than you burn (calories) equals weight gain, and Vice versa....
    Idc if you say “but I eat so much!”
    No you probably don’t or else you’d be gaining weight....
    Saying I can’t gain weight is aka for I’m an under-eater.

    If you have problems eating food cause you’re so full, don’t complain, find ways to make it work. Add oils to shakes, nuts, fatty meats, ice cream, pizzas, burgers. Calorically dense items! Google is also your friend. You can easily type in calorie dense foods or calorie dense shake recipes. Just a little rant cause the scientific literature of gaining weight is as simple as energy(caloric) manipulation

    You do realize that is why i created the thread, are you a hard gainer?

    No I’m not a “hardgainer” also known as an under eater. I made this post cause people say “I can’t gain weight but I eat so much!” .....well obviously you don’t cause you’re not gaining weight.
    Grambo54 wrote: »
    My opinion, the pinned thread is wrong in one very important aspect. The thread says "Statistically speaking, the average person doesn't have a slow or fast metabolism". I think thats totally wrong and I dont think reality bears it out. What I see is that some body types (somatypes) metabolise food faster than others. We've all seen average people who can eat what they want and dont gain weight. Other "average people" get fat easily. Metabolic rates are not the whole story but they are a big part of it. I trained for competitions with an ectomorph body type for years. He ate much more than me, trying to gain weight, but put on weight, and only muscle weight, painfully slowly over the years. Me, a mesomorph type, I found it easy to gain weight even though I ate less than him. If you are a hard gainer look at the mix of calories you consume ie carbs/fat/protein. If you do too much cardio, this will hinder your weight gain. If you over train in the gym that will hinder weight gain. If you are overly stressed, that will too. What Im saying is, calories in calories out is only true in that your body will burn it all, but not at the same rate for everyone. Put the average ectomorph and endomorph on 4000 calories a day each, same level of activity etc, and watch the endomorph get fat. Also as you age your metabolic rate slows, making it harder to keep weight off. My training partner during my 20's is now 64. He dosnt exercise, eats what he wants, drinks beer/wine every day and still maintains the realatively slim ectomorphic physique he's always had. Me, Im 64 as well, but I have to run, bike, train, do as much as I can, to keep my weight under any sort of control whilst still enjoying plenty of food and beer, which I now thoroughly deserve at my age! :smile:

    Sorry but I disagree. I think lifestyle factors and genetics play more of a part than what you’re explaining here. Sometotypes are a myth. You also never know what someone does in the time you don’t see them...they couldn’t constantly under eat or over eat when alone...etc. most people think they eat a lot and don’t gain weight, when in reality they’re not tracking and have no clue. Also fat accumulation on the body is different/ predisposed. So saying someone never gains weight may hold ten lbs in their legs compared to someone who held it more so in their abdomen....they would look heavier if held in the abdomen, yet, it’s still ten lbs....

  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    Grambo54 wrote: »
    Somatypes are just a way of categorising aspects of the human physique. Thats what Sheldon tried to do. We categorise every thing else on this planet. Your genetics absolutely determine your body type/shape/bone size etc etc in fact all of the features of your body. And Its not 3 different types of "somatype" that function according to a list of specific criteria. We are all a mix. And you ascribe to calories in calories out no matter what your genetic mix. I dont. You can say its all been been debunked but not everyone agrees that it has. Theres still alot to learn about how the body works. Scientists have their pet theories and claim they are right. Im not a scientist. Ive just observed alot over my time in and out of the gym. So, the environmental crisis of climate change. Is it real? Would you say yes, and that any other theory has been debunked? Sorry but not all well qualified scientists would agree. So we all have our opinions. Do what you think is right, but I think the juries still out, so be prepared to be proven wrong.

    I’d rather take anecdotal evidence and the reports from meta analysis studies that give us the most accurate answer than going off of life experience or a bodybuilding forum...etc. yes we have a lot to learn about everything, the day we stop learning I believe is the day we die. We always come out with new studies or discoveries, but what we have THUS far from the most accurate sources says otherwise in terms of what you’re trying to argue. See I’m not saying youre wrong, I’m not saying you’re right, I’m saying based on our best research from non biased sources. Controlled CICO/ macros is king in terms of body composition.
  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    "The law of conservation of energy.
    This states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed. However, energy can change forms, and energy can flow from one place to another. A particular consequence of the law of conservation of energy is that the total energy of an isolated system does not change."
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