random side effects of losing weight~ what are yours??



  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Being irritable and having crying fits.

    Oh thank you! I thought this was just me. My mood has been ALL OVER THE PLACE and I don't like it. I refuse to use BC pills because the hormones do this to me. I'm usually super laid back but for the last three months or so I'm all moody and "girlie" as my husband would say :wink:

    Also, definitely not having issues with being cold, especially at night. I seem to turn in to a heat generator while sleeping. I've had to lay on top of the blankets a few times because I wake up to discover I've sweated through the sheets.

    I'm 32 so unless something is really off, these are NOT symptoms I should be having to deal with yet!
  • RubyLou25
    RubyLou25 Posts: 212 Member
    My awful dry skin isn't so bad with just store brand lotion this winter. I normally have such dry skin, I'll scratch until it bleeds or just cry because it hurts so bad.
  • eshanimongia5
    eshanimongia5 Posts: 70 Member
    I hear you on the shoes thing!
    I was overweight all through middle school and high school. So I was a 7 for a long time (my mother and sister have the same shoe size as me..which turned out to be great for them.)

    Now I'm a 6.5 and all my beautiful shoes have been distributed. :S.

    ...I have 3 pairs left.
  • potatovine
    This one!!! What a great and awesome side effect!!!!

    16. Loving myself. :)

    Anddddd a lot lot more!

    I really love this <3
  • breakingthecycle722
    decreased libido
    That is strange, mine went up!
  • breakingthecycle722
    o and acne, I break out now more than I did going through puberty!?
  • nmncare
    nmncare Posts: 168 Member
    I've still got a ways to go..
    but I am freezing alllll the time. And I thought I was cold all the time before..
    I also used to be pretty high strung (Struggle from Chronic Anxiety) and it is nearly gone. I am so laid back and content with life. I've never been this happy.. Even when I was playing volleyball every day and in GREAT shape 6 years ago.. And I am not even near my goal!!
    My friends are starting to tell me how Gorgeous I am.. Something that never happened before.
    My skinny friends have told me they are jealous of me and how good I am starting to look.. and I am still a size in sizes bigger than them.
    Also the sleeping thing. Positions I used to swear by while sleeping.. hurt.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    My watch doesn't fit anymore. I have to have it resized at some point.
    I'm cold all the time too.
    My skin seems clearer.

    My feet haven't changed!
  • sreed016
    sreed016 Posts: 97 Member
    When I was at goal:

    1/2 size smaller shoes
    Cold all the time
    Wedding ring flew off
    More face wrinkles
    My head looked too big on my body (to me at least)

    All still worth it to walk in and go straight for the Size 4 section at Ross - working hard to get back there again!!!
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I got warmer. Better blood flow, more muscle, and less fat meant I didn't get as cold as often.

    Increased libido with exercise. Even when I ran all the time and was tired, I was never too tired. Weight lifting makes this even better.

    Body recomposition completely changed me from a pear to an hourglass.
  • RockandRoseRebel
    RockandRoseRebel Posts: 35 Member
    what are some of your fun, or funny, or even surprising ( or annoying) weight loss side effects?

    --- my funniest one, something i never really thought about, is my shoe size has shrunk!!

    i used to be a 6.5. after 5 kids I was up to a 7. now, I'm down to a 6!! it's kinda annoying because i have to buy new and expensive shoes again, LOL!!!

    let's keep each other motivated!! :-)

    Really? Cuz I have been coveting these boots and the largest size they come in is a 9 but I wear a 9 1/2 - 10 so they're just a tiny bit goo small.
  • SamanthaD1218
    SamanthaD1218 Posts: 304 Member
    My skin cleared up A LOT. My eyes also became less squinty.

  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    I can get out of my car when the person next to me parks like *kitten* :D


    And the shoe thing too. I have never looked at my feet or ankles and despaired, even at my heaviest. I'd love it to come off my rather substantial *kitten* first.
  • keeptehpeace
    keeptehpeace Posts: 189 Member
    I can get out of my car when the person next to me parks like *kitten* :D


    And the shoe thing too. I have never looked at my feet or ankles and despaired, even at my heaviest. I'd love it to come off my rather substantial *kitten* first.

    can I just say, every time I see your profile picture I imagine Hedonismbot saying it, and this time it made me violently choke on my green tea in laughter!

    also in response to OP, every time I attempt to lose weight I get cold.. I get cold anyway but it gets even worse! and I normally am quite bloated, but that's gone down so now none of my skirts fit, which is good cos yay nicer stomach, boo I kinda liked those skirts..
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    Substantial *kitten* being all the more appropriate then...
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    My wedding/eternity rings are way too big and I must get them resized before I lose them.
    I have a pair of hoop earrings (match my eternity ring) and I was never able to wear them 'cause my ear lobes were too fat. Now I can comfortably wear them.
    I can travel from the basement of my house to the very top ( 3 floors) without getting out of breath.
    I poop much easier. Which brings me to, no overhang when I sit on the toilet.
    Sitting on hard chairs hurt (lack of padding).
    I have a pair of leather knee length boots and now they're too big around my calves.
    Last year I bought a sports bra, which is now way too big (not a good side effect to lose ones boobies. I didn't have much to begin with).
    I used to suffer a lot with back ache but that's improved now.
    My skin hasn't improved much, despite drinking lots of water and getting way more fresh air (I was really hoping it would).
  • gcbma
    gcbma Posts: 112 Member
    I'm freezing all the time, when I used to be burning up!

    My feet do not bother me as much. I am a nurse and live on my feet!

    Apnea gone!
  • alechua
    alechua Posts: 224 Member
    dark eyebags
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    Spending more money on new lingerie than on food
  • kelreyes4
    kelreyes4 Posts: 4 Member
    I get cold all the time now.
    My hairdresser has noticed my hair thinning (scary)
    I can buy a pair of boots without having to worry if my calves will be too big for them to zip all the way!
    I'm trying new things now, and not just new foods. I've taken up new interests in running, biking, gardening and I'm coveting a new kayak!
    I get a lot of people checking out the selection of items in my basket as I wander through the grocery store.
    I find myself wishing even more that the people I love would follow a healthier lifestyle too. My husband says he is supportive of my weightloss journey but he himself has yet to really put any effort into losing weight himself. I know how good I feel and I just want that for him too.
    I actually like standing in front of my closet and picking out what I will wear on any given day. Clothes are no longer a struggle, unless you count having to completely empty my closet of things that are now way too big!