November 2018 Monthly Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    Thank you!! I will def take a look. I have been trying to just extend my distance a little each run, but nothing official. I am near Atlanta, so yes - In the USA and the holidays are unfortunately here (I am a Scrooge that doesn’t like the holidays)

    I have a scheduled 10k on 12/8 and another in January.

    NOT FAST BUT NOT LAST!!! That is my motto 😆

    I love Georgia! We lived in Marietta for a few years way back. My dream would be to move to the Savannah area. Love the people and omg the FOOD!

    I also am a scrooge for the holidays! I think its because they were never great growing up, and i lack that association most people have. And to buy stuff? Nah. I aint buying stuff. I'm keeping my money.

    Just for you too then... Merry Christmas Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve!

    I dont get it.

    Christmas Eve is the day before Christmas.
    Christmas Eve Eve is the day before the day before Christmas.
    And so on.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,016 Member
    Great race @ContraryMaryMary !
  • zeesparrow
    zeesparrow Posts: 348 Member
    Congrats @Avidkeo And @ContraryMaryMary !!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Oh @avidkeo I was thinking of you as I slogged up, up, and more up. I wished I was in Kerikeri. Definitely the most brutal run I’ve done. But so beautiful. Single track for about 90 percent, swing bridges, a tunnel (which was cool but meant I had to wear a head torch for the whole event), and really steep hills (well, two or three, the first being particularly long at about 7kms).

    Got up at silly o’clock, collected two running buddies and headed south at 5:30am. Arrived at 8 with plenty of time for pit stops, chatting and last minute fueling. It was a beautiful sunny day - hot in the sun but pleasantly cool under the trees, where most of the track was.

    Started at 9am on the flat through the gorge just a few meters above the river. Simply stunning scenery. Here was where the swing bridges and tunnel were (and day trippers). Then after about 4.5km we turned off that track and began climbing non-stop until about the 11km mark.

    Annoyingly at about 7km my left calf started cramping and wouldn’t let me push off properly. Another runner kindly gave me a salt tablet which helped stop the cramping but the muscle was (and is) still sore.

    After the mammoth up came a very steep and technical down. A bit scary. Fortunately it was pretty dry with only one truly treacherous muddy patch. Managed to roll my ankle at 13k but no real damage done fortunately. At 15k the up started again for a few k. Not a happy time. Legs were pretty tired. By the next downhill they began really protesting. Quads were shot. Bottom of hill had a river ford (nice to cool the feet) then a bit more up and down before getting to run the last 300-400 metres on the flat (hallelujah!).

    In total we did 20.5k with 980 metres (that’s over 3000 feet) of elevation (watch unable to record properly due to terrain). Finished in 2:52:39.

    Watch tells me I spent 38 minutes with my heart rate in zone 5 (never spent more than a minute there before). I truly had to work on that first massive hill (and I did run at least 95% of the time going up it).

    Not sure I’ll do it next year. Possibly, but only if they promise the same dry conditions. More likely to head to Kerikeri to run with @avidkeo!!

    Wow sounds like a weird fyn torture! I don't think I'd handle all those hills haha. I've actually tramped through there as a kid on school camps - so beautiful! Well done! Hope the ankle and muscles heal quick
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @Avidkeo yay! So glad you enjoyed it! So....have you signed up for the next one yet? lol

    I think my next one will be in July. Its heading into summer now so not a lot around for a bit. We have a local one in March but I've agreed to walk it with a friend
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Non - running update. Friday I had my cast taken off for good, my foot cleaned and my sutures removed. At some point before my sutures were removed I stretched my foot down and holy hell the wound hurt! It almost hurt as bad as the day of surgery.

    The nurse removed the sutures, wrapped a bandage on it, and put me in a boot. She noticed that my foot was still a bit swollen and I admitted that I haven't been good about keeping my foot up and icing. I thought I was past that phase. She told me that there is a major nerve near the incision site and any inflammation would affect it.

    The rest of the night that incision was screaming at me and I almost took an oxycodone before bed so I could sleep. I haven't had painkillers since the day of surgery. I ended up just taking Tylenol and did manage to sleep.

    Thankfully I woke up with no pain and it's been good all day. That pain had me concerned so this is a relief!

    So three more weeks with a boot. I can start putting weight on it Friday so I'll use my peg leg until then.

    Slow and steady, I'm making progress!

    61 days until I can run.

    Just for comparison, when I had the tendon in my thumb repaired it was almost three weeks before it would respond to commands - before that it was basically frozen due to inflammation and although I could feel it sort of twitch in response to wanting to move it, some sort of protective instinct kept it from responding. By the end of six weeks it was functioning more or less normally, and by the end of six months or so it was at full strength and fully responsive. Obviously a thumb is not a toe but it gives an idea of the recovery period for a detached tendon! Sounds like you are coming along nicely, hang in there.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @ContraryMaryMary Sounds like a heck of a race! Well done!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    For those of us in the USA the 2018 winter weather outlook is up. Could be a warm winter or extra cold pending where you are:

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    For those of us in the USA the 2018 winter weather outlook is up. Could be a warm winter or extra cold pending where you are:


    Looks like it's going to be a fun Boston training season in upstate NY.