Selfie psychology



  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    denny_mac wrote: »
    I've given this some thought lately. I used to post selfies, and didn't really think much about it aside from just the pleasure I got from the interaction with other users. Then it also did turn into this weird validation seeking thing. I will still on occasion post one if it's something like an imitation / recreation, or if it's a "hey, see if you can post one of yourself doing ... this" kind of thread. idk. for some reason that makes it feel less "thirsty" for me. But is it, really? Maybe not. In a way I feel like a recovering addict, and if I stay away from "the" selfie thread then I get to keep my sobriety. The other "novelty" selfie threads are tantamount to a non-alcoholic drink, in my mind at least.

    The bottom line though, for me is that I am loathe to post one "just because" in that main thread. Because I think it reminds me of a time when I felt like I needed the validation of strangers, and I didn't like that version of myself very much.

    Would I be embarrassed to take a selfie in front of a bunch of people? idk. I guess it would depend on the context. If it was a meeting with a celebrity that I wanted to capture, then no. If it was just me alone in the middle of a public arena for no other reason than I was capturing what I looked like at that very moment, yeah, that would be embarrassing.

    Do I judge others for posting selfies? No, not usually. But have I ever? Sure. But that's probably more of a reflection of what I thought of myself when I used to post them a lot.

    A lot of this is how I am as well.

    I spent a lot of years caring about what other people thought of me, and trying to be whatever everyone else wanted/needed.
    With selfies, it was just another form of getting validation that I am appealing to others, or that others like/appreciate how I look. I am just taking pics of myself for attention. It's superficial but hits on a deep level. So I avoid it to an extent. I might take selfies for specific people, and send it to them alone, but not on a forum. I think I did a few in the past, but felt myself getting so hung up on any and all responses (Or lack of responses) that I needed to stop. It stresses me out... haha

    I rarely even update my fb profile pic. I think I do one every few months.... or less.
  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    I only selfie if something is going on or I feel pretty. I stay away from it when I feel gross. My oldness is setting in so it's my last few good selfies I can squeeze in.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    I only selfie if something is going on or I feel pretty. I stay away from it when I feel gross. My oldness is setting in so it's my last few good selfies I can squeeze in.

    I figure you got like 4 or 5 left before we have to shoot you. Make 'em count.
  • jjonescreative
    jjonescreative Posts: 7 Member
    Don’t really do them. However don’t mind if others do it sparingly. Guys are allowed like one selfie a year.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    I can usually feel when my ego needs a little kick in the *kitten*... and those are the days I'm more apt to post selfies and/or seek out random threads I can participate in that I wouldn't otherwise.

    So for me, it's 99.9% to get attention. But not all attention is created (received) equally, so sometimes it ends up just making things worse.
  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    SwannySez wrote: »
    I only selfie if something is going on or I feel pretty. I stay away from it when I feel gross. My oldness is setting in so it's my last few good selfies I can squeeze in.

    I figure you got like 4 or 5 left before we have to shoot you. Make 'em count.

    Ugh...pull out the gun...just wasted my last 5
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    I don't really mind selfies, I wouldn't take any in front of other people 🤣 it's kind of awkward. I don't really mind people posting them but let's face it... If I'm on Instagram for example and the person posts 5 selfies a day, I probably unfollowed them. Maybe some people are afraid that people forget what they look like? I don't know, it's a little annoying. Good for them for having the confidence though.

    Yah this. There is such a thing as over selfying the self. People.
    In saying this, I will probably post a selfie later.

    This is SO gonna be a nude.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    edited September 2018
    I don't post selfies unless it's a selfie of me with my kids (or someone else). Or me doing something cool, like if I mastered a pull up I would totally take a video or picture and post that up on instagram. If you look through my instagram it's like 90% pictures of my kids. I feel really weird about posting selfies like it makes me seem pathetic and attention seeking. Like I need other people to see a picture of me and tell me I'm pretty. I feel embarrassed by that. Anytime I've taken a selfie because I thought I looked pretty or something, I'm always afraid my husband is going to look through my phone and then laugh at me for taking a selfie, so I delete them. Lol.

    eta -- I do like having pictures of myself as proof that I looked good though. I feel like one day I'll be old and happy to look back on them. Like when I got all dressed up for a wedding I had my husband take pictures of me ha...
  • go_cubs
    go_cubs Posts: 1,183 Member
    I do once in awhile, it’s awkward when other people are around but sometimes I like the way I look and need to capture the moment
  • bhadbahabi
    bhadbahabi Posts: 575 Member
    I used to hate the camera but one day I got over it and decided that I was going to try to look hawt. I'd take them on good and bad days. Bad days probably twice as many. Then I got photoshop and tried my best with that and a digital camera to look like someone famous, like the magazines. Then I got delusional and they didn't even look like me at all. I backed off of the photoshop and filters but still tried too hard. For what? Compliments. I was really drawn in to social media and how high could you get your numbers. I never actually found that out but by gawd did I try to be a internet thot.

    I kind of force myself to now just to be participating with everyone else as a social effort as it's the thing to do. I don't want to completely disappear from the internet. I get embarrassed taking selfies in public but that doesn't stop me. I only judge other people a little bit. 😈 I do like the movement of people trying to take more true to life pictures because it does effect people.
  • Just_Mel_
    Just_Mel_ Posts: 3,992 Member
    jjpptt2 wrote: »
    *reloads page, looks for quotes/responses and reactions...*

    *reloads page, looks for quotes/responses and reactions...*

    *reloads page, looks for quotes/responses and reactions...*

    *reloads page, looks for quotes/responses and reactions...*

    *reloads page, looks for quotes/responses and reactions...*

  • Watching_The_Wheels
    Watching_The_Wheels Posts: 4,571 Member
    edited September 2018
    Fortunately for me, I possess neither the physical attributes or the mental confidence that is required to post selfies. That, along with my self-awareness and insecurities overshadow any attempt to selfie. I’ve always been better with words...
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    Before cell phone cameras were a thing I would take pictures with my digital camera, and my 35mm camera before that. I love looking back on pictures years later and remembering good times. I guess I usually take them when I'm feeling pretty. I dont do it for validation or anything. Strangely, my pictures here get a lot of woos.